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Graduation course of English language sector: How to improve listening skills for second - year english majors at HPU
Listening skill is one of the most necessary skills to communicate in the
real life. In learning a foreign language, it is more and more important to learn
this skill. Everybody knows that to listen to a message is not as simple as
hearing it, so the listener has to understand the message and respond in the right
manner. The thesis will study how to improve Listening Skills for second year
English Majors. Therefore, I applied the qualitative and quantitative methods to
do the research. So the collecting data instruments like questionnaires,
interviews were used to do the study. The results of the research will help
improve listening skills for English Majors. More importantly, the study helps
me find out the causes of those difficulties so that I can work out the right
solutions to the problems. With the hope of improving students’ listening
competence, I have tried my best to do this thesis by my own experiences and
knowledge in English teaching methodology.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT........................................................................................................ ii
TABLES OF CONTENTS .................................................................................iii
PART I: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................. 1
1.1 Rationale of the study.................................................................................... 1
1.2 Aims of the study ......................................................................................... 2
1.3 Research questions ....................................................................................... 2
1.4 Scope of the study ........................................................................................ 2
1.5 Methods of the study .................................................................................... 3
1.6 The organization of the study ....................................................................... 3
PART II: DEVELOPMENT............................................................................. 4
Chapter I: Literature review ............................................................................... 4
1.1 Listening skill: An overview ...................................................................... 4
1.1.1 Definition of listening................................................................................ 4
1.1.2 Nature of listening comprehension ............................................................. 6
1.1.3 Significance of listening ............................................................................. 6
1.1.4 Types of listening ...................................................................................... 9
1.2 Difficulties in learning the listening skill ................................................... 9
1.2.1 What problems do students have with listening ? .....................................10 The class atmosphere............................................................................. 10 Studens have problems with different accents ...................................... 11 Quality of Recorded Material. ............................................................... 11
Chapter II: The Study ........................................................................................ 13
2.1 Participants ................................................................................................13
2.1.1 The students............................................................................................. 13
2.1.2 Teachers .................................................................................................. 13
2.2 The survey questionnaires ........................................................................14
2.2.1 The interview............................................................................................ 14
2.2.2 Design of the survey questionnaires ........................................................ 14
2.3 Data and analysis.......................................................................................14
2.3.1 Students’ attitude toward learning English in general and listening skill in
particular (Q1) ................................................................................................... 15
2.3.2 The students' assessment of learning the listening skill (Q2)................... 17
2.3.3 Students’ opinions toward the role of listening skill (Q3) ....................... 20
2.3.4 Studying on practicing listening skill of students (Q4)............................ 21
2.3.5 Difficulties students encounter when listening in class (Q5).................... 22 The factors have influence in English listening skill (Q6)..................... 24
2.3.6 Ways to Improve Listening Skills for students English Majors (Q7) ....... 25
2.3.7 The kinds of listening text which students expect to practice more (Q8) . 26
2.3.8 The activities students should do before and while listening class (Q9).. 27
2.4 Findings and discussion of findings.........................................................29
2.4.1 Opinions of students about English listening skill. ................................... 29
2.4.2. Current situation in teaching and learning English listening skill............ 29
2.4.3. Suggestions for improving English listening skill. .................................. 30
2.5 Recommendations techniques and tips to learn English listening
effectively ..........................................................................................................31
PART III: CONCLUSION .……………..….………………………………..33
1.1. Conclusion.................................................................................................33
1.1.1 Summary of the study............................................................................... 33
1.1.2 Limitation of the study ............................................................................. 33
1.1.3 Suggestions for the further study.............................................................. 34
1.2 Appendices ..................................................................................................35
1.3 References ...................................................................................................38
1.1 Rationale of the study
Nowadays, listening plays a vital role in daily lives. People listen for
different purposes such as entertainment, academic purposes or obtaining
necessary information. Of the four language skills-Listening, Speaking,
Reading, and Writing-that all language learners are supposed to acquire,
Listening is believed to be the most challenging due to the complex and subtle
nature of listening comprehension in a second or foreign language. As a
researcher, I would like to present “How to Improve Listening Skills for Second
Year English Majors at HPU ” for several reasons. First of all, listening is the
most important skill in communication in the real life. Moreover, in learning a
language, listening is a useful means of providing students with comprehensible
input, which is an essential component of the whole language learning proces.
