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Luận văn tiếng Anh Developing motivation in learning English reading skill of the students at Thieu Hoa high school, Thanh Hoa province = Phát triển động lực học kỹ năng đọc hiểu Tiếng Anh của học sinh trường THPT Thiệu Hóa, tỉnh Thanh Hóa.
M.A Thesis English teaching methodology -- University of Languages and International studies. Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2011
This study is an attempt to investigate factors affecting motivation in learning English reading skill of the students at Thieu Hoa high school. The main purposes of the study are to find out: types of motivation possessed by the students at Thieu Hoa high school, factors affecting students’ motivation in learning English reading skill, activities and techniques applied by teachers and students’ preference and then give some suggested solutions for teachers to stimulate students to read and overcome the difficulties they face with in teaching reading. The study consists of three parts. Part A, the introduction, states the rationale, aims, scopes, design and methods of the research. Part B, the development, is divided into three chapters. Chapter 1 reviews theoretical background relating to motivation and reading. Chapter 2 presents the methods used in the study including the setting of the study, individuals participating in the study, instruments, data collection and data analysis. Chapter 3 shows the detailed results together with a comprehensive analysis on the data collected from the survey questionnaires and the interview. Part C, the conclusion, presents the conclusions, the study’s limitations and suggestions for further study. The results of the study show that in learning English reading skill, most of the students at Thieu Hoa high school appeared to possess a combination of both instrumental and integrative motivation; however, the instrumental orientation is stronger than the integrative one. Besides, the sudy reveals that the reading materials and the teachers are the most important factors affecting the students’ motivation. Therefore, the researcher suggests two strategies to develop the students’motivation namely developing the reading materials and improving the teachers’ role
PART A: INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................1
1. Rationale for the study...................................................................................................1
2. Aims of the study............................................................................................................1
3. Research questions.........................................................................................................2
4. Scopes of the study .........................................................................................................2
5. Methods of the study......................................................................................................2
6. Design ofthe study ..........................................................................................................3
7. Design of the study .........................................................................................................3
PART B: DEVELOPMENT ......................................................................................4
CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW ..........................................................................4
1.1. Overview of motivation...............................................................................................4
1.1.1. Definitions of motivation .....................................................................................4
1.1.2. Types of motivation..............................................................................................4 Integrative vs. instrumental motivation ........................................................5 Intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation...................................................................5 Global, situational and task motivation........................................................6 Resultative motivation..................................................................................6
1.1.3. Roles of motivation in second language learning ................................................7
1.2. Overview of reading ....................................................................................................7
1.2.1. Definitions of reading..........................................................................................7
12.3. Roles of reading in foreign language learning .....................................................8
1.3. Motivation in learning reading ...................................................................................9
1.3.1. The importance of motivation in learning reading ..............................................9
1.3.2. Common factors affecting students’ motivation in learning reading skill ...........10 The students.................................................................................................10 The teachers.................................................................................................11 The reading materials ..................................................................................12
CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................13
2.1. The setting of the study ...............................................................................................13 2.2. Individuals participating in the study ........................................................................14
2.3. Instruments .................................................................................................................14
2.4. Data collection .............................................................................................................15
2.5. Data analysis................................................................................................................16
3.1. Demographic information...........................................................................................17
3.2. Data analysis and major findings ...............................................................................18
3.2.1. The identification of students’ motivation ...........................................................18 Types of students’ motivation .......................................................................18 The students’ interest in learning reading skill.............................................21 Factors affecting students’ motivation in learning reading skill ...................22
3.2.2. Activities, teaching aids and techniques used by the teachers and the students’
preference ...........................................................................................................................24 Activities, teaching aids and techniques used by the teachers .......................24 The students’ preference for activities and techniques used by the teachers..27
3.2.3 The teachers and students’ opinions on the textbook ..........................................30 The teachers’ opinions on the textbook.........................................................30 The students’ opinion on the textbook ..........................................................31
3.3. Suggestions for motivating students in learning reading skill ...................................33
3.3.1. Developing the reading materials ..........................................................................33
3.3.2. Improving the teachers’ roles ................................................................................34
PART C: CONCLUSION..................................................................................................36
1. Conclusions.....................................................................................................................36
2. Limitations and suggestions for further studies............................................................37
REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................39
APENDICES ......................................................................................................................I
APENDIX B: SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE FOR THE STUDENTS ............................V texts easier for the students and to design more kinds of exercises to motivate the students
in learning reading.
3.3 Suggestions for motivating students in learning reading skill
As mentioned above that the two factors which had the greatest impact on students’
motivation in learning reading skill were the reading materials and the teachers. Therefore,
the researcher suggested the following strategies to develop students’ motivation in
learning reading skill were developing the reading materials and improving the teacher’s
3.3.1 Developing the reading materials
Based on the current situation of teaching and learning English reading skill at
Thieu Hoa high school as analyzed above, the researcher makes the following suggestions
for bettering the reading materials.
