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Luận văn tiếng Anh: The effectiveness of using pictures in teaching vocabulary at Smart-kids school in Bac Ninh province = Hiệu quả của việc sử dụng tranh ảnh trong việc dạy từ vựng tại trường Smart-kids, tỉnh Bắc Ninh. M.A Thesis Linguistics: 60 14 01 11
Nhà xuất bản: University of Languages and International Studies
Ngày: 2014
Chủ đề: Từ vựng
Phương pháp giảng dạy
DECLARATION ........................................................................................................ i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................................... ii ABTRACT ............................................................................................................... iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................... iv LIST OF TABLES AND CHARTS ....................................................................... vii PART A. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 1 1. Rationale of the study .............................................................................................. 1 2. Aims and significant of the study ........................................................................... 2 3. Scope of the study ................................................................................................... 2 4. Research methodology ............................................................................................ 2 5. Organization of the study ........................................................................................ 3 PART B. DEVELOPMENT ..................................................................................... 4 CHAPTER 1. LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................ 4 1.1. Vocabulary teaching ............................................................................................. 4 1.1.1. Stages in vocabulary teaching ........................................................................... 5 Presentation .......................................................................................... 5 Practice ................................................................................................ 5 Production ............................................................................................ 6 Review .................................................................................................. 7 1.1.2. Techniques in vocabulary teaching ................................................................... 7 1.1.3. Factors affecting vocabulary retention .............................................................. 9 Memory ................................................................................................ 9 Motivation .......................................................................................... 11 Person-dependent factors ................................................................... 13 1.2. Pictures in teaching vocabulary ......................................................................... 15 1.2.1. The meaning of pictures ........................................................................ 15 1.2.2. The types of pictures ............................................................................. 16
1.2.3. Issues of using pictures in teaching vocabulary .................................... 17 1.2.4. Activities using pictures in teaching vocabulary .................................. 19 1.2.5. Review of previous studies on using pictures in teaching vocabulary . 20 CHAPTER 2. METHODOLOGY ......................................................................... 22 2.1. Research question ............................................................................................... 22 2.2. Informants .......................................................................................................... 22 2.3. Planning ............................................................................................................. 23 2.4. Acting ................................................................................................................. 24 2.5. Observing ........................................................................................................... 25 2.6. Reflecting ........................................................................................................... 25 CHAPTER 3. DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION ...................................... 26 3.1. Classroom observation ....................................................................................... 26 3.1.1. Memory .................................................................................................... 26 3.1.2. Interest ...................................................................................................... 28 3.1.3. Classroom interaction............................................................................... 32 3.2. Test result ........................................................................................................... 34 3.2.1. The progress tests ............................................................................................ 34 3.2.2. The final test .................................................................................................... 35 3.3. Finding and comments ....................................................................................... 37 PART C. CONCLUSION ....................................................................................... 40 1. Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 40 2. Implications .......................................................................................................... 41 3. Limitations and recommendations for further studies .......................................... 41 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 43 APPENDIX ................................................................................................................ I APPENDIX 1 ............................................................................................................. I APPENDIX 2 ....................................................................................................................... IV APPENDIX 3 ....................................................................................................................... VI APPENDIX 4 ................................................................................................................... VIII PART A: INTRODUCTION Part A \u2013 Introduction- provides the background to the study and statement of the problem, the aims, the research question, the scope of the study as well as the research methodology. It also outlines the organization of the thesis. 1. Rationale of the study English teaching involves four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. One of the main tasks assigned to foreign language teaching at school is that of training students to be communicatively competent. Speaking is "the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts" (Chaney, 1998: 13). In any second language teaching and learning, speaking is always believed to be the most vital skill and in teaching speaking, vocabulary is the most important thing. \u201cIf language structures make up the skeleton of language, then it is vocabulary that provides the vital organs and the flesh.