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Download miễn phí Đề tài Advertising methods of construction investment and technology import export join stock company

Acknowledgement 1


Methods of advertising 3

Part A: Introduction 3

1. Reasons 3

2. Purposes 3

3. Methods: 4

Part B :Content: 5


1: The definition of advertising 5

2: The methods of their advertising products 5

3 : Word of mouth 9


2.1 The conpanys background: 10

2.2 The advertising methods of the company 11

2.3 On businesss activities in society 13

2.4 On competition among business 16

2.5 Business activity 18

2.6 Technical competence 20




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a by industry, business firms, nonprofit organizations, or individuals. Advertising is persuasive and informational and designed to influence the purchasing behavior and thought patterns of the audience. Advertising is a marketing tool and may be used in combination with Sales Promotions, personal selling tactics, or publicity. Advertising is description or presentation of a product, idea, or organization, in order to induce individuals to buy, support, or approve of it. And advertising is the activities of attracting public attention to a product or business, as by paid announcements in the print, broadcast, or electronic media.
2. The method of their advertising products:
-E-mail messages: These can be wonderful means to getting the word out about your business. Design your e-mail software to include a "signature line" at the end of each of your e-mail messages. Many e-mail software packages will automatically attach this signature line to your e-mail, if you prefer
-Magazines: Magazines ads can get quite expensive. Find out if there's a magazine that focuses on your particular industry. If there is one, then the magazine can be very useful because it already focuses on your market and potential customers. Consider placing an ad or writing a short article for the magazine. Contact a reporter to introduce yourself. Reporters are often on the look out for new stories and sources from which to collect quotes.
-Newsletters: This can be powerful means to conveying the nature of your organization and its services. Consider using a consultant for the initial design and layout. Today’s desktop publishing tools can generate very interesting newsletters quite inexpensively.
-Newspapers (major): Almost everyone read the local, major newspapers. You can get your business in the newspaper by placing advertises, writing a letter to the editor or working with a reporter to get a story written about your business. Advertising can get quite expensive. Newspapers are often quite useful in giving advice about what and how to advertise.
-Newspapers (neighborhood): Ironically, these are often forgotten in lieu of major newspapers, yet the neighborhood newspapers are often closet to the interests of the organization’s stakeholders.
-Online discussion groups and chat groups: As with e-mail, you can gain frequent exposure to yourself and your business by participating in online discussion groups and chat groups. Note, however, that many groups have strong ground rules against blatant advertising. When you are joining in a group, always check with the moderator to understand what is appropriate.
-Posters and bulletin boards: Posters can be very powerful when placed where your customers will actually notice them. But think of how often you’ve actually noticed posters and bulletin broads yourself. Your best bet is to place the posters on bulletin boards and other places which your customers frequent, and always refresh your posters with new and colorful posters that will appear new to passers by. Note that some businesses and municipalities have regulations about the number of size of posters that can be placed in their areas.
-Radio announcements: A major advantage of radio ads is they are usually cheaper than television ads, and many people still listen to the radio, for example, when in their cars. Ads are usually sold on a package basis that considers the number of ads, the length of ads and when they are put on the air. A major consideration with radio ads is to get them announced at the time that your potential customers are listening to the radio.
-Telemarketing: The use of telemarketing is rising
-Television ads: Many people don’t even consider television ads because of the impression that the ads are very expensive. They are more expensive than most of major forms of advertising. However, with the increasing number of television networks and stations, businesses might find good deals for placing commercials or other forms of advertisements. Television ads usually are priced with similar considerations to radio ads, that is, the number of ads, the length of ads and when they are put on the air.
-Web papers: You probably would not have seen this means of advertising on a list of advertising methods if you had read a list even two years ago. Now, advertising and promotions on the World Wide Web are almost commonplace. Businesses are developing Web pages sometime just to appear up-to-date. Using the Web for advertising requires certain equipment and expertise, including getting a computer, getting an internet services provider, buying a Website name, designing and installing the Website graphics and other functions as needed (for example, an online store for e-commerce), promoting the Website (via various search engines, directories, etc.) and maintaining the Website.
-Yellow Pages: The Yellow Pages can be very effective advertising if you ads are well-placed in the directory’s categories of services, and the name of your business is descriptive of your services and/or your ad stands out (for example, is bolded, in a large box on the page, etc.). The phone company will offer free advice about placing your ad in the Yellow Pages. They usually have special packages where you get a business phone line along with a certain number of ads.
-Direct mail: Mail sent directly from you to your customers can be highly customized to suit their nature and needs. You may want to build a mailing list of your current and desired customers. Collect addresses from customers by noticing addresses on their checks, asking them to fill out information cards, etc. Keep the list online and up-to-date. Mailing lists can quickly become out-of-date. Notice mailings that get returned to you. This should be used carefully and it can incur substantial cost, you don't want to inundate your stakeholders with information so make the most of your messages.
3. Words of mouth
The best kind of advertising is probably what is known as words of mouth advertising, which occurs when people tell their friends or relatives about the benefits of products or services that they have purchased.
It is the best kind of advertising because this form doesn’t have to pay money or anything for anybody. Moreover, words of mouth advertising have many effects. As you known, in fact, if our friends or relatives tell our about the benefit the convenience of products and services which they have used, we will believe in that easily more than listening that on TV, on newspaper or a strange person. When people believe in the products or services, they will buy them. May be, this is the most advantage of words-of-mouth advertising.
Advertising is the name given to the process of commercial promotion of goods and services in order to increase its sales. Advertising can be done by means of a number of mediums like television, newspapers, wall paintings, billboards, magazines, Internet, by the word-of-mouth and in many other ways. Advertising informs the buyers about the availability of a certain product or service in the market and encourages them to buy it.
The main objectives of advertising are:
* Increasing the usage of a certain product and hence acquiring more orders.
* Creating new customers and increasing brand recognition.
* To obtain feedback from customers regarding a certain product.
* To indicate introduction of new products or replacement of old ones.
Advertising has a number of uses. Apart from promoting commercial goods, advertising can also be used to educate and motivate the public about non-commercial issues such as audiovisual sales aids, deforestation, family planning, etc. It is a powerful media which is capable of reaching to the far out masses. Nowadays we find many ads on the internet also. These advertisements in most cases have been successfully in connecting the user with the information he requires. To prevent complete commercialization of electronic media, some countries have made it mandatory for broadcasters to air some advertisements related to consumer interest. These public advertisements educate people of that country on a number of social and moral issues.
However, some people are very keen on exposing the negative side of advertising. The impact that advertisements cause depends on the state of mind of an individual and his past experiences. For instances, young kids will be easily attracted by the false claims made in advertisements. People are also arguing about the increase in consumption of substances like alcohol and cigarettes after viewing the ads. Excessive advertising has become a nuisance in most cities of the world. Manufacturers easily make false claims about any product and influence the minds of the people. To confront this problem, companies are being asked to withdraw any false and negative claims made in their ads and also being made to pay a fine for these false claims


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