
New Member
1.I'm sure that he could make a better job of being prime minister any day of the week .
  • whatever the details
  • whatever the time
  • whatever the circumstances *
  • whatever the week
2.Don't worry we pride ourselves on being helpful to all our customers and getting that booked for you is all in a day's work for us
  • perfectly easy
  • perfectly simple
  • perfectly done
  • perfectly normal *
3.Yes, we went away on holiday last week but it rained day in, day out
  • every single day *
  • every other day
  • every second day
  • every two days
4.I think the time has now come when we'll simply have to call it a day
  • stop trying
  • stop thinking
  • stop working *
  • stop going
5.You know what they said about radio that it had had its day but it's still going strong
  • stopped being clever
  • stopped being popular *
  • stopped being heard
  • stopped being good
6.That last comment of yours won the day because nobody could possibly argue with you after that.
  • assured us victory *
  • assured us the answer
  • assured us progress
  • assured us agreement
7.We left the children playing in the park and they were as happy as the day is long
  • reasonably happy
  • quite happy
  • very happy *
  • always happy
8.They got engaged about two years ago and at long last they have named the day
  • said when they are getting married *
  • said where they are getting married
  • said where they are getting married
  • said if they are getting married
9.I've been doing these exercises for two hours now and I think at long last I'm starting to see daylight .
  • see the answer to the problem
  • see the reason for the work
  • see the end of the task *
  • see the problems in the answers
10.I knew once the car didn't start, saw it had a flat tyre and also that it had started to rain, that this was going to be one of those days .
  • a day when nothing goes right *
  • a day when something goes wrong
  • a day when little goes right
  • a day when little goes wrong
1.They're not getting away with it ! They must pay for what they have done
  • They won't come back
  • They won't succeed *
  • They won't do it again
  • They won't go again
2.I'm not putting up with that ! She must do as I say
  • I disagree
  • I confirm
  • I object *
  • I resist
3.I made it absolutely clear that he could on no account expect a pay rise this year
  • in this way
  • in some way
  • in that way
  • in no way *
4.They asked me whether I would accept a discount instead of a new machine. No chance , I said
  • Unlikely
  • Improbable
  • Impossible *
  • Untrue
5.We invited her to come to our party in the hope of putting things right but she wouldn't wear it .
  • rejected
  • refused
  • repeated *
  • reclined
6.I honestly don't know how you do it because personally I couldn't cope
  • would be unable to manage *
  • would be unable to stay
  • would be unable to hold
  • would be unable to handle
7.This happens every time I start the engine up. I tell you I can't be doing with it .
  • I find it difficult
  • I find it irritating *
  • I find it stupid
  • I find it hard
8.This is now the third time I've had to phone up and complain and I've reached the stage where I can see no end to it .
  • I don't know where I'm going
  • I don't know what I'm doing
  • I don't know why it's happening
  • I don't know when it will finish *
9.It's no good shouting at me like that � I'm doing the best I can
  • It's a waste of time *
  • It's a waste of space
  • It's a waste of money
  • It's a waste of doing
10.You'll get yourself in no end of trouble if you persist in refusing to pay those taxes
  • a certain amount
  • a big amount
  • a huge amount *
  • a special amount
1.You must have lost your marbles if you're seriously considering buying that house
  • be serious
  • be crazy *
  • be adventurous
  • be happy
2.If you don't mind me saying so I think you're a bit over the top , aren't you?
  • you're exaggerating a bit *
  • you're joking a little
  • you're laughing a bit
  • you're describing a little
3.All right then if you like I'll put my cards on the table .
  • I'll tell you a story
  • I'll tell you what to do
  • I'll tell you something
  • I'll tell you my honest opinion *
4.I'd appreciate that. Go on, I'm all ears ..
  • I can hear what you're saying
  • I am listening very carefully *
  • I am listening to you
  • I can't hear a word
5.Well in the first place all the windows are broken, which is a real pain in the neck
  • a bad ache
  • a serious ache
  • a serious problem *
  • a bad shock
6.Yes, I agree but at the same time it's not the end of the world
  • worth worrying about *
  • worth talking about
  • worth looking at
  • worth speaking about
7.Then of course there is that huge Cr-ack in one of the outer walls, that'll cost you an arm and a leg to repair.
