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1. What is the higher mountain in the world?
a.What c. higher
2. I wish my mother gives me presents more often.
a.wish b. gives d. more often
3. The teacherwas pleasing with the result of your examination.
a.The b.was c. pleasing d. of
4. The littleboy didn't know how lacing his shoes.
a.The little boy b. didn't c. how d. lacing
5. You are quite sothin that you can slip between the bars.
a. are b. quite so c.canslip d.between
6. To turnon the light, I was surprised at what I saw.
a. To turn b.on c.was
7. I would ratherlive on a farm than to live in a city.
a.would rather c. on d. to live
8. The schoollibrary isfree and open forallthe pupils and teaching staff. b. and c. for d. all
9. Why don'tyou borrow books inthe local lending library?
a.Why b.don't c.borrow d. in
10. He had to admit that there were something in what motherkept saying.
a.admit b. were c.what d.saying
11. The students suggested buyingflowers forthe teachers in the Teachers'Day.
a.The students b. buying c. for d. in
12. No one have solved sucha difficult problem.
a. have b.solved c. such d. difficult
13. During theirmeat, they discussed what to do at the weekend.
a.During b. meat do
14. If you writethe essay careful, you willget good mark.
a. If b. write c. careful d. will
15. Ordinary Americans arefriendly and notafraid to show its feelings.
a.Ordinary b.are c. not d.its
16. The girl who were injured inthe accident is now in hospital.
a.who b. were
17. Thank you very much of the present that you sent me.
a. very b. much c. of d. that
18. There wasn't some directory in the telephone box fromwhich I was phoning.
a.wasn't b. some c.the d. from
19. The man who I was waitingfordidn't turn up.
a.The man b. who c. was d.for
20. Women wearmake-up to beautifulthemselves.
a.wear b.make-up c. beautiful d. themselves
21. Mai and Lan have a row because they have misunderstood one another.
a.have b.because c.misunderstood d. one another
22. The workers are buildinga new bridge which is 150 meters in high.
a.building b. anew bridge c.which d. high
23. It's no use asking themkeep quiet. use b.asking c. them d. keep
24. This text is too longfor me to read it. b. long read d. it
25. I can't get used to doingso difficult exercises.
a.can't b. used c. doing d. so
26. My father doesn't know speak English.
a.My b. doesn't c. speak d. English
27. She behaves asif she was a baby.
a.behaves b. as if c. was d. a
28. You wanted me totellyou about what I wasdoinghere and how was my life. tell b. about c.was doing d. was
29. The course isgood, but more hard than I thought. b. but c. more hard d. thought
30. Sleepingall day, to eat too much and nevergoing out is unhealthy.
a.Sleeping b. to eat c.much d. never
31. The dentistgave me a check upand then tellingme I needed two fillings. b. check up c. telling d. fillings
32. These engines used beingstarted by hand. But now they are started byelectricity.
a.used b. being c.Butnow d. are
33. This house isoften brokenoff and a lot of things are taken away. b. broken c. off d. away
34. My father has amechanic to repairhis motorbikemonthly.
a.has b.a c. to repair d. monthly
35. Therealways is one wisewoman who is both feared and respected by her people.
a. always b.wise c. who d.both
36. The woman tellsthem close theireyes tightly and coverthem with their hands.
a.tells b. close c.tightly d.with
37. They visited America about a thousand years ago, on the eleventh centuryAD.
a.visited b.thousand c.ago d. on
38. Ha Dong is the town where I amborn andgrew up. b. where c. am d. grew
39. She is the girlabout that I talked to you yesterday.
a.the girl b. that d.yesterday
40. The lesson thatwe are learningnow is very interested but difficult.
a.that b. now c. interested d. but
41. She made me to pay forthe damage I had done.
a.made b. to pay c.for d.had done
42. He warned me to make an eye on my luggage as that place was fullof thieves.
a. me b. to make c.on d. full
43. When you are late forclass, you shouldapologize foryourteacher.
a.When b.for c.should d. for
44. The village that I was born and grew up is situatedon the Red River.
a. that b.grew c.situated d.on
45. Some children, before going to school, go to kindergartens, officiallyare called nursery schools.
a.before b. go c.officially d. are called
46. Englishchildren start school in six and finish at sixteen.
a.English b. start c. in d. at
47. I don't feelastired aftera train journey so I do aftera car journey.
a.don't b.tired c. so d. after
48. The child ran fastly toget to school.
a.child b. fastly
