Luận văn tiếng Anh: An investigation into difficulties in English - Vietnamese technical translation faced by third-year students at English Deparment, Hanoi University of Industry = Nghiên cứu những khó khăn của sinh viên năm thứ 3 khoa tiếng Anh trường Đại học Công nghiệp Hà Nội khi dịch Anh - Việt trong các chuyên ngành kỹ thuật. M.A. Thesis Linguistics: 60 22 15
Nhà xuất bản: ĐHNN
Ngày: 2010
Chủ đề: Dịch
Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành
Declaration ..............................................................................................................................i
Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................ii
List of abbreviations ...............................................................................................................IV
List of tables and figures ........................................................................................................v
Table of contents
Part A: Introduction...............................................................................................................1
1. Rationale .........................................................................................................................1
2. Aims of the study.............................................................................................................2
3. Scope of the study............................................................................................................2
4. Methodology of the study................................................................................................2
5. Structure of the study.......................................................................................................2
Part B: Development ..............................................................................................................4
Chapter 1: Theoretical background......................................................................................4
1.1. Theory on Translation...............................................................................................4
1.1.1. Definitions of Translation..............................................................................4
1.1.2. Translation methods.......................................................................................5
1.1.3. Translation problems. ....................................................................................7
1.2. Technical Translation ...............................................................................................8
1.2.1. Definitions of technical translation................................................................8
1.2.2. The role of terminology in technical translation............................................8
1.2.3. Some misconceptions about technical translation .........................................9
1.3. Summary...................................................................................................................11
Chapter 2: Investigation into the current situation of teaching and learning EnglishVietnamese Technical Translation at English Department, Hanoi University of
Industry (ED, HaUI)...............................................................................................................12
2.1. Teaching and learning of English-Vietnamese technical translation at ED, HaUI ..12
2.2. Description of the teachers at Translation Division, ED, HaUI. ..............................12
2.3. Description of the students at ED, HaUI. .................................................................13
2.4. Description of facilities, materials and teaching methods for English-Vietnamese
technical translation at ED, HaUI. .............................................................................13
2.5. Some estimated difficulties in English-Vietnamese technical translation faced by
third year students at ED, HaUI, based on subjective opinon of the researcher........14
2.6. Summary...................................................................................................................14
Chapter 3: The study..............................................................................................................15
3.1 Participants................................................................................................................15
3.2 The data collection methods. ....................................................................................15
3.3 The data collection procedures. ................................................................................16
3.4 The data analysis and discussions of the findings. ...................................................16
3.4.1 Students’ attitudes toward English-Vietnamese T.T at ED, HaUI ...................16
3.4.2 Students’ difficulties in English-Vietnamese T.T.............................................19 In terms of discourse...............................................................................20 In terms of grammar ...............................................................................21 In terms of vocabulary ............................................................................22 In terms of translation techniques...........................................................24
3.4.3 The possible causes for students’ problems in English-Vietnamese T.T .........25 Students’ learning style...........................................................................25 The teachers and their teaching methodology ........................................26 Teaching and learning conditions ...........................................................29
3.5 Major findings and summary....................................................................................29
Chapter 4: Recommendations. ..............................................................................................31
4.1 For students...............................................................................................................31
4.1.1. Increasing right perceptions and motivation of learning T.T ........................31
4.1.2. Applying different learning methods.............................................................32
4.2 For teachers...............................................................................................................33
4.2.1 Increasing right perceptions and motivation of teaching T.T........................33
4.2.2 Renovating and applying flexibly different teaching methods and
classroom techniques .....................................................................................34
4.2.3 Working as a freelance translator ..................................................................37
4.3 For managers.............................................................................................................37
4.3.1 For ED managers ...........................................................................................38
4.3.2 For the university managers...........................................................................38
4.4 Summary...................................................................................................................38
Part C: Conclusion..................................................................................................................39
1. Summary of the findings and conclusions.......................................................................39
2. Limitations and suggestions for further study .................................................................40
1. Rationale
Technical Translation (T.T) has long been regarded as the urgly duckling of translation,
especially in academic circles. Not particularly exciting or attractive and definitely lacking
in the glamour and cachet of other types of translation, T.T is often relegated to the bottom
division of translation activity and regarded as little more than an exercise in specilized
terminology and subject knowledge. Indeed, these factors, particularly subject knowledge,
have in some quarters led to T.T being feared and loathed, like a modern-day barbarian of
the linguistic world (Jody Byrne, 2006). Like other specialized types of translation,
however, T.T does not fit neatly into any one theory or approach and that there is no
adequate explanation of T.T as an activity. In fact, T.T is worthy of serious study.
Hanoi University of Industry (HaUI) has always been proud of its long history with great
contributions to the national technological developments as well as industrialization and
modernization process. To diversify its training majors and educational services, HaUI
newly established English Department (ED) in 2005 with the hope of providing qualified
technical translators and interpreters for the national labour market. Even teachers and
students at ED have tried their best, it is inevitable to cope with difficulties in both
awareness as well as methodology and experiences of teaching and learning T.T.
Being trained as an translator and interpreter and now working as a teacher at Translation
Division, ED, HaUI, the researcher has always been aware of difficulties as well as
responsibilities of training and developing skills and strategies of translation in general and
T.T in particular for English majored students. If students have good perceptions and
understanding as well as chances to practice and gain experiences of translation and T.T,
they are able to build self-confidence and interest in translation-related jobs in future.
Despite the efforts of both teachers and students, however, the researcher still feels
dissatisfied of her students’ translation competence and frankly realizes that they are
unlikely to meet social demands after graduation.
