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Bác nào có serial của soft: Food Cost Studio v3.5 thì cho em xin với. Soft này độc và hiếm nên em tìm mãi không ra.


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Food Cost Studio is a free food costing software program that allows you to track and control your food cost. It is not one of those cheap spreadsheets, it is a database program that is feature rich, and simple to use. The problem is that other food cost programs are either really expensive or there is no free phiên bản available for download.
Food Cost Studio has been designed with the end user in mind. The software was designed by a chef de cuisine who wanted something fast and a program that would target food cost, and only food cost. The other programs are either too complicated, or simply too expensive. Let's face it, in the kitchen, time is short and you need a tool that is easy to use and fast.
Food Cost studio is a free food costing program, there is no other software like this available for free. Here are just some of Food Cost Studio's features:
Zero in on the areas that you are losing money. Food Cost Studio can reveal to you where you are losing money, these are areas that you are not even aware of. In some cases it can be thousands of dollars per month.
Calculates nutritional information. Customers these days are demanding nutritional information. Providing this service does not lower your sales, it increases them. Your customers will thank you.
Has a built in food cost calculator that can be used to rapidly scale formulas/recipes. This is great for catering, large production runs etc…
Print recipe books that pertain to your operation. Keep things consistent when you print off full recipe books for your line cooks.
Food Cost Studio can suggest a resell price OR you enter three of your own prices and the food cost is calculated. Let Food Cost studio do the work for you, all you do is enter a few numbers.
Full costing of menus. Food Cost Studio can cost out entire menus with the click of a button. Save time and frustration when you have Food Cost Studio do the work for you.

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