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Abstract- This paper proposes an improved vertical Bell
Labs Layered Space-Time (V-BLAST) with iterative detection
and decoding (IDD) scheme for coded layered space-time ar
chitectures in MIMO-OFDM systems. For the iterative process,
a low-complexity demapper is developed by making use of
both nonlinear interference cancellation and linear filtering.
Also a simple cancellation method based on hard decision is
presented to reduce the overall complexity. Simulation results
demonstrate that the proposed V-BLAST with IDD scheme offers
the performance close to the optimal turbo-MIMO approach,
while providing tremendous savings in computational complexity.
Index Terms- MIMO systems, OFDM, V-BLAST, Iterative
detection and decoding.
As fourth generation (4G) wireless systems are being
designed for offering high-quality multimedia services, the
demand for higher bit rates will increase substantially com
pared to existing services. In order to satisfy this growing
demand, considerable research attentions have been focused
on improving the spectral efficiency in wireless channels. As
increasing demand for higher bit rate leads to wideband com
munications, wireless channels become frequency selective.
Multicarrier modulation realized by orthogonal frequency di
vision multiplexing (OFDM) is well suited for such broadband
applications [ 1] [2].
The layered space-time architecture suggested in [3] has
promised extremely high spectral efficiency by employing
multiple antennas in multi-input multi-output (MIMO) sys
tems. Among spatial-division multiplexing (SDM) techniques,
V-BLAST [4] exhibits the best trade-off between performance
and complexity. In order to further enhance the link per
formance, channel coding is usually employed for MIMO
systems. However, traditional methods of symbol detection
adopted in the V-BLAST do not work well when the channel
coding is applied, since the decoder performance substantially
suffers from the error propagation inherent in the decision
feedback process. Thus, the receiver needs to compensate for
the error propagation prior to the channel decoder. In [5],
an enhanced V-BLAST detection algorithm is proposed to
enable high data rate by designing a detector which takes
This work was supported in part by the Korea Science and Engineering
Foundation under Grant R08-2003-000-10761-0, and in part by Samsung
electronics research project (Skyapss4G).
the error propagation effect into account. By applying the
decision error compensation into the filtering formulation and
the soft bit calculation for the decoder, an improved detection
performance is achieved.
Berrou et al developed the revolutionary iterative turbo
receiver for decoding concatenated convolutional codes, which
are capable of approaching the Shannon capacity in an addi
tive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel [6]. Since then,
the turbo decoding algorithm has been successfully extended
to the turbo equalization by considering the intersymbol inter
ference (ISI) channel as a rate-I inner code [7]. The original
system introduced therein leveraged the ideas of the turbo
decoding algorithms to the related problem of concatenation
of equalization and decoding [8].
In parallel, by applying the turbo processing principle into
the design of MIMO systems, Tonnelo [9] suggested an
approach based on the serial concatenation of a convolutional
encoder and a space-time signal constellation mapper, and
showed that the structure in [9] approaches the optimal
performance. We will refer to this design as a turbo-MIMO
system in this paper. One of major drawbacks of such turbo
MIMO concepts is that demapping and decoding complexities
increase exponentially with the number of antennas, and/or the
number of bits per modulation symbol.
To reduce the complexity, several suboptimal MIMO de
tectors were proposed by making use of both nonlinear
interference cancellation and linear minimum mean-square
error (MMSE) filtering. Properties of such a nonlinear in
terference suppressor are presented in [10] for code-division
multiple-access (CDMA) channels. In [11] and [12], low
complexity turbo equalization algorithms have been proposed
for frequency selective MIMO channels. These suboptimal
equalization and decoding processes utilize soft-input error
control decoding by exchanging soft information between
an equalizer and decoding algorithm. Also, the list sphere
decoder has been applied to reduce the computational com
plexity in the demapper [13]. Similarly, a simplified receiver
utilizing tentative decisions is proposed for a turbo-MIMO
In this paper, we propose a reduced complexity iterative
detection and decoding (IDD) approach using decoder output
and combined with decision error compensation for MIMO
OFDM systems. A similar IDD approach was proposed by
Li et al [15]. In their work, it was shown that the IDD sig-
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