First of all, the language of the reading texts must be more appropriate to the
students’ level. The reading texts with too many new words and complicated grammar
structures can easily make the students feel tired and unmotivated to read. In fact, some
reading texts in the current set of textbooks are too difficult for students to understand
because of their lexical and grammatical items. In this case, besides pre-teaching new
vocabulary and structures, the teachers should redesign the reading texts in order to
simplify them as much as possible. There are several ways to redesign the reading texts
such as replacing difficult words or structures by simply ones that the students have known
or have learnt before, omitting parts of the texts that are not important to the tasks, or
adding some explanation sentences into the difficult parts of the texts.
Secondly, the topics and contents of the reading texts should be paid more
attention. Although more than half of the students in the study satisfied with the reading
topics in the textbook, most of them still wanted to read more various topics with more
interesting and updating information. Some topics are interesting but the information is
out-of-date; by contrast some information is new but the topics are unfamiliar. Both of
them are unable to enhance the students’ motivation in reading. So it is the duty of the
teachers to choose reading texts with suitable topics and contents for their students so that
they can be more interested in reading. Thirdly, reading materials should be added more types of activities, tasks and
exercises. In fact, the exercises in the reading materials which are being used for the
students belong to only some types such as: matching, gaps filling, comprehension
questions, multiple choice questions, true/ false/ no information and inference practice. The
students have to do these kinds of exercises during three year at high school so they can
easily feel tired of doing the same things every reading lesson and therefore easily lose
their motivation in learning reading skill. To sustain the students’ motivation in reading,
the teacher should create some more types of exercises or change exercise-types into the
more interesting ones. Besides, some tasks should be reduced or simplified so that the
students can finish their lessons more easily and be more motivated to learn.
Last but not least, the reading texts in the textbook should be combined with
relevant materials in order to Giúp the students have more chances to practice reading
extensively and widen their knowledge about related topics. In fact, most of the teachers
and the students in the survey admitted not using relevant materials in their teaching and
learning reading skill. This has limited interest of many students who have the requirement
of extending the topics they are interested in. Thus, the teachers should select the
supplementary texts that have related topics or themes to the current syllabus so that their
students will be more motivated to learn the subject.
3.3.2 Improving the teachers’ roles
Besides the reading materials, the teachers play an important role in developing the
students’ motivation in learning reading skill. So, it is necessary to improve the teachers’
roles in order to maintain the students’ motivation.
Firstly, the teachers need to pay more attention, time and effort to adjust the current
reading materials, reading activities, tasks and exercises so that they can meet the
requirements of the students and also of the subjects. It is the teachers, not the textbook
designers are the people who know clearly about what the students want to read, how they
prefer an activity and what difficulties they have in their learning... So the teachers must be
the people who decide which reading materials are good and suitable for their students,
how to combine the reading texts in the textbook with relevant reading materials, and how to adapt the current reading texts, reading activities, tasks and exercises to motivate the
students to learn.
Secondly, the teachers should apply some more effective techniques, use various
kinds of teaching aids and organize more interesting activities that can get students
involved in the reading process and encourage them to be active in comprehending the
reading texts. Appropriate techniques and modern teaching aids are necessary and
beneficial as they cause the interest of most the students. Besides, various activities are
also encouraging for the students. The teachers should use more activities in forms of pair
work or group-work so that the students have opportunities to move around the room, work
in groups, share ideas, and so on. In fact, not many adults will attend classes where they
are expected to sit quietly and listen to a lecture for an hour. However, we often expect this
of students, and they may be sitting in classes for an entire day. So it is simply not possible
to maintain their motivation.
Thirdly, the teachers should be more enthusiastic, tolerant, helpful, creative and
active. Teachers’ characteristics are decisive factors to Giúp increase motivation. It is
teacher’s helpfulness, friendliness and enthusiasm that make students are fond of learning.
Besides, teacher’s tolerance also makes students feel warm in their heart, which helps
reduce their stress and lets their threatening feeling go away. Moreover, teacher’s
activeness and creativeness is one of the factors that decide the success of the lesson. The
active and creative teachers always have vivid and impressive lectures that attract all
students to the lesson. Also, they always go round the class to check students’ learning,
encourage them to study and give Giúp to them when necessary.
In brief, the chapter has presented some major findings based on the data analysis
to find out the answers to the research questions. All the data were obtained from the study
instruments which were the two survey questionnaires and the interview. In the chapter the
main types of motivation, denominative factors and motivational strategies have been
discussed in details.

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