Download miễn phí Swimming against the current: Social relations and self-Subsistence in the market economy

Background .2
Social relations in the economy .4
Self-subsistence in the economy .7
Conclusion and policy implications.12

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu:

on of the corporations (Hawken 2000). “(O)ver 850
million people go to bed hungry in a world that produces more than enough food for all”
(Pimbert 2007). The environment is destroyed faster than ever before and disproves the belief
that the ‘tragedy of the common’ can be solved by privatisation (Hawken 2000). The list of
criticisms against globalisation and neoliberalism goes on and begs Vietnam to be more
prudent and skeptical when applying such a development model.
This paper challenges the key assumptions of the neoliberal model to demonstrate that the
social order driven by self-interests in a self-regulating market is imperfect and provide the
rationale for alternatives that react to these flaws. The alternative I will examine is economic
development based on social relations (alongside with self-interest) and self-subsistence
(alongside with trade). By exploring these alternatives, I am by no means suggesting that they
should replace neoliberalism, but rather, I aim to widen the 'imagination' of policy makers
and development practitioners that economic development can be achieved in diverse ways
other than via the self-regulating market. The paper first argues that the behaviours of human
beings are more than strictly self-interested because human interactions are not only market-
based but also driven by social relations, morality and cultural values. These social relations
reveal an ‘economy of generosity’ that exists alongside the market economy but has been
overlooked by mainstream economics (Graham 2001: 110). They protect the individuals from
market forces and create ‘cooperative advantage’, which strengthens the local against the
global (McMichael 2008: 220). The paper then argues that the market is not self-regulatory
but, rather, regulated by corporations through the manipulation of price. Given the unfair
nature of the competition, the paper suggests that trade is not the only means to development
and explores non-monetised, self-subsistence daily economic activities that protect the
individuals from market dependency while ensuring social and environmental harmony.
Social relations in the economy
Under neoliberalism, social relations are viewed as embedded within market relations
(Munck 2006: 179) and human beings are seen as either self-interested consumers, producers,
or labour (Smith 1986: 119). The belief that self-interest is the principal driver of behaviour is
particularly confirmed by the collapse of central planning in the late 1980s. In Vietnam, the
failure of the old cooperative system put in doubt the efficiency of cooperative efforts and
highlighted the importance of individual motivation in economic activities. Today, the market
economy thrives on the pursuit of self-interest and inadvertently downplays the importance of
cultural values, morality and personal relations as possible drivers of behaviours.
Yet the view of neoliberalism and communism, or self-interest and communal interest as a
binary denies the complicated nature of human interactions. Just as the old cooperative
system is flawed in solely relying on communal interests, the market mechanism is flawed in
focusing only on individual interests. In reality, the interests of human beings, rather than
standing on their own, are always intertwined with communal interests, moral orders, cultural
values, and even altruism. The best example is probably altruism within a household, where
the parents’ love for their children, spouses’ love for each other, brothers’ and sister’s love
put the other’s interests above their own. At a slightly larger relationship sphere, kinship and
friendship are also networks where the “logic of the market” does not dominate (Munck
2006: 179). Similarly, community relationships are based on the local cultural values, in
which the blind pursuit of self-interest may lead to social sanctions that cannot be measured
in money terms but are nevertheless painful to the violator. Finally, in our everyday life, there
are still random acts of kindness, such as helping strangers on the street without expecting
any kind of reciprocity. These behaviours exist even in corners where the market flourishes
the most. They reveal the fact that self-interests and communal interests, which are enabled
by social relations, should be viewed as a spectrum rather than a binary. The reliance on only
one end is unrealistic and fails to make use of advantages specific to each end.
In the economy, these social relations produce activities that do not contribute to GDP but
serve the immediate needs of those involved (Graham 2001: 80). Examples range from
students volunteering, a friend letting another stay at his/her place during travel, community
members helping each other prepare for feasts, take care of the ill, or simply exchange labour
during cultivation. Thus, instead of participating in the market and purchase these services,
the individual relies on the Giúp of another person. These actions, while to some extent are
driven by reciprocity, cannot be measured by money terms because they challenge the
altruistic purpose of social relations; nevertheless, they are still productive, economic
A day of mine – Non-market interactions based on social relations
I woke up this morning at 7 am. I prepared breakfast for my family rather than eating
out (thus participating in the market and contributing to GDP). As a Vietnamese wife,
I tend to do a larger share of the housework because of the Confucius teaching on me
as a child. Hence, my husband and I developed a division of labour based partly on our
self-interest, but also on our cultural values and the love for each other.
As I drove to work, I stopped for an old woman to cross the road even though it meant
I would be late for work. I did so to be 'nice' because I was taught to respect the elder.
In a sense, this moral value synchronised my interest with that of the old woman
because it gave me a better feeling to be respectful to her than to be on time for work.
At work, my computer broke down and I asked one of my male colleagues to fix it
instead of calling our IT person because I was too lazy to go to a different floor. My
colleague still fixed it for me even though he was busy doing something else himself.
He did it because we have worked together for a long time and have supported each
other through many tasks. I was also older than him, thus, slightly more superior in a
social sense. Besides, being a male and supposedly better at technical issues, he felt
more inclined and responsible for the mishap.
In the evening, it was raining hard and the water started leaking into our house. Seeing
my husband and me struggling to patch up the roof, a neighbour offered us a hand. We
have developed good relations throughout the years not only because we have
supported each other during difficult times but also because we have shared stories,
gossips, jokes, which are not materialistic but benefited our spiritual well-being.
Getting Giúp from our neighbour meant that our family chose not to participate in the
market (by hiring help), but it saved us money and built a stronger sense of solidarity
in the neighbourhood. Later on, we might ask the neighbour to have a meal with us to
thank him even though the money value of the meal might not be equal to the value of
hiring help.
Unpacking the economy into smaller activities as above exposes the other side of the coin,
which co-exists with the market economy but has often been overlooked by mainstream
economics. In fact, if one takes a look at his/her daily life, the extent to which s/he relies on
the Giúp of another might be much larger than the extent to which s/he participates in the
formal market. This ‘economy of help' or 'economy of generosity’ has been studied by
researchers of many disciplines, including
“feminist economists who have problematized the household and voluntary
sectors, theorists of the informal sector in both the ‘third’ and ‘first’ worlds,
economic anthropologists who have focused upon indigenous kin-based and
‘gift’ economies, economic sociologists who have problematized the cultural
and social embeddedness of enterprises, those interested in the social
economy and its ‘alternative’ social entrepreneurs, economic networks and
organizations, and marxist political economists who have pursued a surplus-
oriented economic analysis of different (non-capitalist) enterprises and
households, including worker cooperatives and other communal forms.”
(Gibson & Graham n.d.: 3).
This non-market side of the economy reveals an alternative way of development that puts

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