  • a little money
  • a sum of money
  • some money
  • a lot of money *
8.You have a point but then I can deal with that in the fullness of time .
  • in a little while
  • eventually *
  • quite soon
  • sometimes
9.Finally there's one thing you can't just sweep under the carpet and that is the missing roof!
  • forget
  • remember
  • ignore *
  • interpret
10.I can see there are no flies on you but you must admit it is very cheap.
  • you're not clear
  • you're not easy
  • you're not clever
  • you're not stupid *
1.We need to do something about it! This situation is getting out of hand !
  • too big
  • too organized
  • out of control *
  • out of order
2.Now the grandparents have the children on their hands .
  • in their care *
  • in trouble
  • spanked
  • to obey them
3.This last year, my company has made money hand over fist !
  • with a lot of struggle
  • at a huge rate *
  • poorly
  • distribution
4.As soon as he laid his hands on all that money, he donated part of it to charitable institutions.
  • stole
  • scattered
  • released
  • took possession of *
5.The beginning of a new generation of computer software is at hand
  • imminent *
  • remote
  • current
  • in someone's possession
6.Do we have enough people on hand to Giúp us move our stuff into the house?
  • nearby
  • available *
  • indisposed
  • confident
7.The FBI told the local police that their case was off their hands . The investigation was now a Federal matter.
  • lost by them
  • improvised by them
  • out of their jurisdiction *
  • out of their control
8.Jane Williams is a very good investigative reporter, you've got to hand it to her .
  • give her credit *
  • give a present to her
  • give a promotion to her
  • forgive her
9.Honey, can you hand me the car key, please? It's right next to you on the table
  • take to me
  • make a copy of
  • give me *
  • find me
10.Learning a foreign language goes hand in hand with International Business.
  • tossed from one hand to another
  • in different directions
  • individually
  • together *
1.As usual he left it to the last moment and as a consequence he missed the boat
  • didn't take advantage of the situation
  • didn't take advantage of the opportunity *
  • didn't take advantage of the fare
  • didn't take advantage of the date
2.I'm sorry to tell you that you've burnt your boats now and so you won't be able to go back.
  • your current situation cannot be reversed *
  • your current situation cannot be repeated
  • your current situation cannot be retaken
  • your current situation cannot be restyled
3.I told her I understood exactly what she was feeling as we were both after all in the same boat .
  • in a similar case
  • in a similar find
  • in a similar take
  • in a similar situation *
4.No matter how smoothly things are running, you can always rely on Charlie to rock the boat .
  • spoil something
  • spoil anything
  • spoil everything *
  • spoil nothing
5.Although they were a couple well into their 80's everything in their house was always shipshape .
  • very old
  • very neat *
  • very fresh
  • very clean
6.I'm afraid you've left that food too long out of the fridge and now it's gone off .
  • be well organized *
  • be well disposed
  • be well received
  • be well placed
7.Everybody imagined that there was a big romance between the two of them but it turned out they were merely ships that pass in the night .
  • strangers meeting quietly
  • strangers meeting softly
  • strangers meeting once *
  • strangers meeting nightly
8.Sadly it never happened but she was absolutely sure her ship would come in one day and she could buy that house in the country.
  • she would be famous
  • she would be free
  • she would be happy
  • she would be rich *
9.In view of his change in fortune he decided to push the boat out and hold a big party.
  • spend a lot of money *
  • spend a lot of time
  • spend a lot of effort
  • spend a lot of energy
10.Once you've read the instruction book, you'll probably find it's plain sailing
  • accurate
  • active
  • straightforward *
  • intelligent
1.I'm sorry that looks awful � those two colours don't go together .
  • smash
  • crash
  • clash *
  • hash
2.After what you've gone through , I'm sure you need a holiday
  • felt
  • sensed
  • acted
  • experienced *
3.We won't go into that now but I don't think we can avoid the subject much longer
  • discuss *
  • enter
  • introduce
  • interrupt
4.He's gone right down in my estimation now that I've heard what he has done to his family.