The researcher has recognized many factors affecting teaching and learning T.T such as
inadequate understanding and professional knowledge of T.T from both teachers and
students; inappropriate teaching methods and classroom techniques; students’ low
motivation as well as ineffective teaching and learning conditions. Recognizing this study
as a minor thesis, however, the researcher cannot cover all the issues related to T.T, but
only English-Vietnamese T.T applied for English-majored students at ED, HaUI.
2. Aims of the study
The study ultimately aims to examine difficulties faced by third year students at ED, HaUI
in English-Vietnamese T.T.
The researcher would like to find out the proper answers for the research questions, then
suggesting helpful recommendations to improve the raised issue:
 What are the attitudes of the third year students at ED, HaUI toward EnglishVietnamese T.T?
 What are the most common difficulties in English-Vietnamese T.T facing the
 What are the possible causes for the difficulties?
3. Scope of the study
The study mainly focuses on the most common difficulties facing third year students at
ED, HaUI in English-Vietnamese T.T. The researcher will analyze and discuss findings in
the student questionnaire; combine with observation, marking and informal interview with
students and teachers; then suggest recommendations to improve teaching and learning T.T
at ED, HaUI. It is hoped that findings from this thesis will be of some benefits to improve
teaching and learning T.T at ED, HaUI.
4. Methodology of the study
The study will be conducted on a step by step basis. First, the study will present a review
of theory on translation in general and T.T in particular to form overall view of the
research matter. This study adopts case study approach, therefore, it is necessary to
investigate the current situation of teaching and learning English-Vietnamese T.T at ED,
HaUI in order that the researcher can estimate difficulties facing her third year students.
To achieve the aims of the study, the survey questionnaires will be used as the main
method to collect necessary data for analysis and discussion. Besides, the researcher’s
observation, marking as well as informal interview with students and colleagues will be
also used in the thesis.
5. Structure of the study
The study includes three main parts, a bibliography and appendixes.
Part A : Introduction
It introduces the rationale for choosing the topic, the research questions, the aims, scope,
methodology and structure of the study.
Part B : Development
Part B consists of three chapters.
Chapter 1: Theoretical background
This chapter provides theory of translation in general and T.T in particular.
Chapter 2: Investigation into the current situation of teaching and learning EnglishVietnamese T.T at ED, HaUI.
The chapter brings the general picture of teaching and learning T.T at ED, HaUI. The
researcher analyzes the situation and subjectively gives a draft answer for the research
Chapter 3: The study
This chapter presents research methodology which concentrates on the participants, data
collection methods and procedures, data analysis and discussion of findings to compare
with her first draft answer in chapter 2.
Chapter 4: Recommendations.
The chapter suggests the possible recommendations to reduce the difficulties in EnglishVietnamese T.T at ED, HaUI. The researcher would like to foward the thesis to her
students, her colleagues and the board of managers at HaUI with the hope of improving
T.T teaching and learning at the university.
Part C: Conclusion
This part summarizes the main issues raised in the study, points out the limitations and
makes some suggestions for further research.
Technical translation (T.T) is an important part of translation, therefore, it is necessary to
present a review of theory on both translation and T.T to form the basis for pointing out
difficulties facing the third year students at ED, HaUI.
1.1. Theory on Translation
Newmark (1988:19) states that “ translation theory is neither a theory nor a science, but the
body of knowledge. Its main concern is to determine appropriate translation methods for
the widest possible range of texts or text-categories. Further, it provides a framework of
principles, restricted rules and hints for translating texts and criticizing translations, a
background for problem-solving”.
1.1.1 Definitions of Translation
Translation has been approached variously and thus many different definitions of
translation have been coined.
Catford (1965:20) considers translation the replacement of textual material in one language
by an equivalent textual material in the other language. This point of view was shared by
Hartman and Stork (1972:713) “translation is the replacement of a representation of a text
in one language by a representation of an equivalent text in a second language”. These
definitions emphasize on importance of equivalence when textual material is replaced from
source language (SL) to target language (TL).
Bell, RT. (1991:5) says “Translation is the expression in another language (or TL) of what
has been expressed in another, source language, preserving semantic and stylistic
equivalences”. Hatim and Mason (1990:3) see translation as a communicative process
which takes place within a social context. These definitions attach importance to
equivalence between SL and TL. Indeed, translator should be the one of superior language
ability in at least two languages.
Newmark, however, has made an important contribution to the development of translation.
He states (1988a:7) “Translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written
message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in
another language”. Newmark is the first one considering translation a science, a skill, an
art, a matter of taste.
and applying flexibly different teaching methods. Teachers should also work as freelance
translators to gain and improve their practical experiences and make their lessons in T.T
more exciting and convincing. The E.D and university managers are suggested creating
favorable conditions for teaching and learning T.T.
Scientific and technical advances are developed rapidly, resulting in higher demand for
T.T, especially English-Vietnamese one. The crucial thing in this thesis is that both
teachers and students must have the right perceptions of T.T. Once T.T is understood and
treated correctly and properly, interest and motivation are surely raised, then finding
appropriate teaching and learning methods is completely feasible.
Hopefully, the thesis might be of some benefits to improve teaching and learning EnglishVietnamese T.T at ED, HaUI.
2. Limitations and suggestions for further study.
In most research projects, especially minor theses with limited time and moderate
requirements, some limitations are inevitable. The study in this thesis is of no exception.
The study was conducted in the newly established ED at HaUI with teaching staffs
including the researcher having little or even no teaching experiences of T.T, the
suggestions in chapter 4 were likely to be subjective and incomplete, leaving the issue
open for debate.
Hopefully, the following matters will be thoroughly studied in the future:
 The most common difficulties in English-Vietnamese technical translation faced by
the third year English non-majored students at HaUI.
 The translation problems of English-Vietnamese technical matters.
 Standardization of Vietnamese equivalents for English technical terms in EnglishVietnamese technical dictionary.
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