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các bạn tải miễn phí ebook: How to write great essays part 10

Untimed Essay Writing Strategies CHAPTER 6 HOW TO WRITE GREAT ESSAYS 79

■ Ask a question. “When have you ever heard of a basketball coach reading
poetry to her team?” “Why would I want to give up my poolside summer as a
lifeguard to work in a rundown school without air conditioning?” Take your
subject, and first ask yourself what is unusual or in need of an explanation.
Turn it into a question that does not have an obvious answer.
■ Cite an unusual fact. Telling your reader something he or she doesn’t know,
and wouldn’t guess, can compel her to read on. If you are writing about a
travel experience, hunt down some statistics that might seem startling. “The
U.S. Department of Transportation reported that during the month I was
traveling, over 255,000 pieces of luggage were lost.” Did your youth group vol-
unteer with migrant farm workers picking oranges? A few minutes of research
can Giúp you begin your essay, “Florida’s Valencia orange forecast for April was
86 million boxes.”

The body of your essay should be the easiest part to write. Using your outline and notes,
put down your thoughts in clear sentences that flow logically from one to another. Tell your
story seamlessly, using transitions (see the list of transition words in Chapter 7, pages 90–91)

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