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1. Rationale
There has been much written in recent years about Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA for short). It appears to be quite difficult to define CDA in simple terms. However, CDA is my choice for the MA thesis because first and foremost, CDA regards language as a social practice – language is a part of society, language is a social process, and language is a socially conditioned process. These implications have been discussed in details by Norman Fairclough (1989).
Then, it can be inferred from above implications that doing discourse analysis involves in not merely analyzing texts, processes of production and interpretation, but also analyzing the relationship between texts, processes, and their social conditions – or in other terms, the relationship between texts, interactions, and contexts. And CDA is critical in the sense that it shows connections and causes which are hidden – such as the connection between language, power and ideology, the problems of inequality and racism – through discourse analysis. More clearly stated, CDA is critical when it explicitly addresses social problems and seeks to solve social problems through the analysis and accompanying social and political action. The intention of the analysts in this view of ‘critical’ is explicitly oriented toward locating social problems and analyzing how discourse operates to construct and historically constructed by such issues. They must work from the analysis of texts to the social and political context in which the texts emerge. CDA thus can be said a very practical form of discourse analysis. It seeks not only to describe language but also to offer critical resources to those wishing to resist various forms of power.
For those mentioned reasons, a speech by Martin Luther King “Beyond Vietnam – A Time to Break Silence” is to be analyzed from the CAD viewpoint together with the hope that this study may vice versa Giúp illustrate and clarify CDA concepts. Despite being delivered in 1967, this speech was especially mentioned by many Americans when the U.S. government decided to attack Iraq in 2003. It is the ideological and topical features of this speech that “Beyond Vietnam – A Time to Break Silence” by Martin Luther King has been chosen. During the course of analyzing the speech, the way power and ideology embedded in texts and coded in language use will be gradually manifested. Although I am a supporter of Martin Luther King, I will try to be objective towards political issues in the speech – a crucial demand in CDA – as a base for critical reading of any text and developing scientific and objective standpoint towards any discourse where power relations may exist.
Another reason for choosing CDA comes from my own personal interest. In general, when any theory or approach in linguistics appears, it will be studied and, through researches, practically applied to teaching and leaning. CDA has shown its role in social sciences, but I am really interested in the fact that whether CDA viewpoint is of some Giúp in language teaching and learning. I hope to find the answer during the application of CDA approach in the analysis of the speech “Beyond Vietnam – A Time to Break Silence” by Martin Luther King.
2. Scope of the study
The analysis of Martin Luther King’s speech is confined to verbal aspects of the speech and the social context when the speech was delivered. Because of some reasons, paralinguistic (intonation, speed, loudness, etc.) and extralinguistic (facial expression, eye contact, etc.) factors are not taken into account though they are important in the discourse.
This is a pure linguistic study and for academic purpose only. I will not express my own political view. And this study is not for or against any party or to change anyone’s political viewpoint.
3. Objectives and aims of the study
The objectives of the study in analyzing Martin Luther King’s speech “Beyond Vietnam – A Time to Break Silence” from CDA standpoint include:
- Providing a theoretical background of CDA – its concepts, its analysis procedures as well as its role in social scientific research and in general in linguistics in particular.
- Finding out hidden power/struggle and ideology from linguistic elements of the text. In order to realize this aim, the study is supposed to answer the following research questions:
• How are power and ideology realized lexically and grammatically?
• How are power and ideology realized in terms of transitivity and thematic structures?
• How are power and ideology realized macro structurally?
Besides, this study also aims at:
- Providing an objective view as a linguist when approaching texts, especially those addressing power and ideology.
- Trying to develop the ability in critical thinking.
- Finding the application of CAD approach in language teaching and learning.
4. Design of the study
The study consists of three parts. They are:
Part A: Introduction: This part presents the rationale, scope, aims, methodology, and design of the study.
Part B: Development: This is the main part and it consists of three chapters.
Chapter 1: Theoretical background.
This chapter gives an overview of CDA – its history, role, concepts, and procedure. Systemic-functional theory is also concerned in this chapter.
Chapter 2: A critical discourse analysis of Martin Luther King’s speech: ‘Beyond Vietnam – A Time to Break Silence’.
The CDA procedure addressed by Fairclough and systemic-functional theory are applied to analyze the speech to find out the connection between power/struggle, ideology and the language.
Chapter 3: Implications
Some implications of applying CDA in developing critical thinking, in language teaching and learning.
Part C: Conclusion
This part summarizes the main findings of the study, draws important conclusion and offers suggestions for further research.

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