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Link tải miễn phí Luận văn:Comparing Len Dong ritual of Vietnamese and Gut of Korean (the case study in Hanoi and Seoul) = So sánh nghi lễ lên đồng của người Việt Nam và Gut của người Hàn Quốc (Trường hợp ở Hà Nội và Seoul). Luận văn ThS. Khu vực học
A. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................4
1. The rationale, significances of the study............................................................4
2. Literature review ................................................................................................5
3. Study subjects, scopes and goals........................................................................7
3.1. Study subjects ..............................................................................................7
3.2. Study scopes ................................................................................................7
3.3. Study goals ..................................................................................................7
4. Study methods....................................................................................................7
5. Thesis structure ..................................................................................................8
B. CONTENTS ......................................................................................................9
1.1. Foundation of individual Gut in Korea and Holy Mother in VietNam ..........9
1.1.1. Shamanism of Korea ................................................................................9 Worship the gods in the house ........................................................10 Ancestors worship ...........................................................................12 Worship of the village .....................................................................14
1.1.2. The Mother Goddess religion (Dao Mau) in Vietnam...........................15 Goddess worship .............................................................................16 The cult of Mother Goddess Custom...............................................18 The Pantheon of the Mother Goddess Religion..............................19
1.2.1. Classification of Len dong ....................................................................20 Thanh Dong.....................................................................................21 Dong Co ..........................................................................................23
1.2.2. Gut classification of Korea ....................................................................25 National Gut....................................................................................27 Village Gut ......................................................................................28 Individuals Gut and SenamGut......................................................31
2.1. The way and purposes of the "ra Dong”, “moi Dong”, “di Gut” and “moi
Gut” ......................................................................................................................34
2.1.1. The way and purposes of the "ra Dong" and "di Gut" ..........................34 In Vietnam .......................................................................................34 In Korea ..........................................................................................35
2.1.2. The purpose of the "moi Dong" and "Moi Gut".....................................38
2.2. Worship objects, the “gia” for incarnating and the basic functions of
incarnation ritual ..................................................................................................39
2.2.1. Objects of worship..................................................................................39
2.2.2. The incarnations and the basic functions of incarnation ritual ............42 The incarnations..............................................................................42 The basic functions of incarnation ritual........................................44
2.3. The role of the Mediums, Mutang, Can dong, and Liturgical Singers (Ban
Cung van) .............................................................................................................46
2.3.1. The role of the Mediums and Mutang ....................................................46
2.3.2. The role of Can dong .............................................................................48
2.3.3. The role of the liturgical singers (Ban cung van)..................................49
2.4.1. The basic elements of the ritual .............................................................51 Clothes and tools.............................................................................51 Dance and music.............................................................................53 Offerings and how to display offerings...........................................55
2.4.2. Time and space of ritual.........................................................................62 Time of ritual...................................................................................62 Space ...............................................................................................63
2.4.3. The process of the len dong ritual and Gut ritual..................................65
3.1. Len Dong and Gut – way to releasing for "tie" of modern society. .............76
3.2. The market trend in the ritual of len dong and Gut.......................................81
3.3. Gender equality and women's rights issues is reflected in the phenomenon of
len Dong ...............................................................................................................88
LIST OF REFERENCES ...................................................................................100
WORKS LIST OF AUTHOR ............................................................................104
1. The rationale, significances of the study
Religious beliefs is a very important field in every culture, in relation to the
spiritual elements, reflecting the values inherited from one generation to another
generation, represents a part of the human worldview. In the morphological expression
of religious beliefs, Shamanism is a special form of religious, its formation associated
with the tribal mode. "Religion Shaman is polytheism in nature. It is believed that all
things in nature have a soul that our mental lives are presented in natural phenomena
