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Link tải miễn phí Luận văn:Drum occupation in red river delta (case study of Doi Tam drum village, Doi Son commune, Duy Tien district, Ha Nam province) = nghề làm trống ở đồng bằng sông Hồng (nghiên cứu trường hợp làng trống Đọi Tam, xã Đọi Sơn, huyện Duy Tiên, tỉnh Hà Nam)

M.A Thesis. Vietnamese Studies -- Institute of Vietnamese Studies and Development Science . Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2012
Find out drum products of Doi Tam village from tradition to modern type. Study the formation condition of drum products, factors to create drum products and their impacts on people’s lives in Doi Tam village. Have holistic view of Doi Tam drum craft village in term of economy, culture and society, etc
INTRODUCTION............................................................................................. 5
1. Reason for topic selection............................................................................ 5
2. Scientific and practical meaning.................................................................. 7
3. Objects and scope of the study..................................................................... 8
4. History of issue study................................................................................... 8
5. Studying method .......................................................................................... 9
6. Structure of the thesis................................................................................... 9
DOI TAM VILLAGE ....................................................................................... 11
1.1. Cultural space of Doi Tam drum village .................................................. 14
1.2. Drum founder............................................................................................ 15
1.3. History of drum craft village..................................................................... 16
Chapter 2: COMPONENTS OF A DOI TAM DRUM.................................. 21
2.1. Productional materials .............................................................................. 21
2.1.1. Wood ................................................................................................... 21
2.1.2. Leather ................................................................................................ 23
2.1.3. Other materials ................................................................................... 26
2.2. Productinal tools ....................................................................................... 27
2.2.1. Sawing tools........................................................................................ 27
2.2.2. Planing tools ....................................................................................... 28
2.2.3. Cuttingtools......................................................................................... 30
2.2.4. The other tool...................................................................................... 30
2.3. Productional techniques ............................................................................ 31
2.3.1. Leathering........................................................................................... 31
2.3.2. Drum body manufacturing.................................................................. 33
2.3.3. Drumhead stretching .......................................................................... 38
2.3.4. Drum painting and maintaining ..........................................................42
DOI TAM VILLAGE ....................................................................................... 48
3.1. The traditional drum ................................................................................. 48
3.1.1. Thunder Drums:.................................................................................. 48
3.1.2. Large drum.......................................................................................... 50
3.1.3. “De” (base) drum............................................................................... 52
3.1.4. “Khau” (mouth) drum ........................................................................ 54
3.1.5. “Bong” drum ...................................................................................... 55
3.1.6. “Manh” drum ..................................................................................... 58
3.1.7. “Chien” (fighting) drum..................................................................... 59
3.1.8. “Ngu loi” drum................................................................................... 60
3.1.9. Paper tambourine ............................................................................... 60
3.2. Drum of the ethnic group.......................................................................... 61
3.2.1. Acur drum ........................................................................................... 61
3.2.2. “Ghi nang” drum................................................................................ 61
3.2.3. “Tang sanh” drum.............................................................................. 61
3.2.4. “ Hagunsit” drum............................................................................... 62
3.2.5. Paranung drum .................................................................................. 62
3.3. Modern Drum............................................................................................ 63
3.3.1.Jazz Drum ............................................................................................ 63
3.3.2. “Seng” drum ....................................................................................... 64
3.3.3. Meca drum .......................................................................................... 64
3.3.4. “Sai dam” drum.................................................................................. 64
Chapter 4: DRUM PRODUCTS IN DAILY LIFE OF DOI TAM .............. 72
4.1. Effects of drums occupation economic life of Doi Tam village................ 74
4.2. Effects of drum occupation on cultural life of Doi Tam village ............... 78
4.3. Effects of drums occupation on social life Doi Tam village......................78
4.4. Open issues ............................................................................................... 88
CONCLUSION ................................................................................................... 97
LIST OF INFORMANTS ...................................................................................103 Table name P
Table 2.1: Number of guys, knots of drums 4
Table 2.2: Production stages for each employee 4
Table 3.1: List of drum production bases in Doi Tam village 6
Table 3.2: List of drum production households (Doi Tam people)
in provinces
Table 4.1: Production value of drum career in economy of Doi
Tam, 2002-2004 period.
Table 4.2: Reports for achievement of officials and residents of Doi
Tam village – Doi Son commune in building new rural area model,
2009-2011 period.
1. Reason for topic selection
Since a long time ago, drum is a mean of communication of many ethnic
groups, including the Kinh. Drum involves in many human events such as
notifying events of the village (dyke maintenance, flooding, fire, etc.),
notifying festivals, funeral, etc. Drum is very closed to children (notifying
class time, counting for lion/dragon dance team). The drum appears in many
art forms such as chèo, Chầu văn, classical drama and so on. Drum has
become an indispensable part in the spiritual life of man. It contributes to
transmit information quickly and widely.