  • I think often of him
  • I think a lot of him
  • I don't think at all of him *
  • I don't think much of him
5.My advice to you is to make your mind up before it's too late and simply go for it .
  • take the opportunity soon
  • take the opportunity fairly
  • take the opportunity now *
  • take the opportunity slowly
6.I'm afraid you've left that food too long out of the fridge and now it's gone off .
  • become flat
  • become rotten *
  • become rich
  • become stale
7.There were so many members of the political party who had gone against the leader that he resigned.
  • insisted
  • invited
  • apposed
  • opposed *
8.Don't wait for me because I can't come yet so you go ahead and I'll join you later
  • go before me *
  • go in front of me
  • go forwards me
  • go by me
9.If petrol prices go up any more, I shall have to use a bicycle.
  • ascend
  • raise
  • increase *
  • develop
10.I'm sorry I interrupted you, please go on from where I so rudely stopped you.
  • continue *
  • stop
  • speak
  • finish
1.Viny was very angry because his new girlfriend stood him .............. on their second date. He waited over an hour for her before returning home.
  • over *
  • for
  • in
  • in
2.These lights are used .............. illuminating the playing area.
  • to
  • as
  • for *
  • by
3.Ouch! Why could you throw the ball .................. me like that?
  • to
  • at
  • at
  • toward *
4.The company supplied us _________ the material
  • from
  • to *
  • for
  • with
5.This kind ________ music is familiar _________ teenagers
  • of/ with *
  • of/ to
  • for/ at
  • for/ to
6.You have to use the money _________ paying your debts instead of buying a new car
  • for
  • in
  • in
  • on *
7.Some words are difficult to translate _________ one language _________ another
  • from/ to *
  • with/ by
  • from/ into
  • with/ to
8.The people next door are furious _________ us _________ making so much last night
  • with/ by
  • with/ for *
  • about/ with
  • to/ fo
9.If someone knocks _________ the door _________ night, don�t open it
  • at/at
  • on/ at
  • over/ at *
  • out/ by
10.Wearing long hair and colorful clothes was very popular _________ young people of the 1970s
  • with
  • for *
  • to
  • by
1.Nobody knows what's going on ?
  • meaning
  • continuing
  • happening *
  • taking
2.Don't worry we'll see you're all right .
  • look at you
  • look on you
  • look for you
  • look after you *
3.What you need is something that will pick you up .
  • make you feel better *
  • make you stand better
  • make you hold on better
  • make you stay on better
4.I simply can't stand sugar in my tea or coffee.
  • can't eat
  • can't drink
  • can't tolerate *
  • can't allow
5.I have a feeling that she's taking you for a ride .
  • taking you in a car
  • pulling you along
  • trying to trick you *
  • trying to push you
6.He's always got his nose in a book .
  • hiding
  • reading *
  • studying
  • looking
7.I think you're asking too much of them as they are just children
  • trying too much
  • saying too much
  • calling too much
  • expecting too much *
8.If you want my opinion, I think this needs looking into .
  • examining *
  • finding
  • searching
  • discovering
9.One fine day I expect everything will be clear to you
  • On a summer's day
  • When the sun shines
  • In the end *
  • Very soon
10.I think the time has come when you should put your toe in the water at least.
  • go for a swim
  • give it a try
  • feel the cold
  • give it a chance *
1.You shouldn't worry about the exam because you have prepared well and you'll probably find it a piece of cake .
  • easy to digest
  • easy to read
  • easy to start
  • very easy *
2.The trouble with you is that you are a bit selfish and your sole philosophy is to have your cake and eat it .
  • expect too much of life *
  • lead a life of pleasure
  • spend your life eating
  • eat too much
3.When he heard that the necklace had been stolen, he dropped it like a hot potato
  • he let it fall from his hands
  • he suddenly lost interest in it *
  • he gave it to somebody else
  • he hid it in the fridge
4.He sits and watches TV all day and has turned into a veritable couch potato .
  • a good sleeper
  • an enthusiast
  • a very lazy person *
  • a deep thinker
5.Thanks to you we're really in the soup now and I don't honestly know why I ever listen to you.
  • in an interesting situation
  • in deep trouble *
  • in an unusual situation
  • in rough water
6.As he had been away from home for some years, they decided on his return to cook the fatted calf .
