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Luận văn tiếng Anh: A study on difficulties and strategies in English-Vietnamese translation of advertising slogans = Nghiên cứu các khó khăn và chiến lược cho việc dịch Anh-Việt khẩu hiệu quảng cáo. M.A. Thesis Linguistics: 60 22 15
Nhà xuất bản: University of Foreign Languages and International studies
ABSTRACTS .......................................................................................................................iii
LIST OF FIGURES AND CHARTS..................................................................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................................... v
PART 1: INTRODUCTION................................................................................................... 1
1. Rationale........................................................................................................................ 1
2. Objectives of the study ................................................................................................... 2
3. Research questions ......................................................................................................... 2
4. Scope of the study .......................................................................................................... 2
5. Methods of the study...................................................................................................... 2
6. Structure of the study ..................................................................................................... 3
PART 2: DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND .................................................................... 5
1. TRANSLATION THEORY ........................................................................................... 5
1.1. Translation definition .................................................................................................. 5
1.2. Translation methods .................................................................................................... 8
1.3. Translation equivalence ............................................................................................. 11
1.3.1. Translation equivalence ...................................................................................... 11
1.3.2. Types of translation equivalence ......................................................................... 11
1.4. Translation process.................................................................................................... 12
1.5. Translation procedure................................................................................................ 13
2. ADVERTISING AND ADVERTISING SLOGANS .................................................... 14
2.1. Advertising................................................................................................................ 14
2.1.1. Types of advertising ........................................................................................... 16
2.1.2. Language in advertisement ................................................................................. 18
2.1.3. Structure of an advertisement.............................................................................. 20
2.2. Advertising Slogans .................................................................................................. 22
2.2.1. Definition of advertising slogan .......................................................................... 22
2.2.2. Characteristics of advertising slogans ................................................................. 25

TRANSLATION OF AD SLOGANS ...................................................................................... 33
OF ADVERTISING SLOGANS ...................................................................................... 34
1.1. Lexical addition......................................................................................................... 35
1.2. Lexical omission ....................................................................................................... 36
1.3. Lexical adaptation ..................................................................................................... 37
1.4. Structural addition..................................................................................................... 38
1.5. Structural omission.................................................................................................... 38
1.6. Structural adaptation.................................................................................................. 39
2. STUDY OF TRANSLATING PUNS IN AD SLOGANS ............................................. 42
2.1. The phenomenon of puns in ad slogans ..................................................................... 42
2.2. Translating puns into Vietnamese equivalent ............................................................. 44
ENGLISH TO VIETNAMESE ........................................................................................ 45
3.1. Unability to preserve nuance meaning ....................................................................... 46
3.2. Pun as case of untranslatability.................................................................................. 47
3.3. Neologism as a case of untranslatability .................................................................... 48
3.4. Cultural barrier .......................................................................................................... 49
4. STRATEGIES FOR TRANSLATING AD SLOGANS ................................................ 51
4.1 Recognizing the technique used.................................................................................. 51
4.2. Understanding background information of ad slogans................................................ 54
4.3. Dealing with unstranslable factors ............................................................................. 57
4.4. Preserving and reproducing typical qualities of ads slogan......................................... 59
4.5. Applying the original slogan:..................................................................................... 63
5. SUMMARY................................................................................................................. 64
PART 3: CONCLUSION..................................................................................................... 66
1. Recapitulations............................................................................................................. 66
2. Suggested activities……………………………………………………………………...69
3. Limitations and suggestion for further study............................................................. 6971
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 73
APPENDIX 1 ...................................................................................................................... 76
APPENDIX 2: ..................................................................................................................... 80

1. Rationale
The work of translating advertising slogans, in other words as brand taglines,
trademark, has gotten a lot of enthusiastic consultation. There have been numerous studies
and arguments around this absorbing and challenging matter. Mr Bert Esselink, a
globalization consultant for translation company Lionbridge Technologies gave comment on
the translation work that “the phrase „translating advertising slogans‟ is not really
appropriate,” but “It‟s usually a very creative process that consists of finding an equivalent
expression in the target language that conveys a similar message to the original.” John
Freivalds, with a lot experience in the international communications with the firm JFA
Marketing in Lexington, Virginia, refers to this creative process as transcreation. He argues
that the localization of advertising slogans requires unique skills that may not be found in
traditional advertising agencies. Hence, how to do well this creative process is still a question.
Personally, in the process of teaching and studying I am really attracted by ad slogans
which might contain history or culture of a company as well as some curious story of
language. I also found out a wide scope of interesting situations of mistranslating or
ineffective translation or failure in reality. Besides, my students face to the same problems
when they work with commercials and especially with these brand tradelines. As the matter of
fact, advertising slogans are considered brief, meaningful and full of nuances. Thus,
translating them from English into Vietnamese language is really sophisticated and
challenging work. It is not easy to be transferred these special ones without changing or
fading out the shade of meaning. The question raised is that whether there are any techniques
or which methods are useful for handle the difficulties.
Furthermore, some earlier investigations only focus on interpreting the meaning and
characteristics of ad slogans in borrowed words. However, there has not been sufficient and
satisfied study to decode the difficulties and figure out strategies for translating advertising
slogans. Even though it is never easy task, it is new and contributive to give a deep insight of
the area.
These wondering and interests promisingly provide me with many interesting facts,
ideas and directions to implement this study. “A study on difficulties and strategies in
English-Vietnamese Translation of Advertising Slogans”

(3) A passion to perfection - Lufthansa
Một niềm đam mê về sự hoàn hảo
The strategy emphasizing the quality of concision can be basing on the principle:
Omitting the meaning of functional vocabulary (article, preposition, etc.); and preserving the
meaning of content vocabulary (verb, noun, adjective, etc.). Follow this principle, the
example above can be edited as follows:
(1) Có chíp Intel bên trong
(2) Động cơ không có ở xe hơi nào khác
(3) Đam mê sự hoàn hảo.
By omitting the unnecessary lexical, mostly in case of article (một), preposition (trên,
về) and some other vocabulary (ở, được, trang bị, niềm, bất cứ), the new slogans evoke more
concise and natural pleasure. They can be cut out without changing the core meaning or
misleading the right understanding.
 Guaranteeing the clarity quality
Unclear sense in original slogan is common matter because of limitation in language
knowledge of source language or the shortage of understanding the whole context of ad
slogans. Thus, the translated should avoid the ambiguity or generation in translated ones. This
quality can be reached by adding the clarified features. For example,
Intel inside – Intel
(a) Intel ở bên trong
(b)Có con chíp Intel ở bên trong
(c)Có chíp Intel bên trong
If translated as (a), it is not a full comprehension. Especially for some unprofessional
people for hi-tech products, only “Intel” brandname doesn‟t make sense. The word “chíp” (c)
or “con chíp” (c) is provided for the sake of clarifying the kind of product is advertised.
Consider another case:
It‟s Finger lickin‟ good –KFC
(a) việc liếm ngón tay ngon
(b) Thật là ngon khi liếm ngón tay.
(c)Vị ngon trên ngón tay
The translated case in (a) sounds more ambiguous and unnatural in comparison with
two ways of translating in (b) and (c). By adding some lexical items such as “Vị”, “trên”,
“khi” and by redesigning the other way, two later equivalents become more clear and

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