nếu bạn đã chơi game Red Alert3 thì bạn không thể bỏ qua Red Alert2 này được

tuy nó hơi cũ nhưng cũng là 1 game được nhều người ưa chuộng trước đó

với game này bạn có thể chọn 9 nước và đấu 1 lần với 8 nước ở 3 chế độ khác nhau:easy enemy,medium enemy và brutal enemy

Nếu bạn là người mới chơi chưa quen thì sẽ chơi rất dở mình có 1 cách để cải thiện:

bạn hãy bỏ Superweapons và chọn easy enemy và chơi đánh 1 nước cho quen đi rồi sau đó chọn nhiều nước để đánh và từ từ lên medium enemy và brutal enemy

có 9 nước:America(Mỹ),Korea(Hàn Quốc),Iraq(I rắc),Great Britain(Anh),Germany(Đức),Libya(Li Bi),France(Pháp),Russia(Nga),Cuba(Cu ba)

có 3 part:




Chúc các bạn thành công trong chiến tranh và bất khuất trước kẻ thù

có gì thì bạn cho mình ý kiến nha mình sẽ khắc phục

Command & Conquer [TM]: Red Alert 2 [TM]


Copyright 2000 Electronic Arts Inc. All rights reserved.

Westwood Studios [TM] is an Electronic Arts [TM] brand.

September 23, 2000

For latest news and updates visit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - TOP SECRET - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Thank you, for joining up. Your service will not go unrecognized.

Please take care to read the following bulletin from Command Headquarters

so that you are fully briefed on the current situation. Due to

battlefield conditions, certain information must be kept classified

until you are ready for action.

Good Luck.

-- President Michael Dugan

1. WINDOWS 95/98/NT/Millenium

1.1. Microsoft DirectX

1.2. Microsoft Office Toolbar

1.3. Windows NT 4.0

1.4. Windows ME


2.1. Known Video Card Issues

2.2. Known Sound Card Issues

2.3. Known Direct X Issues

2.4. Gateway Computer Users

2.5. Virtual Memory Settings

2.6. Known RealPlayer Issues

2.7. AutoPlay

2.8. 16 bit CD-ROM drivers

2.9. CD-Changers and Multi-Drivers

2.10. Choppy movie performance

2.11. Power Saving Mode

2.12. Periodic Slowdown

2.13. Game Updates and Patches

2.14. Connection Speed Slider

2.15. Dual Network Cards and IPX Issues:

2.16. Firewall Issues

2.17. Network Address Translation (NAT) Games


3.1. Engineers

3.2. Rankings for Ladders and Tournaments over Westwood Online

3.3. Quick Match over Westwood Online


1. WINDOWS 95/98/NT/Millenium

1.1. Microsoft DirectX:

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 is a Microsoft DirectX application.

phiên bản 7.0 of Microsoft DirectX is included on the CD and you have

the option to càiit when Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 is installed.

Under some early versions of Windows 95, DirectX 7.0 cannot be installed

directly from the Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 installer. If this occurs,

please run DXSetup.exe located on the CD in the DXSetup folder.

All Microsoft DirectX drivers are located in the DXSetup folder off of the

root of the CD. To reinstall the Microsoft DirectX drivers go into the

DXSetup folder and run DXSetup.exe. You can explore the CD by choosing the

"Explore the CD" option in the AutoPlay title screen. If you have difficulty

running Windows 95/98 after these new Microsoft DirectX drivers have been

installed, please contact your local Microsoft subsidiary, or write:

Microsoft Customer Sales and Service,

One Microsoft Way,

Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA

USA telephone: 1-800-426-9400

International telephone: ++1-206-882-8080

1.2. Microsoft Office Toolbar:

If you make use of this feature of Microsoft Office and it appears over

the game screen when playing Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 you will have

to disable the Office Toolbar before playing.

1.3. Windows NT 4.0:

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 requires Service Pack 3 or later versions

to be installed in order to work with Windows NT 4.0. Please contact your

computer manufacturer if you need to get Service Pack 3.

1.4. Windows ME:

Windows ME DirectX appears to have hardware conflicts with some 2mb video

cards. The cards may work well with Windows ME itself, and even other games,

but with Red Alert 2 you may experience black screen lockups when loading

the game. The problem may be corrected by updating the video card driver to

Windows ME compatible drivers, updating your phiên bản of DirectX, or upgrading

to a 4mb card or higher.


2.1. Known Video Card Issues:

Video monitor settings may need to be adjusted after installing the Microsoft

DirectX video drivers. If you screen distorts, or is shifted horizontally or

vertically, you can return it to normal by adjusting the controls on your monitor.

