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Link tải miễn phí Luận văn tiếng anh: Liquidity risk management in Lienviet Commercial Joint Stock Bank = Quản trị rủi ro thanh khoản tại Ngân hàng thương mại cổ phần liên việt.

1 Necessity of the thesis
The nature of the bank is making a profit based on business risk. In banking
activities many types of risk exist (credit risk, liquidity risk, market risk, etc.). In
Vietnam, the banking activities are often associated with credit risk. However,
liquidity risk, the type of risks that can immediately make a bank collapse is less
focused, because if the banking activities took place on a normal schedule, the
risk was not disclosed. Only when a certain event happens to have a negative
impact on the bank, then the liquidity risk is exposed, in the worst case, banks
have no liquidity, leading to bankruptcy, and affecting the entire banking
In Vietnam, liquidity risk can be a problem just say "old problem" was just a
matter of "new problem". Calling it "an old problem" is because any bank
manager knows about this kind of risk, understands the importance of it and they
are also managing liquidity risk based on experience and traditional methods.
And calling it "a new problem" is because not many banks in Vietnam really
understand it and find ways to reach new approaches to liquidity risk
management by international standards. Only after the events on the liquidity
risk from 2006 through to now did banks begin to explore and consciously
implement the management of liquidity risk, according to a scientific and more
systematic method. The starting point of that process must be derived from the
banks which are fully equipped with theoretical knowledge about liquidity risk
LienVietBank was established in April 2008, and in more than 2 years the bank
has gained outstanding achievements in business results, but besides that, the
issues of risk management are all complex. The organizational structure is not
stable, risk management personnel frequently change, the bank only cares about
credit risk management and pays no attention to risk management activities,
particularly the management liquidity risk.
And if there is a crisis similar to the liquidity crisis in 2008, the bank will face
the enormous difficulty. It is the reason why I decided to choose the topic
“Liquidity risk management in Lien Viet Commercial Joint Stock Bank” for my
2 Research Objective
The aim of the research is to analyze and assess the current status of liquidity
risk management in LienVietBank and to propose appropriate recommendations
to enhance the efficiency in liquidity risk management in LienVietBank. The
thesis therefore aims to achieve the following objectives:
 Systemize the basic theoretical problem about liquidity risk and liquidity risk
management in commercial banking.
 Identifying and assess current situations of liquidity risk and liquidity risk
management in LienVietBank.
 Propose recommendations and solutions to enhance the efficiency in
liquidity risk management in LienVietBank.
3 Research Scope
For the purpose and requirement of an MBA graduate thesis, the thesis only
focuses on liquidity risk and liquidity risk management in Lien Viet Commercial
Joint stock bank.
4 Information sources
 Statistic data gathered at LienVietBank (financial statements, official
releases of LienVietBank).
 Data from other sources such as other banks, books, internet, related journals
and periodic, science reviews.
 Information gathered from direct observation as a person directly involved in
activities related.
5 Research Methodology
The research methodology of the thesis is the combination of both qualitative
and quantitative to analyze data and information, make comparisons, evaluations
and conclusions on current situation of liquidity risk management in
6 Limitation
The assessment focuses on the liquidity risk management in LienVietBank, due
to time constraint, limited analysis tools and the ability to approach data sources
the research can not be analyzed fully and deeply all aspects of the problem.
7 Expected result
Thesis systematizes the basic knowledge of liquidity risk management in
commercial bank, to apply this knowledge to assess liquidity risk and liquidity
risk management in LienVietBank. From there thesis contributes practical ideas
to LienVietBank to improve liquidity risk management, enhance
competitiveness of LienVietBank in the market.
8 Thesis structure
TOPIC: “Liquidity risk management in LienViet Commercial Joint stock bank
Chapter 1: Literature Review
Chapter 2: Liquidity risk management in LienVietBank
Chapter 3: Recommendations and Solutions

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Re: [Free] Quản trị rủi ro thanh khoản tại Ngân hàng thương mại cổ phần liên việt. Luận văn ThS. Kinh doanh và quản lý

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