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The survey was carried out with the cooperation of one class (42 English majors) namely K5B. They are third-year students of English department. They are in their early twenties ranging from 21 to 23 years of age. The Business English course for those students began at the beginning of December 2006 and completed in April 2007. The course is obligatory to all students of the class.
These 42 students had to take part in the national entrance exam in which English accounts for one third of the exam score. This means that these students studied English when they were at high school for three to seven years. For the first five semesters, they were provided with General English in language skill practice such as listening, speaking, reading, listening, which is why they have obtained certain basic language skills especially writing skills when they started the Business English.

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aching approaches have come into being. However, there are strong similarities with product approaches and, in some ways, genre approaches can be regarded as an extension of product approach.
Like Product Approach, Genre Approach regards writing as predominantly linguistic but, unlike Product Approach, they emphasize that writing varies with the social context in which it is produced. So, we have a range of kinds of writing- such as business letters, research articles, and reports-linked with different situations .
In the ELT field, Dudley-Evans (1997:154) also identifies three stages in Genre approach to writing. First, a model of a particular genre is introduced and analyzed. Students then carry out exercises which manipulate relevant language forms and, finally, produce a short text.
To write in a particular genre, whether a formal report or a historical romance, the formal patterns that shape a text must be aware of. Students need to be familiarized with the schemata associated with the particular genres they will require. Genre analysis can therefore provide the vocabulary and concepts to explicitly teach the text structures we would like our students to produce. It places language at the center of writing development by allowing shared understanding and explicit guidance. The Genre Approach offers students a relatively fixed discourse model that they can use for reference, thus students will gain confidence in producing a text that serves its intended purpose. On the other hand, as to the negative side, the Genre Approach is prescriptive rather than descriptive, which is likely to lead to lack of creativity and de-motivation in the learners. Students will feel this teaching approach boring and in their practical writing, their products will be found stereotyped. Sometimes, the Genre Approach may prove to be a text-centered approach, focused on the reproduction of the product, rather than a student-centered one. What is more, in practical teaching, teachers can not provide students with all sorts of genres in the classroom. Therefore, the Genre Approach also has its limitations in the teaching of writing.
To sum up, with brief review of the thee approaches commonly applied in teaching writing as Product, Process and Genre approaches, both advantages and drawbacks are defined and looked into. Of course, there cannot be a single perfect approach to teaching students writing especially writing their business writing. The question here is laid down to ESP teachers is that he should pick up the most advantageous strengths of each approach and appropriately combine them into a synthetic approach so that the teaching and learning will be of maximum effect. A synthesis of approaches will be suggested in Part C of this study.
1.3. Error classification
In order to give suggestion for an appropriate approach to teaching business correspondence writing for English majors in Haiphong University, error identification is made because it is one of the useful techniques in teaching-learning process.
Correction and Assessment are really in-separate because they both Giúp the learners to assess their learning and self-value their products. Error correction in writing is often made on students’ written work such as homework, exercises, assignment.
In writing classes, students’ errors are often pointed out by teachers on different performance aspects of a written task and then students will be shown the appropriate ways to improve . Hereinafter we will look at different types of errors, including mistakes (Edge, 1989) as follows:
Errors of meaning are language products that are correct in linguistic form but fail to mean what the producer means to say. In comparison with errors of form, errors of meaning are more difficult to be discovered and understood. Errors of meaning can also be pieces of language with correct linguistic form but are socially unacceptable because they affect understanding , they are more important than errors of form.
Errors of organization are involved in the text that fails to follow the conventional organization which makes it easy to follow and pleasing to read.
Errors of presentation The errors in presentation involve those do not follow the conventional format, lay-out of a cover letter as well as style, spacing, letter font or size.
Errors of language form, according to Ur (1996), are mainly referred to when teacher give their feedback, which makes students believe that these are what matters. The first reason is that “errors in spelling and grammar catch the eye and seem to demand to be corrected.”
Additionally, students themselves always want their language errors to be corrected. And one more possible reason is that language errors are much easier to be found out and corrected than errors of contents and organization.
In short, all the above-mentioned errors should be paid much attention to because writing skills require a combination of elements. For the wrong pieces that can be recognized as mistakes, not errors, students should be encouraged to correct by themselves and hopefully the repetition of these mistakes may be avoided. As for mistakes that are almost impossible to be corrected in a short time as fossilized ones, there should be specially designed exercises to raise the students’ awareness on the knowledge . And for those that are caused by the lack of necessary knowledge, teachers need to provide students with the knowledge of right and expected items. Based on the analysis of errors made by students during their learning process an appropriate approach can be suggested and applied.
2.1. A description of the current business course to be taught for English majors in Haiphong University
2.1.1. The course syllabus
The Foreign Language Department of Haiphong University consists of 3 major sub-divisions: The English, Russian and Chinese departments. Students who have passed the national entrance exams will be sorted into two types of groups: The teacher training groups and the remaining students will be in non-teaching groups. The ESP course is allocated for the non-teaching groups only. After graduation, students of these groups will look for a job in business or manufacturing enterprises and use their English for office work. That is why they are supposed to learn a variety of ESP subjects such as: English for Education, English for Finance and Banking, English for Economics, Business English, and so on, so that they can obtain technical terms and specialized knowledge for their targeted subjects.
The time allocation for Business English course is as of the following:
(Business I)
Introduce and practice basic skills and techniques for business communications.
(Business II)
Develop and further practice the skills used in business situations and greatly focus on business language functions.
(Business III)
Business correspondence writing
Business English is taught when students have obtained basic language skills in General English like listening, speaking, reading and writing. Based on this syllabus, Business English for students is aimed to Giúp students:
To understand authentic Business texts
To use relevant Business language functions to business contacts
To master their basic skills and techniques for writing business correspondence and to produce simple but correct business letters, memos, faxes and reports.
To participate in business contexts giving personal information, exchanging information and expressing opinions.
2.1.2. The business English course
Time allocation: 30 x forty-five minute periods
Course Objectives
To obtain fundamental overview of Business English Correspondence
To Focus on writing Business letters, memos, reports and job applications
To practice some key office activities such as Job Seeking Process, dealing with office problems, sending fax, emails, photocopying, etc.
Course Components
Business Letter Writing
Application Forms (Cover letters)
Curriculum Vitae/ Resume
Job interviews
Thank-you letters
Letters of complaints
Letters of Invitation
Letters of Reference
Letters of Resignation
Agreements & Contracts
Class features
The class size for Business English courses in Haiphong University is rather large, ranging from 40 to 50 students per group due to the lack of infrastructure facilities and ESP teachers.
Contrary to other English language courses, the English courses for business communication are content-based because it combines the teaching of language knowledge with the subject matter of business conventions. Within 30 periods, both fundamental knowledge and practical skills on business affairs should be taught to students with a focus on writing business correspondence, especially job-seeking pr...

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