49. If it willrain this afternoon, we will have to cancel ourpicnic.
a.If b. will rain c.will d.cancel
50. He is very weak tolift this suitcase.
a. very b.weak d.this
51. Sun weather can always be dependedon in southern countries.
a. Sun b.always c. on d. in
52. The man that wife andfamily are away seems very lonely.
a. that b.and c.are d.seems
53. Each year more and more people try settingnew and unusualrecords.
a.more and more b. people c. setting d. unusual
54. Someoneelse put 49,999 dominoes in a line and knocking themall down.
a.else b. dominoes d. knocking
55. The peel were actually52 meters long.
a.The b. were c.actually d. long
56. Why did allthecustomers at the Red Lion have topay of theirbeerthat week?
a.did b. at c. have to d. of
57. The heavy rain made itpossibleforusto have ourpicnic.
a.heavy c. possible d. to
58. If you makea five-days trip across the Atlantic Ocean, your shipenters a different time zone everyday.
a.make b. five-days c.enters
59. When he arrived at the furniture shop, they had been sold the table hewanted. b. furniture c. had been sold d. wanted
60. May Day regularly is celebrated in many countries around the world.
a. regularly b.celebrated d.around
61. If airplane ticket wasn'texpensive, I could fly to Singaporeformy holidays.
a.If b. wasn't c.could fly d.for
62. Friends advised herto stop doing thehousework becauseher old age.
a.her stop c.housework d. because
63. Although she is 103 but she stilldoes a lot of work in the flat.
a.Although c. but d. a lot of
64. He had so a difficult exercise that he couldn't do it.
a.had b. so c.difficult
65. It is the largercity inEurope with a population ofover eight million. b. larger d.of
66. It is a beautifulbuilding of two towers and a very big clock called Big Ben.
a.beautiful b. of c.very d. called
67. Many hundred years ago therewere many villages and little towns in England.
a.ago b. were c. little d. in
68. They usually took a tree back with them and put it on the centre of the village.
a.with b. put c. on d. of
69. The internationalworking class made the one of May theirday of solidarity.
a.working b. made c. one d. of
70. The first May Day celebrated inEngland in 1890.
a.first b. celebrated d.1890
71. Television isone of man's important mean of communication. b. man's c. mean d. communication
72. ThoughTV, home viewers can see andlearn about people, places and thingsin faraway lands.
a. Though b.learn c.about d. in
73. TV provides many more entertainment programs as any otherkind.
a.many b.entertainment c. as d. any
74. Povertydesert countries inAfrica can growguayule.
a. Poverty b. countries c. in d.grow
75. The rubberfarms will make a lot ofmoney and give jobs to a great deal of people.
a.rubber b. make c. a lot of d. a great deal of
76. Around the age of sixteen you must make one of the biggest decision of your life.
a.Around b.of c. must d. decision
77. Junko Tabei, isa JapanesefromHokkaido, was the first womanto makethis difficult climb. b. from c. was make
78. A Tokyo newspaper - television companyhad organized the climb in1975.
a.Tokyo c. had organized d. in
79. Bill and Fred was students at a universityand they were friends.
a.and b. was d. were
80. The noise on the roof of the trailer wokeBill and Fred up very quick.
a.The b.of c. woke d. quick
81. In April 1984, David Hempleman- Adams walked through northern Canadato the North Pole withhimself. a.In b.walked c. to d. with
82. David was a bravery man to go on this adventure by himself.
a.was b. bravery c.on d. himself
83. Biddenden, England isa small town of 1,500 person, with a history of nine hundred years. b. of c.person d. hundred
84. Each EasterMonday, old people, widows, widowers, and others living on small incomes take part with a ceremony called Chulkurst Charity.
a.old b. living c. with d. called
85. Her family were patriots who supported the American Revolutional.
a.were b.patriots c.who d. Revolutional
86. She wouldbe killed if that she did not betray the patriots inthe area.
a.would b. if that c.didnot
87. The city of Lufkin, Texas, has had much than ten million employees working forit without pay. b. has had c. much d. working
88. These employers have not taken vacations, asked forsick leave, or complained about havingto work long hours.
a. employers b.taken c. asked d.having
89. The worms eat the waste and turn it into clean fertilizer whom the city thensells to farmers. b.into c. whom d. to
90. During the Revolutionary War, American patriot wives and children frequently had to take refuge in forts escapingattacks.
