USB Safely Remove v4.3.2.950

USB Safely Remove is a USB device manager. It saves time and extends user abilities on active work with flash-drives, portable drives, card readers and other gadgets.

saves time...

* Displaying what prevent a device from being stopped

* Safe removal via hotkeys

Lets you recognize a device in a snap...

* The handy menu with device icons

* Real device names and ability to rename them

* Feature to hide unnecessary to stop devices

Extends your hot-plug opportunities...

* Program autorun on device connection\disconnection

* Command line for safe removal

Does unique things!

* Hiding of "empty" card reader drives

* Card reader memory cards ejection one-by-one

* Returning just stopped device back!




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Được gửi bởi tam_giang

Ai cho biết tại sao mình phải dùng cái này trong khi Windows vừa có cái y hệt ?

Cái mặc định của windows chưa đủ mạnh bạn ah.

Bạn cài cái này đi, sẽ thấy nó tuyệt cú vời như thế nào.

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