and in all events, whether of men or of something else, are provided that the action of
the souls "[4, pg.68]. In religious encyclopedias also the definition of "Shaman is the
original religion of polytheism opinion or polytheism with strong roots in the cult of
nature with generally recognized heaven who is Supreme Being". Natural devotion and
admit things have souls, or between the world of the living and the dead are the
contact. The living, the dead can communicate with each other through those who are
able Special features although each country has its own nuances, but the common
denominator is that Shamanism. The researchers came up with a number of typical
cases in Siberia, China called Yu (Northern China) or Nan (Southern China), Korea -
Gut, Vietnam with Len dong, which is the Shamanism's form. These forms are
common characteristics of shamanism. That is the Shamanic practitioners to get
yourself in that ecstatic state for the release of his soul or the incarnation of divinity
with belief that is possible contact with god Father, receive the power from the
supernatural world for health, exorcism, the pursuit of fortune.
Len dong is the most characteristic practice of the Holy Mother and Gut is
Korean Shaman's ritual. In both countries, we see many similarities in the two rites, it
creates unique features in common denominator Shamanism. Len dong and Gut are
taken particularly interest by many researchers. In Vietnam, there are many works of
researchers such as Ngo Duc Thinh, Le Thi Hao, Mai Ngoc Truc ... There are also
many works of foreign researchers to len dong ritual of Vietnam and comparison with
the Shaman rituals with other countries. The research that has outlined a
comprehensive picture of a religion is considered to be the native religion of Vietnam –
the Holy Mother. In Korea, the extremely popular and ceremonial activities of Gut was
publicly acknowledged early, it became a profession were licensed by the Korean
Culture and Information Ministry.
In the process of learning about the religion of the two countries in general and
the Holy Mother of Vietnam, Korean Shamanism in particular, we find that there are
many similarities and differences of these two types of religion. Currently in Vietnam
through surveys we found very little documents with which research comparing to len
dong ritual of Vietnam and Gut Korea. In general there are only three works by three
researchers Laurel Kendall, Bui Thi Thoa and Lee Geon. However, these studies only
offer general comparative. Furthermore, conservation issues and promoting positive
values in len dong rituals of a religion in Holy Mother among the social status in the
current is a difficult issue. Meanwhile, the Korean government has been trying to
preserve, promote and exploit effectively the traditional cultural values of Gut on
tourism development. In this context, I chose the topic “Comparing Len Dong Ritual of
Vietnam and Gut of Korea (the case study in Hanoi and Seoul)" to study this issue in
completing and detailing the comparison between the level of this important religious
This study hopes to contribute to provide clearer information about the len dong
of Vietnamese and Gut of Korea. This will be a useful resource for managing the work
of preparing and conducting performances of cultural exchange between the two
countries Vietnam and Korea in a more efficient manner. Besides, this research also
opens new research directions in Shaman rituals of other countries in the compared
with len dong of Vietnam.
2. Literature review
There have been many studies on the Vietnamese Holy Mother and Korean
Shamanism. In Vietnam, the study of Vietnamese Holy Mother may include two
collective works "Dao Mau Vietnam" by Ngo Duc Thinh. In this work he presents a
fairly complete picture of the details of Holy Mother, and the chau van lyric, to help
the reader imagine a comprehensive and direct view of Holy Mother in Vietnam.
Besides, "Len dong Journeys of spirits, and destinies", this work is replayed one hau
dong mixed reviews of the author, and new issues are mentioned. There are also
researchers such as Nguyen Kim Hien, Nguyen Thi Hien, Le Hong Ly ... with the
works was is posted on website about Vietnamese
Holy Mother.
Regarding Korean documents, notably the works of Hong Tae Han with titled
"Our World Mutang Gut" published by the Institute of Anthropology in 2009. The
book mentioned aspects and the meaning is expressed in stage performances Gut, and
Gut in some localities represented. A book called "Korean Shamanism" presents an
overview of the history and development process of a shamanism in Korea. Especially
interesting is "Individuals Gut - SenamGut" presented of Gut in Seoul own, with the
presentation quite meticulous about personal Gut rituals.
Comparing issue len dong of Vietnam and Gut of Korea in particular was
mentioned in the following three researches: Firstly, works "Khi nào Gut giống lên
đồng vài điểm tương đồng giữa Hàn Quốc và Việt Nam" by Laurel Kendall. In this
work the author mainly compares the differences and similarities in terms of the basic
elements of len dong ritual and the Gut. Secondly is the work of Bui Thi Hoa, "Những
tương đồng và khác biệt trong “Lên đồng” của người Việt và “Gut” của người Hàn "
in Journal of Northeast Asian Studies, No. 6 (112), 2010 . The paper compares a
general way about the two rituals. Thirdly is minor thesis of Lee Yeon with the subject
“len dong of Vietnam and a few comparing with Korea's Gut". The author focuses
research on len dong of Vietnam, which has made some comparisons in the basic
elements of ritual.
Issue comparison between len dong and Gut has not been studied in a complete,
affordable stop at three aforementioned works, in which the authors only give a general
match between the len dong and Gut. Moreover, due to the Gut is divided into several
categories depending on the division based on any basis, so the above limitations are

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New Member
Re: So sánh nghi lễ lên đồng của người Việt Nam và Gut của người Hàn Quốc (Trường hợp ở Hà Nội và Seoul). Luận văn ThS. Khu vực học

Mình đang cần để làm khóa luận tốt nghiệp, admin có thể cho mình xin link tải được ko, Thank ad lắm lắm :D


New Member
Re: [Free] So sánh nghi lễ lên đồng của người Việt Nam và Gut của người Hàn Quốc (Trường hợp ở Hà Nội và Seoul)

mình đã tải được, Thank admin :)
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