a.During b.wives c.take d. escaping
91. The women would spend theirtime to makebread and bullets forthe soldiers.
a.would b.their c. to make d. for
92. The women were indignant and decided that they themselves would do one more effort to drive off the enemy.
a.were b.decided c. do d. to drive
93. The delay to prevent the surrender and allowed time forreinforcements to arrive and drive off the enemy.
a. to prevent b.allowed c. to arrive
94. The Japanesefirst developed fake food in the 1920s to introduce people to unfamiliar West dishes.
a.Japanese b. developed d. West
95. David was a young man who working in an office in a big city.
a.was b.who c. working d. an
96. He decidedto have a holiday ina beautiful place in the mountains where there were much streams. have c.where d. much
97. A rich men and his wife went in a shop tobuy a bracelet.
a. men b.wife c. in buy
98. She traveled to villages andreligious centers, with only an interpreter and afewmen to carry hercampingequipments.
a.traveled b.religious d. equipments
99. She adopted a fifteen-years-old Sikkimese boy to travelwith her.
a.adopted b. fifteen-years-old travel d. with
100. One day a lady saw a mouse to run across her kitchen floor.
a.One b.saw c. torun
101. She did not want to go back to the shops because it was very lately.
a.did not go c. because d. lately
102. The last time I went to London, I didn't have time to visit all theplace I wanted to see.
a.time c.didn't d. place
103. I soon got to know where were the main streets. b.where c. were d. streets
104. I can spend quitea long time in Westminster Abbey and learn of all theinteresting things there.
a.quite c. of d. there
105. They are very pleasant to travelby steamer down the Thames fromWestminsterto Tower Bridge.
a. They are b.pleasant d. down
106. One day a fame singerwas invited by a rich lady toher house.
a.One day b. fame c.was
107. At ten o'clock, the singerwas asked coming upstairs tothe lady's guests.
a.was asked b. coming c. upstairs
108. William H.Harrison, the man who served the most short term, died of pneumonia several weeks afterhis inauguration.
a.who b. the most short c.of d. after
109. Abraham Lincoln was one of fourpresidentswho was assassinated. b.presidents c.who d. was
110. James A. Garfield was shot during his first yearin office by a man to that he wouldn't give a job.
a.shot b. during c. that d. wouldn't
111. He doesn't much like the work, but he enjoyed the relationships with theotherworkers.
a.much b.but c. enjoyed d. with
112. Aftergettingher six-year-old daughterready anddriving herto the school, she starts on the housework.
a.getting b. six-year-old c. driving d. the school
113. She finds housework bored and doesn't like to stay at home all day.
a.finds b. bored c.doesn't stay
114. A artist went to a beautifulpart of the country for a holiday, and stayed witha farmer.
a. A c.beautiful d. for
115. The artist was very pleased and thanked the farmer forsaying so kindthings about the paintings.
a.pleased b.saying c. so d. about
116. Severalmembers of his family did a great dealto encouragehim inthe field of scientific.
a.Several b. to encourage d. scientific
117. While he dealt with the deaf and investigatingthe science of acoustics,his studies eventuallyled to the inventionof the multiple telegraph and his greatest invention -thetelephone.
a.dealt b. investigating c.eventually d. invention
118. Along in jogging and swimming, cycling is one of the best all-round forms ofexercise.
a. in b.cycling d.of
119. It can Giúp toincrease your strong and energy, giving you more efficient muscles and a strongerheart. increase b. strong d. stronger
120. Doing too much too quickly can damagemuscles that aren't used to work.
a.Doing b. quickly c. aren't d. to work
121. If you had any doubts about taking up cycling forhealth reasons, talk to your doctor and ask his or her advice.
a. had b.about c. talk d. ask
122. The decay begins in a little Cr-ack in the enamel tocoverof the tooth.
a.begins b. a little c. to cover d. of
123. We should eat food that isgood at ourteethand our body.
a.should b. is c. at d. teeth
124. Some accidents cause injuries but some lead todie.
a. cause b.but c.some d. die
125. The Transport Department organizes road safety campaigns every yearin order that reduce traffic accidents.
a.Transport c. in order that d. accidents
126. If everyone takes care when crossing the road, there willbe more trafficaccidents.
a.If b. takes c.crossing d. more
127. Coffee andtea is favorite hot drinks of people in all parts of the world.
a.and b. is c.drinks d. in
128. In the United States, whichmore coffee is used than inany othernation, many people drink their coffee " black", withoutcream or sugar.
a.In b. which c.any d. without
129. In China, Japan and other Orientalcountries, where tea is the national drink,people almost use neversugar in theirtea.
a.Oriental b. where c.almost d. never
130. Richard leaves at home at about half past eight, with his schoolbagunder his arm.
a. at b.about c. with d. under
131. He doesn't buy aticket every day sohe has a seasonticket.
a.doesn't b. a c. so d. season
132. Schoolsin England are notthe same from in ourcountry.
a.Schools b. are not c. from d. our
133. In England schoolchildrendo not go to school on Saturdays with Sundays.
a.children c.on d. with
134. In some places, winter begins in Novemberand endingin March orApril.
a.In b. begins c. ending d. or
135. You can see a lot of childs running and jumping in the snow or playing with snowballs.
a.see b. childs d.playing
136. One day theirmothertook them in their aunt's house to play while she wentto the big city to buy some new clothes.
a.took b. in c.while d.some
137. Two old gentlemen lived in a quite street in Paris.
a.gentlemen c. quite d. Paris
138. They went often for walks togetherin the streets when the weather was fine.
a. often b.together c. when d.was
139. In Englandnobody undertheage of eighteenare allowed to drink in a publicbar.
a.In b. nobody c. are d. to drink
140. There is a prison in iceland which allows its prisoners going out without any guards to work everyday. b. allows c. going d. to work
141. Mary and herhusband wanted togive the old lady toa nice birthday present.
a.her give c. to d. nice
142. He is such famous that he has a great many fans. b. such c.has d. fans-->b
143. The policecaught he becausehe was involved ina robbery.
a.police b. he c. because d. in
144. If he doesn't understand the lesson, his father often explains it forhim.
a.understand b.his c.often d. for
145. Most of the buildingin this town are ratherunattractive, but this church is anexception.
a.of b. building c.rather d. but

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