Most video display problems can be corrected by installing the latest drivers

for your particular card. Please consult your video card documentation for

details on how to get the latest drivers for your card.

If you are using the Microsoft Theme Pack and have selected a custom cursor,

video corruption can occur. For best results, please use default cursors while

playing Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2.

Users with integrated Intel 3D graphic cards (2MB AGP) may experience refresh

problems at high resolutions (above 640x480). In order to fix this problem, modify

the [VIDEO] section of the RA2.INI file located in the RA2 root directory to include:


(This also includes any users with low end video cards, experiencing any trails

or refresh problems at any resolution)

2.2. Known Sound Card Issues:

Old SoundBlaster AWE 64 and AWE 32 sound card drivers can cause skipping

and repeating sound that may cause your computer to run Command & Conquer:

Red Alert 2 much slower than normal. If you have one of these sound cards

and are experiencing these symptoms, please contact your card manufacturer

for latest drivers.

Audio may stutter on certain systems running Windows NT. To correct this

problem you must càithe latest audio driver for your sound card.

Most sound card problems can be corrected by installing the latest drivers

for your particular card. Please consult your sound card documentation for

details on how to get the latest drivers.

If you are using USB speakers, do not turn off the speakers during gameplay.

Doing so may cause your system to become unstable and even crash.

2.3. Known DirectX Issues:

If another application is using the sound card while trying to càior

run the game, a "DXSound Error" will appear. If this error occurs, please

close all applications and run the càior game again.

2.4. Gateway Computer Users:

If you are using a Gateway computer with "Gateway GoBack" software by WildFile

running in the background, you may experience lockups in Red Alert 2. GoBack

is loaded in the Windows system tray (by the clock) and represented by two

yellow arrows. To close out GoBack, right click on the double yellow arrows

in the system tray, and select close. It is recommended that you close all

programs running in the background before starting Red Alert 2.

2.5. Virtual Memory Settings:

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 may need to use more RAM than is present on

your system. Windows 95/98 automatically takes care of this by using what is

known as "Virtual Memory" - which uses space on your hard disk to simulate

the memory it needs and swaps data back and forth from your hard disk as

required. Windows 95/98 allows you to manually set the amount of hard drive

space it uses for Virtual Memory: WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU DO NOT DO THIS!

To let Windows 95/98 manage the Virtual Memory, go to the Windows 95/98 start

menu, select `settings\control panel', then double-click `system', click

`performance\file system\virtual memory' and then select

`Let Windows manage my virtual memory settings (recommended).'

2.6. Known RealPlayer Issues:

RealPlayer seems to have a conflict with the movie player used in Red Alert 2.

With RealPlayer's "Start Center" feature enabled (which seems to keep RealPlayer

resident in some form) we have found stability issues when exiting Red Alert 2

as it goes to the desktop.

2.7. AutoPlay:

If your CD does not AutoPlay when inserted in the drive, you may have this

feature disabled. To Enable AutoPlay, right click on 'My Computer' and select

'Properties' then 'Device Manager'. Select your CD-ROM drive and click

'Properties'. Select 'Settings' and check the 'Auto insert notification' box.

2.8. 16 bit CD-ROM drivers:

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 may fail to start if there is a 16 bit CD-ROM

driver loaded from the AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS. If you have references to

MSCDEX or equivalent drivers then try removing them from your autoexec.bat and

config.sys files. Windows 95/98 does not generally need these drivers to work

and in most cases will actually perform better without them.

2.9. CD-Changers and Multi-Drivers:

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 does not support multiple CD-ROM drives or

CD-changers and assumes that you only have one CD-ROM drive. If you have more

than one CD-ROM drive, you should insert the Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 CD

in the first CD drive letter. For example, if you have CD drives E:, F: and G:,

your Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 CD should be inserted into the E: drive.

2.10. Choppy movie performance:

If you find that the movie performance is choppy or jerky, try reducing the

Windows 95/98 CD caching by going to the Start/Settings/Control Panel and

double-clicking the System applet. In the System Properties dialog, click

the Performance tab and then click the File System button. From the File

System Properties dialog, click the CD-ROM tab and note the Supplemental Cache

Size setting (so that you can reset the cache size if need be). Now set the

Supplemental Cache Size to Small. This should have a marked effect on movie


You can also try adjusting your detail settings in the Options Menu. Low Detail

will remove effects like water wakes behind ships, smoke and effect lines. Red

Alert 2 will also dynamically remove animations in certain situations on low

spec machines to ensure a high quality game performance.

2.11. Power Saving Modes:

It is possible that your computer loses connection to your ISP due to long

periods of inactivity. Sometimes this is caused by the sleep mode in your

"Power Saving" options. This can cause problems during game play or when

connected to Westwood Online. To avoid any problems please disable your screen

saver or power-saving modes when running the game.