  • have a big celebration *
  • go out for a meal
  • employ a top chef
  • eat as much as they liked
7.There's something very fishy about that story he told us because I can't quite get to the bottom of it.
  • to do with the sea
  • connected with fish
  • suspicious *
  • strong smelling
8.Their mother always describes her twin sons as like two peas in a pod .
  • both round in shape
  • both full of fun
  • both saying the same thing
  • both looking exactly alike *
9.After what he said and after what has happened he certainly seems to have got egg on his face .
  • have made a fool of himself *
  • have lost a lot of money
  • have said the wrong thing
  • have made the wrong decision
10.He always took advice from his parents about being careful and never put all his eggs in one basket .
  • carried too much in one hand
  • relied too much on one plan *
  • decided to do anything dangerous
  • planned anything exciting
1.He's up to his ears in work and cannot possibly see you now
  • fully occupied with
  • very interested in *
  • not involved with
  • concerned with
2.If you give me a hand , then I shall be able to finish more quickly.
  • take my hand
  • Giúp me *
  • take my fingers
  • pick me up
3.I prefer to talk to people face to face rather than to talk on the phone.
  • in person *
  • facing them
  • looking at them
  • seeing them
4.The manager dismissed the new proposal out of hand and said that it was not at all practical.
  • quickly
  • utterly *
  • utterly
  • simply
6.The opposition in parliament accused the government of playing games and refusing to accept the seriousness of the situation.
  • being light hearted
  • being heavy hearted
  • being down hearted
  • being faint hearted *
7.He accused her of talking through her hat and refused to accept a word of what she said.
  • talking sense *
  • talking straight
  • talking nonsense
  • talking tough
8.The police advised them to go down to the cellar in order to be out of harm's way .
  • away from the noise
  • inside the area
  • into safety
  • away from danger *
9.I'd give my right arm if I could get tickets for that concert.
  • do absolutely anything *
  • do something dangerous
  • do something stupid
  • do what you want
10.You can always rely on Fred to put his foot in it and come out with a remark like that.
  • tread on somebody
  • fall over
  • say something embarrassing *
  • put on the wrong shoes

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D Bộ câu hỏi trắc nghiệm kiểm tra kiến thức về môi trường Khoa học Tự nhiên 0
B Kiểm tra kiến thức học sinh bằng các câu hỏi tự luận để lựa chọn các phương án nhiễu cho hệ thống câu hỏi trắc nghiệm khách quan nhiều lựa chọn chương I sinh học 11 ban cơ bản Luận văn Sư phạm 0
T Kiểm tra kiến thức học sinh bằng các câu hỏi tự luận để lựa chọn các phương án nhiễu cho hệ thống câu hỏi trắc nghiệm khách quan nhiều lựa chọn chương II, III sinh học 10 ban cơ bản Luận văn Sư phạm 0
E Xây dựng hệ thống câu trắc nghiệm khách quan nhiều lựa chọn nhằm kiểm tra đánh giá chất lượng kiến thức chương dòng điện không đổi của học sinh lớp 11 THPT Luận văn Sư phạm 0
M và kiến nghị nhằm nâng cao hiệu quả công tác kiểm tra hành chính tại xí nghiệp thương mại mặt đất Nội Bài Tài liệu chưa phân loại 0
N Xây dựng hệ thống câu hỏi trắc nghiệm khách quan để kiểm tra đánh giá kiến thức học phần các phương pháp phân tích hoá lý trong hoá phân tích đối với sinh viên đại học sư phạm Hà Nội Tài liệu chưa phân loại 0
S Xây dựng hệ thống câu hỏi trắc nghiệm khách quan dùng để kiểm tra, đánh giá kiến thức chương axit – bazơ trong hóa phân tích Tài liệu chưa phân loại 0
H Xây dùng bộ đề kiểm tra đánh giá kiến thức kĩ năng hoá học lớp 11 - Nâng cao - phần Hoá học vô cơ Tài liệu chưa phân loại 0
T Hoàn thiện phân tích tài chính và kiểm tra tài chính Công ty CP tư vấn xây dựng và kiến trúc DELCO Luận văn Kinh tế 0

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