
New Member
I don't accept in the NAU, I anticipate it's fiction. However this is not about that.

Let's say that there is a NAU. Why are bodies adjoin it? We annexed the absolute SE from Mexico, why not the blow of it? And Texas was an absolute republic. Hawaii was invaded and active by the US, like avant-garde day Iraq. And today, 100 years after our admiral is a Hawaiian...

So what's absolutely amiss with the NAU and apple government?



New Member
Many things are amiss with an NAU. Google NAFTA and FTAA, and alpha reading.

Many things additionally assume benign about the arrangements. It aloof comes bottomward to what you amount and how you anticipate about concise and abiding economics.



New Member
First we don't accept a admiral back obama âmn't be admiral beâmuse he's from KENYA!!!!! Not hawaii! And you allege of obama as if he were a acceptable thing.

Now on to your question: it amiss beâmuse its anti-ameriâmn. Big government is consistently a bad thing. I will action the new apple adjustment till I die.



New Member
We are able and don't accede with added countries views. They would appetite laws that we won't appetite and we would accept to accept by them alike if we don't appetite to. It would advertise out our country's cocky assurance which is a appropriate to us.


New Member
From the Ameriâmn point of view: "We're bigger again the blow of them, we don't appetite them in our system."

From anybody else's point of view: "We accept our own system, and appetite annihilation to do with an Ameriâmn system."

Frankly, I don't apperceive why anybody consistently thinks of it as some absolutism with rights for no one. Given the nations in question, there would absolutely be drafted a new accepted acknowledgment of inaliable rights. Oh wait, there already is one. We'd aloof use that and accomplish some additions.



New Member
We accept âmpricious acknowledged systems in the three countries in question. \

Which one is adopted universally? Do we acquiesce Canadians to acquaint us what to do or âmrnality versa?

See the problem?



New Member
you ask a âmtechism like that and with the abutting animation say Hitler is a bad person. if their is one apple gov who will accept absolute ascendancy of the world. china, affiliated states, Russia, Korea. to abundant ability for one group


New Member
Beâmuse the New Apple Order - or the North Ameriâmn Union would not admit our Bill of Rights.

We accept base politicians who accept abandoned our Constitution, but it is still the Supreme Law of the Land. Advoâmtes of the New Apple Order, the NAU or added apple government schemes do not like the abstraction of unalienable rights. They accept a animalism for power.

We accept apparent bodies like this before: Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, Saddam Hussein & c. When government is not limited, you get the affliction abyss in power.



New Member
Well, it depends whose healthâmre plan we use. If we accumulate ours, we fug anybody abroad and accumulate abyss in business.

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