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Luận văn tiếng Anh:Nghiên cứu về phát triển ngôn ngữ cho học sinh trường Tiểu học Đoàn Xá thông qua điệu ca, bài hát và trò chơi = A study on using chants, songs and games to develop language in teaching English to students at Doan Xa primary school. M.A Thesis Linguistics:
M.A Thesis English Teaching Methodology -- University of Languages and International studies. Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2014
The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether using chants, songs and games in teaching language in general and teaching vocabulary in particular is effective or not. The researcher also tries to find out the ways of using chants, songs and games to teach language for the third-grade students at Doan Xa Primary school.In order to reach the aims of the thesis, the author used the following data collection instruments: interview for teachers, survey questionnaire for students and tests for students. The results and findings show that students’ vocabulary improves considerably after learning English through chants, songs and games. Furthermore, the findings also point out that in the lessons using chants, songs and games, teachers should design a variety of tasks such as gap-filling, multiple choice, ticking true or false to enhance students’ vocabulary. Teachers should also choose chants, songs and games from various sources such as internet, CD, VCD or television to attract students’ concentration.

1. Rationale of the study
“The entire middle class seem want to learn English for their children as an
international vehicle which they can then use with the rest of the world” (Arthur Mc.
in Graddol and Meinhof, 1995:5). This is true that people all can not deny that
nowadays English plays a significant role in the world in general and in our life in
particular. It is the international language in the world which is used widely in many
fields of our daily life. It is the language of science and technology, economy and
commerce. It is also the language of aviation, tourism, education and many other
fields. It is chosen to be taught in many schools in many countries as the second
language. Therefore, governments pay more attention to teaching and learning
One of the most crucial goals of teaching and learning English is to
communicate. Communication helps people exchange knowledge, love, experiences,
etc but if people do not have enough knowledge of that language, they will have
many difficulties in exchanging information. They can not understand the things
people want to talk to them or they do not know how to express their thoughts or it
maybe lead to misunderstanding or the communication breakdown. Recognizing
the significance of language in our life, howerver, most of the classrooms in
Vietnam in general and at Doan Xa primary school in particular, people do not
appreciate highly English - the language which is taught as the second language.
Students learn Vietnamese and Maths more than six periods per week. They
even learn more these subjects at school or in the teachers’ house, while, they have
two periods a week to learn many skills such as listening, speaking, reading and
writing. As a result, many students complained that they had spent plenty of time
studying English but they can not remember lessons they had learned and some
days later even some hours later they forgot them completely. This is the reason
why teaching and learning English requires a new method to make learning English
language interesting and effective. TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................... v
PART I: INTRODUCTION.................................................................................. 1
1. Rationale of the study........................................................................................... 1
2. Aims and objectives of the study ......................................................................... 2
3. Research questions ............................................................................................... 2
4. Scope of the study ................................................................................................ 2
5. Significance of the study...................................................................................... 2
6. Methodology ........................................................................................................ 2
7. Design of the study............................................................................................... 3
PART II: DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................. 4
CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................. 4
1.1. Definition of language....................................................................................... 4
1.2. The role of teachers and students in teaching and learning language............... 4
1.2.1. Teachers’ role ................................................................................................ 4
1.2.2. Students’ role ................................................................................................. 6
1.3. Review of methods and approaches for teaching language .............................. 7
1.3.1. Methods of teaching language ....................................................................... 7
1.3.2. Approaches for teaching language................................................................. 8
1.4. Chants, songs and games as motivations for students to improve language .... 9
1.5. Aspects of language that can be improved through chants, songs and games.. 11
1.5.1. Pronunciation ................................................................................................. 11
1.5.2. Vocabulary ..................................................................................................... 11
1.5.3. Listening......................................................................................................... 12
1.5.4. Speaking......................................................................................................... 13
1.6. Choosing chants, songs and games ................................................................... 13 1.6.1. Choosing chants and songs ............................................................................ 13
1.6.2. Choosing games ............................................................................................. 14
1.7. Review of related studies .................................................................................. 14
1.8. Summary ........................................................................................................... 16
CHAPTER 2: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ................................................ 17
2.1. The setting of the study..................................................................................... 17
2.1.1. Conditions which affect students’ participation in a language lesson ........... 17
2.1.2. Teaching and learning conditions at Doan Xa primary school...................... 17
2.2. Participants........................................................................................................ 19
2.3. Data collection instruments............................................................................... 19
2.3.1. Questionnaire for students.............................................................................. 19
2.3.2. Interview for teachers..................................................................................... 20
2.3.3. Tests .............................................................................................................. 20
2.4 Data collection and analysis procedure.............................................................. 20
2.5. Summary ........................................................................................................... 21
CHAPTER 3: DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS.......................................... 22
3.1. Questionnaire for students................................................................................. 22
3.1.1. Aims ............................................................................................................... 22
3.1.2. Participants..................................................................................................... 22
3.1.3. Data analysis .................................................................................................. 22 Students’ attitude towards learning vocabulary with the use of chants,
songs and games....................................................................................................... 22 The improvement of students after they had been taught with the use of
chants, songs and games .......................................................................................... 23 Students’ favorite tasks in the lesson with the use of chants, songs and
games....................................................................................................................... 24 The difficulties the learners had while they studied with the use of chants,
songs and games....................................................................................................... 24
3.2. Interview for teachers........................................................................................ 26
3.2.1. Aims ............................................................................................................... 26 3.2.2. Participants..................................................................................................... 26
3.2.3. Data analysis .................................................................................................. 26 Teachers’ frequency of using chants, songs and games ............................ 26 Teachers’ attitudes towards the effectiveness of chants, songs and games.27 The difficulties the teachers had while designing a lesson with the use of
chants, songs and games. ......................................................................................... 27 The sources of chants, songs and games..................................................... 28 The tasks teachers design to teach students with the use of chants, songs
and games................................................................................................................ 29
3.3. Tests .................................................................................................................. 29
3.3.1. Aims ............................................................................................................... 29
3.3.2. Participants..................................................................................................... 29
3.3.3. Test description .............................................................................................. 30
3.3.4. Data analysis and findings ............................................................................. 30 Pre-test (at the beginning of the term) ........................................................ 30 Frequency distribution ............................................................................. 30 Correlation................................................................................................ 31 Post- test (at the end of the term) ................................................................ 32 Frequency distribution ............................................................................. 32 Correlation................................................................................................ 33
3.4. Summary ........................................................................................................... 34
CHAPTER 4: PEDAGOGICAL SUGGESTIONS............................................. 35
4.1. The use of chants, songs and games in the lesson ............................................ 35
4.1.1. The use of chants............................................................................................ 35
4.1.2. The use of songs............................................................................................. 35
4.1.3. The use of games............................................................................................ 36
4.2. Suggestions for task designing.......................................................................... 36
4.3. A sample lesson plan using chants, songs and games....................................... 37
4.4. Summary ........................................................................................................... 38
PART III: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS ............................................ 39 1. Recapitulation ...................................................................................................... 39
2. Conclusion............................................................................................................ 39
3. Limitations of the study ....................................................................................... 40
4. Suggestions for further study ............................................................................... 40
REFERENCES......................................................................................................... 41
AND VIETNAMESE VERSIONS)..................................................................... I
APPENDIX 2: INTERVIEW FOR TEACHERS ................................................ V
APPENDIX 3: PRE-TEST................................................................................... VIII
APPENDIX 4: POST-TEST ................................................................................ IX
APPENDIX 5: SAMPLE TASKS ....................................................................... X
APPENDIX 6: SAMPLE LESSON PLAN ......................................................... XIV

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