2.12. Periodic Slowdowns:

If periodic slowdowns occur while playing Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2

and the CD is not being accessed please insure that there are no other

applications running during your game session. This includes anti-virus software.

2.13. Game Updates and Patches:

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 contains an auto-updating feature. Updated

versions of the game will be announced to you when playing Command & Conquer:

Red Alert 2 on Westwood Online. When an updated phiên bản of the game is available

you will be able to receive it and automatically have it installed, if you wish.

If you do not intend to play Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 on Westwood Online

then please check

for update information.

2.14. Connection Speed Slider:

Red Alert 2 has a game-latency tolerance setting in the Game Options screen

that allows players to increase the tolerance of network latency on laggy

connections for internet gaming. To adjust, move the slider to the appropriate

setting. For example, if you are connecting over a modem, the best setting for

you would be "Normal" or "Poor". If you are connecting over a broadband connection

(Cable Modem or DSL), move the slider to "Fast". This attempts to match your system

with your connection for peak performance. Moving the slider from Poor or Normal

to Fast can have an adverse effect on game performance.

2.15. Dual Network Cards and IPX Issues:

If you have two network cards in your computer and both have the IPX protocol

bound to them, you can use the "Network Options" to choose the card which you'd

like to use. Note: on some Windows 95 and 98 systems and in some configurations,

Red Alert 2 can't see your second network card. A workaround to this problem is

to disable your primary card in Windows device manager and reboot. Red Alert 2

should successfully see and utilize your second network card. Please refer to

your Windows documentation for more information on how to disable your primary

network card.

2.16. Firewall Issues:

If you are playing Red Alert 2 behind a firewall and wish to host a game,

you must open the following ports: Port 1234, 1235, 1236, 1237. These ports

use the UDP protocol. If you do not know how to configure your firewall consult

your firewall documentation or contact your system administrator or Internet Provider.

2.17. Network Address Translation (NAT) Games:

If your network is using Network Address Translation, two or more users behind the

NAT'd firewall will be unable to play in the same game. They will, however, be able

to play in different games.


3.1. Engineers:

Engineers (and Engineers in IFVs) can be placed in Guard mode, like any other unit.

When in guard mode, engineers automatically heal any nearby player owned structures

that are damaged into the red or capture nearby enemy buildings.

3.2. Rankings for Ladders and Tournaments over Westwood Online:

Westwood offers many opportunities for players to test their mettle against the

best players in the world. Check out Westwood.com for the latest breaking news.

Rankings for Ladders and Tournaments in Red Alert to are defaulted to "Short Games"

3.3. Quick Match over Westwood Online:

Red Alert 2 offers players an easy way to meet players on the battlefield. Simply

try the "Quick Match" selection in Westwood Online. This option will try to match

players of similar ranking, similar ping times (Internet connection latency to

other players), location and system specs.



New Member


link 3 die đồng chi ùi:rolleyes:

Rất tiếc phải thông báo với themoon88 là.......chẳng có link nào die cả. Mình vừa thử down và tất cả đều bình thường! Bạn thử down lại đi. Có thể lúc bạn down server nó hơi bận tí. Chọn giờ hoàng đạo down về chắc chắn sẽ dc



New Member


tai sao tai ve dc roi ma extract không dc vay ban?no bao loi la pass wrong?xin chi dum

Mình nghĩ có thể do tệp bạn down về bị lỗi một chút. Chứ không có chuyện sai pass đâu bạn à. Thui được! Mình sẽ test lại cho bạn, nhưng bạn cứ thử down lại xem.



bạn post lun RA 3 đi mình chơi RA 1,2 từ lâu lắm rồi

Bản Red Alert 3 mình vừa từng post lên rùi. Nhưng có 1 lỗi là mất bản đồ. Chưa sửa được nên tạm thời (gian) bị cho vào Thùng Rác. Nếu bạn có thể sửa được lỗi đó thì vào Thùng Rác (cuối diễn đàn ý) để down về.



New Member


tai sao tai ve dc roi ma extract không dc vay ban?no bao loi la pass wrong?xin chi dum

Đúng vậy à, tui down về cũng bị nó nói như vậy



New Member


Cho Devil hỏi chút nhé, cái này vừa có path của Yuri chưa vậy

Bản patch của Yuri chính là Red Alert 3 đó. Mình có đọc bản giới thiệu của RA 3 và có thấy nói đến Yuri. Nhưng bản đó bị lỗi. Còn nếu có 1 bản patch nào đó để nâng cấp từ RA 2 thì mình không rõ!


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