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Luận văn tiếng Anh: An investigation into correlation between discourse markers usage frequency and argumentative writing skills by students at Business English Department, National Economics University = Nghiên cứu mối quan hệ giữa sử dụng dấu hiệu diễn ngôn và kĩ năng viết văn luận của sinh viên Tiếng Anh Thương Mại trường Kinh Tế Quốc Dân. M.A Thesis Linguistics: 60 22 15
Nhà xuất bản: University of Languages and International Studies
Ngày: 2012
Chủ đề: Tiếng Anh
Kỹ năng viết
Bài luận
Dấu hiệu diễn ngôn
Phương pháp giảng dạy
Miêu tả: 48 p. + CD-ROM
M.A. Thesis English Linguistics -- University of Languages and International Studies. Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2012
This research seeks to understand the usage frequency of discourse markers in argumentative essays and the relationship between the frequency and students’ proficiency level. The major concern of this research is to reveal the link between the frequency of using discourse markers in argumentative essays and quality of writing essays after counting the average percentage of discourse markers in each group of students’ argumentative essays. The study also provides several implications for educators and teachers on teaching academic writing and especially argumentative essays to raise the students’ awareness of the appropriate use of individual categories of discourse markers and how they can be used in creating a coherent text. The participants are 38 second-year students, of Business and Foreign Languages, National Economics University. Their essays were the primary data for the detailed linguistics analysis
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION……………………………………………………….………..i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS………………………………………….……...….ii ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………….…..…..iii TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………....iv LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………………… PART A. INTRODUCTION 1. Rationale ……………………..……………………………………… 1 2. Scope of the study ……………………………………………………2 3. Aims and objectives of the study ………………….…………………2 4. Research questions……………………………………………………3 5. Design of the study……………………………………………………3 PART B. DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER I. LITERATURE REVIEW 1. English study in Vietnam 1.1. English study in Vietnam and National Economics University…4 1.2. Issues in writing academic arguments…………………………...5 2. Studies related to the topic of the study……………………………….7 3. Definition and background information of terms 3.1. Definition of academic writing and argumentative essay …...11 3.2. Discourse markers…………………………….……………...12 3.2.1. Definition of discourse markers ……………….…………..12 3.2.2. Properties of discourse markers……………………………16 Phonological properties …………………………..17 Morphological properties …………………………17 Syntactic properties and classification ……………17 Semantic properties and classification …………..19 3.2.3. Types of discourse markers ……………………………….19 3.3. Role of discourse markers in writing………………………...20 CHAPTER II. METHODOLOGY 1. Background of the site for data collection………….….………………21 2. Data gathering technique………………………………………………21 3. Participants……………………………………………….……………22 4. Research instruments ………………………………………………….22 4. Research procedure …………………………………………….……...23 CHAPTER IV. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 1. Findings ………………………………………………………….…..25 1.1 Frequency of discourse markers ………………………….…..25 1.2 Frequency of type of discourse markers ………………….…..31 1.3 Correlation between the use of discourse markers and quality of argumentative writing essays……………………………….…36 2. Discussions…………………………………………………….………38 PART C. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS 1. Recapitulation …………………………………………………….......43 2. Concluding remarks ….…………………………………………...…..43 2.1 Concluding remark on objective 1 …………………………...43 2.2 Concluding remark on objective 2 …………………………..44 3. Implication…………………………………………………………….44 4. Recommendation for further research…………………………..…….45 REFERENCES…………………………………………………………………46 APPENDIX……………………………………………………………………I PART A. INTRODUCTION 1. Rationale Vietnamese government views English as a vital tool for exchanging knowledge and doing business. Therefore, a command of English is emphasized, and English is a required subject in public schools as well as private schools where grammar is unofficially main focus in the process of teaching and studying. Vietnamese students, especially those whose major field is related to English, however, face considerable challenges as they begin their tertiary studies. Therefore, they need to familiarize themselves with the requirement and purposes for writing argument genres from the training institution. They need to realize the significance of argumentative writing skills and factor that contributes to the flow of argumentative essays content namely discourse markers or transitional signals and develop control over language- discourse markers to improve the express arguments persuasively and directly. Within the past fifteen years or so, there has been an increasing interest in the theoretical status of discourse markers in spoken language and written language. To date, there have been a few studies undertaken to explore the discourse markers usage in writing in general. There has not yet been a study done that investigated fully the correlation between discourse markers usage and quality of argumentative writing essays. The current study is hereby designed to examine the relationship between the frequency usage of discourse markers and argumentative writing skills by students at Business English Department, National Economics University. 2. Scope of the study The discourse marker is a vast topic in English teaching and learning in which various aspect and functions of it have been under research. It would ambitious to cover so many aspects in this study. Therefore, the area investigated of the study is the correlation between frequency usage of discourse markers and argumentative writing kills and subjects of the study are 38 second-year students at Business English Department, National Economics University. 3. Aims and objectives of the study 3.1. Aims of the study The study aims at helping students recognize the significance of discourse markers in writing argumentative essay and then applying them in their writing by providing them knowledge on types of discourse markers, and functions of each type. 3.2. Objectives of the study By helping students recognize the importance of discourse markers, the study will firstly (1) examine the frequency of use of discourse markers in argumentative essays written by 38 second year students at Business English Department, Faculty of Foreign Languages, National Economics University. More specifically, it will seek the average percentage of discourse markers and their types in argumentative essays. The study, then, (2) discloses the relationship between the frequency of discourse markers and students‟ writing quality.
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