The drum is a cultural product of each region, each ethnic group. In
Vietnam, from the very primitive material like jackfruit wood and buffalo
skin, craftsman, by their skillful and sophisticated hand, have created
complete drums of different sizes, with a sonorous sound in distant space. The
patterns, lines on the bronze and wood-frame drums profoundly represent
personal points of views and philosophy of human life. Drum sound plays an
important role in many arts (“chèo”, “hát xẩm”, water puppet, etc.), shows the
mood of both performers and audient. Drums contribute to represent the
unique character and enrich Vietnamese cultural traditions.
Over the course of historical development, nowadays, drum is still a
mean of communication, an important musical instrument in the cultural life
of the nation. Research on drum is a practical to contribute to maintaining,
reserving traditional cultural value of the nation and developing those values
in people’s lives today and tomorrow. Vietnam is a country rich in cultural
tradition – the culture is crystallized in the life and inherited and developed
over generations. Over thousands of years, the essence of traditional culture remains the bright spot, the factors that make people’s vitality, a source of
great encouragement for Vietnamese people.
Craft villages reserve the essence of art and traditional techniques over
generations. That tradition has become an indispensable part and enriched the
cultural identity of Vietnam since a long time ago. Research on drum products
of Doi Tam village is also to discover the unique culture of a drum craft
village, contribute to diversifying the image of Vietnam craft villages.
In major festival including 990th, 1000th anniversary of Thang Long –
Hanoi, there was participation of great thunder drum as well as spectacular
drum teams. They are all products of craftsmen in Doi Tam village. By their
emotion, passion and talent, Doi Tam craftsmen have created masterpieces,
treasures of the nations to retransmit to future generations.
Doi Tam is not well-known for drum products in major festival but for a
famous drum craft village in the North. Doi Tam drum are present in most
localities throughout the country and involved in many aspects of people’s
Being located 60km far from the Capital and limited in development of a
craft village, the reputation of Doi Tam village has not been known yet.
Research materials for products of the village are scarce as well.
For the desire of discovering products of Doi Tam village from
formation, material, structure and classification, the writer wants to get closer
access to the life of a craft village in northern delta. Also, the writer wants to
go further to find out shortcomings and disadvantages of the village and
propose solution to make the village and its products more complete and
public and to have closer look at the reality of “development process of
human culture is a continuous succession. What remains today and people
determine to preserve is the unique of national culture". 2. Scientific and practical meaning
* Scientific meaning
Presently, there are not many writings about Doi Tam village,
particularly, general study on the village. The project of “drum occupation in
Red River delta (case study of Doi Dam drum village, Doi Son commune,
Duy Tien district, Ha Nam province)” will contribute to enrich the materials
sources on the village. The drum product of the village will be systematically
presented from formation conditions and factors, type of drums to its meaning
to people’s lives in the Doi Tam village. Readers will have scientific and
comprehensive view on the products of the villages not only in the past but in
the present.
* Practical meaning
Doi Tam drum craft village really became famous after making thunder
drum in 990th anniversary of Thang Long - Hanoi. Since then, Doi Tam
drums have been present in many large or small-scale events of the country as
well as people’s lives in other regions. The researches project of “drum
occupation in Red River delta (case study of Doi Dam drum village, Doi Son
commune, Duy Tien district, Ha Nam province)” expect to contribute to
raising the fame for the products of the village. Studying the products of Doi
Tam village, the writer also has closer approach to the village life in all
aspects of economy, society and culture, to see not only the achievements but
also shortcomings and short-term limitation of the village. Accordingly, local
authorities and people will have specific orientation and solutions for future
development of the village to make its drums popular products in the country
and the world.
3. Purpose of the study 1-Find out drum products of Doi Tam village from tradition to modern
2-Study the formation condition of drum products, factors to create
drum products and their impacts on people’s lives in Doi Tam village.
3- Have holistic view of Doi Tam drum craft village in term of
economy, culture and society, etc.
4. Objects and scope of the study
* Objects of the study: studied objects of the thesis are drum products
of Doi Tam Craft village – a typical drum making village in Red River delta.
The writer is going to focus on formation conditions, factors of drums, types
of drums and its meaning in the lives of Doi Tam people.
* Scope of the study: Thesis on traditional and modern products of Doi
Tam village (Doi Son commune, Duy Tien district, Ha Nam province), in
which the thesis focuses on studying traditional products, particularly actual
status and solutions for current development of Doi Tam village.
4. History of issue study
The products of Doi Tam drum craft village have important meaning in
people’s lives, but have not been satisfactorily studied and understood. There
is hardly any intensive document on drum of the village. The drums are only
mentioned to in general in Traditional craft village of Vietnam book by Pham
Con Son, the reader know the name, products and formation time of the craft
Products of Doi Tam is mentioned much in internet journals such as Ha
Nam Portal, marketing websites of enterprises in Doi Tam or e-journals
including (Article: Doi Tam drum craft village), (Article:
strange customs in Doi Tam drum craft village), (Article: Doi
Tam drum craft village by Thanh Phuong), (Article: Doi Tam
drum craft village), (Article: Doi Tam – a thousand-year drum

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