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Long ago, the people of the city of Gineva were so wicked that they angered the lot. God spoke to a man named Jonal and told him to go to Gineva to ............... people that they must repent of their wickedness. But Jonal would not go there, he .............. and found the ship captain willing to take him to.........where he saw himself safe from God's anger. However, Jonal could not escape from the lot. God raised a great storm to batter the ship. Minghty waves came crashing down the.............The.......... five sailors could do nothing but pray to their own gods for the storm to cease, but the storm went on. And the rowling waves threaten to sink the ship. In desperation, the ...........lost to find out who had grown the disaster of..........The lot fell on Jonal "what must we do?" They cried " to calm the storm. It is my faulf for a storm..........." He said "so you must throw me into the sea. The sailors took hold of Jonal and threw him over the board. When this was done, the storm abated. Then God called a great whale to arise from out of the deep and swallow Jonal up. He dwelled for 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the animal. For those 3 days and nights, he prayed to God for forgiveness.

The whale swarm into ..............with.................. of land. The lord commanded to give up Jonal and the man waited to the shore. The lord spoke to Jonal and told him that he must go to Gineva to do God's will. Jonal knew he could not flee from God, so he abated. He walked to Gineva and began preaching to each people: "you must give up your wicked ways" He told them "or in 40 days God will destroy your city and all of you too". They heeded his warning and prayed to God for forgiveness. Therefore, the lords took pity on the people and spare them. Jonal, though was not pleased, he could not forgive the people and he wanted God to punish them all. He sat down before the city's wall and waited hoping God could destroys Gineva.

As the man sat there,the sun..............down...........................Th e next day, the lord spring up out of the ground. It ..........shadow, giving Jonal safe from the sun. He prayed to God and thanked him. The following day, the old mighty central..................the sun ...................down on him once more. Jonal grew angry and asked "why God had killed...........?". "Why I accept the...................... when you had not tended to. Yet you would Giúp me kill the people of

Gineva, I cared for them as you cared for the............ I had forgiven them and so should you.
Long ago, the people of the city of NINEVEH were so wicked that they angered the LORD. God spoke to a man named JONAH and told him to go to NINEVEH to WARN ITS people that they must repent of their wickedness. But JONAH would not go there, he FLED TO THE PORT OF JAFFA and found the ship captain willing to take him to TARSHISH where he saw himself safe from God's anger. However, JONAH could not escape from the LORD. God raised a great storm to batter the ship. Mighty waves came crashing down UPON IT. The TERRIFED sailors could do nothing but pray to their own gods for the storm to cease, but the storm went on. And the ROLLING waves THREATENED to sink the ship. In desperation, the CREW CAST LOTS to find out who HAD BROUGHT DISASTER UPON THEM ALL. The lot fell on JONAH. "What must we do?" they cried "to calm the storm”. “It is my fault THAT THE STORM CAME UPON YOU", he said "so you must throw me into the sea. The sailors took hold of JONAH and threw him OVERBOARD. When this was done, the storm abated. Then God called a great whale to arise from out of the deep and swallow JONAH up. He dwelled for 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the animal. For those 3 days and nights, he prayed to God for forgiveness.

The whale swarm UNTIL IT CAME WITHIN SIGHT OF LAND. The lord commanded IT to give up JONAH and the man WADED to the shore. The lord spoke to JONAH and told him that he must go to NINEVEH to do God's will. JONAH knew he could not flee from God, so he OBEYED. He walked to NINEVEH and began preaching to ITS people: "you must give up your wicked ways" He told them "or in 40 days God will destroy your city and all of you too". They heeded his warning and prayed to God for forgiveness. Therefore, the LORD took pity on the people and SPARED them. JONAH, though was not pleased, he could not forgive the people and he wanted God to punish them all. He sat down before the city's WALLS and waited hoping God WOULD DESTROY NINEVEH.

As the man sat there, the sun BEAT down UPON HIM SO THAT HE GREW FAINT. The next day, the lord called A VINE to spring up out of the ground. ITS LEAVES CAST shadow, giving JONAH SHADE from the sun. He prayed to God and thanked him. The following day, the old mighty SENT A WORM TO DEVOUR THE VINE SO THAT the sun BEAT down on him once more. JONAH grew angry and asked "why God had killed THE VINE?". "WHILE I WERE UPSET THE VINE IS DEAD when you HAVE not tended to. Yet, you would HAVE me kill the people of NINEVEH, I cared for them as you cared for the PLANT. I had forgiven them and so should you.
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