Therefore, I would like to do this research to Giúp students pay more attention to
listening skill. Secondly, learning listening skill is the most difficult in learning a
foreign language. Listening, like reading, is a receptive skill but it is often the
most daunting for students. When reading, a reader usually has more
opportunities to refer back to the text to clarify understanding, which a listener
can not do in most listening contexts such as TV programs, meetings,
discussion, lectures or conversations. That is the reason I would like to out
some suggestion so as to Giúp teachers motivate their students to study listening
skill more excited and better. After studying at the Faculty of Foreign
Languages, Hai Phong Private University (HPU), for nearly four years, I realize
that the second-year students of English major still have many difficulties in
their listening skill. In the hope of finding out the solutions learning listening , a
study : “How to Improve Listening Skills for Second Year English Majors at
HPU” has been conducted because of all above mentioned reason.
1.2 Aims of the study
The study is done with the following aims:
Firstly, the study is carried out in order to survey the real state of learning
English listening skill in HPU so that I could work out the solutions.
Secondly, most students find it difficult to learn listening skill so I would like to
find the common difficulties that the students face when they English listening
skill at HPU.
Finally, because of the difficulties, many students are not interested in learning
and practicing this skill in class, therefore the study would like to suggest some
possible solutions to improves listening skill. These solutions also aim to help
the students catch up with the speed of a normal conversation in the real life so
that they can improve their communication competence.
1.3 Research questions
1. What are the real situations of learning English listening skill for the secondyear students in Faculty of Foreign Languages at HPU?
2. What are the difficulties of listening to English at HPU?
3. What are solutions to improve listening skills for the second-year students in
Faculty of Foreign Languages at HPU ?
1.4 Scope of the study
The study is about learning listening skill for second-year students in
Foreign Languages faculty at HPU. Because of the limitations of time and
knowledge, the shortage of reference materials, this study can not cover the
whole issue of listening skill. It only focus on solutions Giúp students improves
listening skill. Moreover, the study could not touch upon all the students at
HPU. It is confined to the second-year students in English faculty at HPU only.
Post-listening activities
As it has been introduced in the background, in this stage, students take
the information they have gained from the listening text and use it for another
purpose. Some following activities can be applied for this stage.
Summarizing: learners write up the information that they have in their
listening. They reconstruct the text in their own words using the notes or
drawings as cues. They can practice writing in groups, in pairs or individually.
Recalling the story: it is another form of summarizing the story but in
oral way. Learners re-tell the story in the listening text in their own words. They
practice speaking in groups or in pairs.
Role play: learners dramatize the listening text, taking the roles of the
characters in the story they have just heard.
2.5 Recommendations techniques and tips to learn English listening
The students want to learn the listening better, they themselves ought to
try their best to change their bad habits of listening and to improve their
background knowledge. Today there are many ways to learn English, to improve
your listening skills, every day you should spend 5 to 10 minutes or more to
listen to a short English news. According to the survey, most students had habits
of listening to every word in the recording so they soon got tired and frustrated
of listening. As a consequence, they answered the listening tasks mainly by
guessing but not by understanding the text. It is not necessary for learners to
understand every word in order to understand the information they need from
the recording. Therefore, learners should learn to focus on the message. When
listening, the learners should summarize the ideas they listen to and take notes.
They had better not translate the listening text into the mother tongue, but try to
understand it in the target language. Moreover, outside the listening class,
students have to practice regularly such as listening to English songs, listening
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