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1.1 Rationale of the study
English has become more and more popular all over the world. It is the
international language of diplomacy, trade, business, education, aviation etc. There are
more and more people studying it as second language beside their mother tongue. The
motivation of studying English is to get a better work, to have more chance to travel
abroad or simply to get information from the Internet, to read foreign newspapers and
magazines or to assess knowledge in the world. For this reason, English has been taught
everywhere in Viet Nam: in schools, universities etc and it has been a compulsory subject.
Like other languages, the final purpose of studying English is the ability to
communicate with foreigners or native speakers. However, in Viet Nam as well as other
countries where people speak English as a foreign language, how to speak English well has
been still a big problem. According to Bygate,Martin. (1987), speaking, speaking is a
productive skill in the oral mode. It, like the other skills, is more complicated than it seems
at first and involves more than just pronouncing words. People can be very good at
grammar, vocabulary but they are very shy when speaking language, especially to
As a teacher of English, I realize that one of the biggest problems of our students
when learning English is speaking skill. From observation, I can see during the period of
speaking, students usually perform activities conducted by teachers. Teacher usually plays
the role of controller and the class is usually teacher-centered. Students always follow the
teacher’s instructions. Students cannot promote their imagination, their creation, and do not
have chance to show their ability of organization. Sometimes, speaking lessons are boring
and the class atmosphere is quiet, which must have been interesting and pleasant. I think
that not only me but other teachers find it embarrassing when teaching speaking skill.
To solve this problem and with an attempt to improve students’ speaking skill, I use
project work in teaching English especially teaching speaking skill.
Project work, factually, is the requirements of teacher to students to prepare the
lesson prior to the class. Project work functions as a bridge between using English in class
and using English in real life situations outside of class (Fried-Booth, 1997). It does this by
placing learners in situations that require authentic use of language in order to
communicate (e.g., being part of a team or interviewing others). When learners work in
pairs or in teams, they find they need skills to plan, organize, negotiate, make their points,
and arrive at a consensus about issues such as what tasks to perform, who will be
responsible for each task, and how information will be researched and presented. Within
the group work integral to projects, individuals' strengths and preferred ways of learning
(e.g., by reading, writing, listening, or speaking) strengthen the work of the team as a
whole .Therefore, when the students are asked to prepare things prior to the lesson, the
lesson will attract them more and it will gain success.
Moreover, students at Sao Do College, where I am teaching have a low proficiency
of speaking. Preparing the lesson prior to the class can bring them confidence, activeness
and other benefits. For example; if I ask students to find information and make a
presentation about a famous place in Viet Nam, they have to take responsibility for their
work, find information, make sure for its performance and the next day in class, everything
goes smoothly and be efficient. Therefore, project work has been chosen as one effective
method in teaching speaking English.
1. 2. Aims of the study
This study was carried out with four aims:
- To investigate students’ difficulties in learning speaking English.
- Investigate the difference between the communication activities performance of students
when using traditional approach and that when using project work.
- To investigate factors motivating students in speaking lesson using project work.
- To investigate how project work improved students’ English speaking competence
1. 3. Research questions
The research is carried out to find the answer to the following research questions:
1. What are students’ difficulties in learning speaking English?
2. Does the communication activities performance of students before using project work
significantly differ from that when using project work?
3. What factors motivate students in speaking lesson using project work?
4. How does project work improve students’ English speaking competence?
1.4. Scope of the study
The study is concerned with the use of project work to teach speaking skill. It is not
applied to all students at Sao Do College of industry. It is only carried out with students
who are in the first year of tourism major at this college in order to find out a suitable way
to teach speaking skill effectively and students can gain improvement.
1.5. Design of the study.
A part from acknowledgement, table of contents and appendices, this study is
divided into three part
Part I: “Introduction” presents the rationale, aims, research questions, scope of
study and its design.
Part II: Development
Chapter 1: Literature Review mentions some concepts relating to the content of the
study: characteristics of communicative competence, communicative language teaching,
speaking skill and areas of project work and the role of project work in language
competence and speaking skill.
Chapter 2: Data collection and analysis consists of two parts. The first part gives
description of research setting in which an overview of school, teachers and students,
programme and course is shown. The second part of this chapter is methodology and data
collection gives brief introduction of participants, materials and methods.
Chapter 3 Results. This chapter composes two parts: Presentation of the data is the
first part; analysis, interpretation of the data and discussion is the second part.
Chapter 4 Pedagogical implications. This chapter shows suggestions of techniques
and activities for teacher in teaching speaking skill.
Part III : Conclusion. This part summarizes the main ideas of the study and give
future direction.
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Re: [Free] Sử dụng dạy học theo dự án để dạy kỹ năng nói tiếng Anh cho sinh viên năm thứ nhất chuyên ngành du lịch trường Cao đẳng Công nghiệp Sao Đỏ. M.A Thesis Linguistics: 60 14 10

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