\u201d(Harmer 1993: 153). Cook\u201fs (2000) conclusion is also consistent with Wilkins in that \u201cGrammar provides the overall patterns, vocabulary the material to put into those patterns\u201d. Or some authors, led by Lewis (1993) argue that vocabulary should be at the center of language teaching, because \u201elanguage consists of grammaticalised lexis, not lexicalised grammar\u201f. From the statement, it can be seen that vocabulary functions as a cornerstone without which any language could not exist. Speaking would be meaningless and perhaps impossible having only structure without vocabulary. Therefore, the English teacher has to be able to organize teaching and learning activities; they have to give materials by using a suitable technique and master the lesson effectively. Especially in learning vocabulary, teachers must make the students able to memorize such words in English language and group of new words. Celce Maria stated that research in first and second language acquisition suggest that initial teaching priorities for language areas should be vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Therefore, the English teacher has to be able to organize teaching and learning activities and they have to give materials by using a suitable technique and master the lesson effectively. Especially in learning vocabulary, teachers must make the students able to memorize such words in English language and group of new words. The statements above mean, vocabulary is important to teach and teachers must try to find the most effective way to Giúp learners retain new words in long term memory. As a teacher at Smart-kids schools, I realize that teaching vocabulary is major concern because at the age of five, students cannot write or read and the effective way to teach is through pictures. Therefore, I choose this topic to understand more about the effectiveness of using picture in teaching vocabulary. 2. Aims and significance of the study This study is aimed at finding out the effectiveness of using picture in teaching vocabulary at Smart-kids school based on the understanding of vocabulary and pictures in linguistic notion and the situation of teaching and learning there. Through this, some implications to solve these problems will be suggested. The result of the research will be helpful for many English teachers in many schools especially Smart-kids school in Bac Ninh province. From this, the teachers will find an effective ways and apply many activities in class to attract students attention in learning new words. Basing on suggestions in this research, teachers can have their own way to teach their students. 3. Scope of the study I cannot go into details of all parts of language theory and practice because of the limited time, the shortage of reference books, and the students\u201f language ability. This is also a wide topic so I mainly focus on the effect of using picture in teaching vocabulary in the field of memory, interest and interaction. 4. Research methodology This methodology used in the study is those of an action research. Thus, it applied both qualitative and quantitative approaches with two methods of data collection. The qualitative data were collected from observation and the quantitative data were collected from tests including two progress tests and one final test. Week 7: unit 6 - In the classroom (clock, board, door, desk), flashcards, game: pointing pictures, flashcard at dawn \uf076 Week 8: unit 6 - In the classroom- continued (CD player, computer, chair and trash can), flashcards, and game: whisper, who is lying? \uf076 Week 9: Final test 2.5. Observing For the third step, Kemmis (1999) suggests that it is time to observe the effect of the critically informed action in the context in which it occurs. As being suggested, the effects of using pictures in teaching vocabulary were observed in the treatment group and teaching and learning process in the control group each week. In the research, I myself taught the experimental and control group during 8 weeks. Observation process was prepared basing on 3 criteria: memory, interest and interaction. During learning period, a teacher\u201fs assistant helped me to take photos of teachers and students in vocabulary teaching. After lesson, I take note on the observation sheet each period and kept them during treatment. 2.6. Reflecting For the final step, Kemmis (1999) says that you need to reflect and plan for further action. In this step, the researcher reflects how the teaching and learning process runs. The function of reflecting is to know the weaknesses and the strengths of the action. In carrying out the final step, the result of how the teaching learning process runs was reflected. It means that the observation notes were collected each week then they were classified and evaluated throughout the research. In addition, the result of 3 tests are also collected and evaluated. The function of reflecting step is to evaluate the effect of using pictures in teaching vocabulary, to access which type of picture is the most effective and to know the weaknesses and the strengths of the action. Meanwhile, other plan would be prepared if the result was not improved. CHAPTER 3: DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION In this chapter, all collected data from classroom observation and tests will be analyzed and discussed to reveal the answers to the research question 3.1. Classroom observation 3.1.1. Memory In teaching vocabulary for kindergarten students, 4 new words were taught in each week basing on the words on the textbook with different interesting topic. As a teacher, I have my own way to check amount of words each students remembered after one lesson. It means that many kinds of memory tests were applied under variety of conditions. The first way was that new words were introduced and students repeated them and then they were asked to check whether they remembered or not. The second way was that the pictures describing new words were placed one by one in front of students and they were asked to recall these words. The third way was that students were shown the cards by the same procedure as the visual one, but then I asked the students to point to a named item while the cards were face down. Besides, the amount of words that students remembered can be checked through playing games and watching videos related to the topic of the lesson. During treatment time, number of words that students remembered after each unit was really important indicator to find out the effectiveness of using pictures in teaching vocabulary in the experimental group compared with the control group. Therefore, number of new words that students in both groups remembered right after words were taught are collected. In teaching vocabulary, the topic of unit can affect number of words that students remembered so in each week, these numbers changed. In addition, many words have been already known before they were taught by teacher. Numbers of students remembered from 1 word to 4 words were recorded but to see clearly the differences, number of students with the percentage of them remembered three and four words were shown in table below: Group Week The control group The experimental group Number of students remember 3 and 4 words % Number of students remember 3 and 4 words % Week 1 6 40 10 66.7 Week 2 7 46.7 10 66.7 Week 3 9 60 11 73.3 Week 4 7 46.7 10 66.7 Week 5 7 46.7 11 73.3 Week 6 7 46.7 14 93.3 Week 7 8 53.3 13 86.7 Week 8 9 60 14 93.3 Table 1: The number of students remembers 3 and 4 words It can be easily seen from the table that from week 6 to week 8, the number of students was 14/15 students. It was really an impressive numbers that most of students in the experimental group remembered new words. It means that using pictures really helps students in remembering new words. However, in the control group, only 50% of students could remember 3 and 4 words. In the control group, the teacher introduced what she was going to teach today. Students seemed to keep silent and paid attention to the teacher. The main teaching method was also translation. She explained new words in Vietnamese and asked them repeat. Many students forgot new words although they were repeated again and again. In week 3, number of students in the experimental group was not much higher than those in the control group. In this week, the topic of unit is \u201chaving fun\u201d with 4 words: swim, skateboard, kite and skate. It can be seen that at the age of five, most of students do not know the real image of skate and skateboard. In addition, students in both groups often make confuse between \u201cskate\u201d and \u201cskateboard\u201d. Table 1 shows clearly the difference in the students\u201f understanding of the lessons in the control group and the experimental group during 8 weeks. It could be
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