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Luận văn tiếng Anh:The use of reading strategies when reading ESP by 4th-year English-majored students at the People’s Security Academy = Việc sử dụng chiến lược đọc hiểu Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành của sinh viên chuyên Tiếng Anh năm thứ tư tại Học viện An ninh Nhân dân. M.A Thesis Linguistic: 60 14 10

1. Rationale
English has been widely used in many areas such as politics, economics, tourism,
telecommunication, culture, science and technology. In the current context of global
integration, English which has become more and more important is not only a means of but
also a key to accessing the latest scientific and technological achievements. Therefore, it is
necessary for many Vietnamese students to have a good command of English to satisfy the
growing demands in a developing country like Vietnam.
Internationally, teaching English has changed tremendously over the last few
decades. More significantly, the traditional teacher-centered approach has been replaced
with the learner-center one, which reflects a desire to explore ways of making
responsive to learner’s need and interest and allowing learners to play a more active and
participatory role in the day-to-day teaching and learning processes. Therefore, no
longer does the teacher act as the centre of all instructions, controlling every aspect of
the learning process. Learners themselves now, more than ever, are sharing the
responsibility for successful language acquisition and in doing so, are becoming less
dependent on the language teacher for meeting their own individual language needs.
Students are advised to become more and more autonomous to diagnose their own
learning strengths and weaknesses and to self-direct the process of language
Reading is considered one of the most important skills which language learners
should master, particularly as it helps to build a variety of language expression and
structures, widen general knowledge and leads to lifelong learning and improvement in
the first and second language skills. “Reading is an essential skill for English as a
second/foreign language (ESL/EFL) student; and for many, reading is the most important
skill to master” (Anderson, 1999). Carrell (1984:1) states “For many students, reading is
by far the most important of four skills in a second language, particularly in a language as
a second or foreign language”. This is true for Vietnamese learners who have studied
English through reading since English is taught and learned as a foreign language and in a
non-native environment. But acquiring and mastering this skill is likely to be a big
hindrance to many learners while they often find it difficult to exploit this skill in their
learning experience. On the other hand, the findings of many ESL/EFL research projects
have shown the positive effects of learning strategies to enhance the comprehensibility of
learners or to overcome comprehension failures. The use of suitable language learning
strategies can improve proficiency and greater self-confidence.
In process of teaching and learning English as a foreign language in Vietnam in
general, and at the People’s Security Academy (PSA) in particular, reading has always
been attracted a great deal of attention both from the teachers and the students. Reading
is regarded as an important skill to the students because these students need to read a lot
of English books and documents to support their professional studies. Having taught
English majored students at PSA for several years, I am aware of their problems and
very much want to Giúp them to improve their reading ability. Therefore, I conducted a
survey research on their use of reading strategies. Based on the findings, I worked out
some solutions to improve PSA students' reading proficiency.
2. Aim of the study
The major purpose of this study is to identify the reading strategies utilized by
fourth-year English-majored students at the PSA.
In order to achieve the above the aim of the study, the following major research
question was addressed:
What are the reading strategies employed by fourth-year English-majored
students at the People’s Security Academy?
3. Significance of the study
The study is the first one to be carried out in the field of reading strategies
research at the PSA. It helps give a detailed description of reading strategies used by
fourth-year English-majored students at the PSA. More importantly, the findings of
their reading strategies can Giúp teachers to understand more about their students and
they can serve as the foundation for some recommendations on how to improve thestudents' reading proficiency. They are also an important basis for reading strategies
based instruction to be implemented in the future.
4. Method of the study
In order to achieve the aim mentioned above, the present study utilized survey
research with two instruments the questionnaire for 35 fourth-year English-majored
students of class AV41 and interviews for 4 teachers to collect data on the students’
reading strategies.
The questionnaire designed as a means to make the researcher’s evaluation more
objective was developed and given to 35 fourth-year English-majored students of class
The interviews were conducted among four teachers who have been teaching
reading for 4th-year English-majored students to obtain their perceptions, comments and
evaluation toward the matter under investigation.
After the data was analyzed and discussed, some conclusions were drawn, and
some suggestions were raised in the thesis.
5. Scope of the study
The present study investigated “the use of reading strategies when reading ESP
by 4th-year English-majored students at the People’s Security Academy”. The study of
learning strategies in other English skills was beyond the scope.
6. Organization of the study
The study is divided into three main parts: the introduction, the development and
the conclusion.
Part I: Introduction includes the rationale, scope, aims, significance, methods
and organization of the study.
Part II: Development consists of three chapters
Chapter 1 reviews the literature relevant to the topic of research and summarizes
some selected studies on reading strategies, which serve as a theoretical and
methodological foundation of the study.
Chapter 2 presents the research methodology of the study. It provides
information about the participants, the research method, the instrumentation, the data
collection procedures and data analysis.
Chapter 3 presents the results of the study, analyzes the data
Part III: Conclusion summarizes the findings, presents the implications and
limitations of the study and finally gives some suggestions for further research.

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Re: Việc sử dụng chiến lược đọc hiểu Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành của sinh viên chuyên Tiếng Anh năm thứ tư tại Học viện An ninh Nhân dân. M.A Thesis Linguistic: 60 14 10

Vui lòng cho link down mới đi add ơi! Không down được ạ. Thank add vô cùng!!! Hi

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