Download miễn phí Luận văn Improving credit limit system in Vietcombank

Credit limit is understood as the total credit that a commercial bank identifies a customer or a group customer of the bank. On the basis of the credit rating for customers, VCB build a reference credit limit system. Reference credit limit is base and orientation to bank identify specific credit limit for each customer depending on type, credit rating of business, scale of investment projects,

Credit limit system includes:

Lending limits

Lending limit for a customer is the maximum loan that the bank identifies for a specific customer; the loan can be defined as ana maximum rate or an average percentage for the bank's own capital, and within framework limits of the central bank. Besides reference lending limit for each customers, VCB has flexibility provisions for special customers in the exception.


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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu:

- 01 Training center
- 1 overseas representative office;
- 3 domestic subsidiaries:
- 1 overseas subsidiary in Hong Kong;
- 209 transaction department
- 4 joint- venture enterprises.
Vietcombank has become one of the most modern banking institutions in Vietnam. With an integrated advanced technology system connecting all of its products and services, Vietcombank is able to provide customers with modern and high quality banking products and services.
Structure of Vietcombank:
Organizational structure of the VCB, after equalization, is built toward the model of Parent company with the key bond is the commercial bank-the parent one, which is the major field of business activities; The VCB shareholders have the rights and responsibilities to VCB and to all the enterprises, which is owned, dominated, invested by VCB.
As directed by government, the Subsidiaries of the VCB will be equalization to diversify forms of ownership, utilize the experience of strategic partners, especially the foreign strategic partners ... to contribute to building and development of VCB. Accordingly, investors can hold shares in these enterprises, or VCB, or both, and have rights and responsibilities under the Charter of that unit.
Chart 2.1: VCB structure (Parent company structure)
45% of Joint venture Life insurance
50% joint venture bank
VCB Leasing Company
Vinafico in Hong Kong
VCB Securities Company
VCB Fund Management Company
Non-life insurance (Proposed)
VCB Fund management of Investment in infrastructure development Company (proposed)
Asset Management Company
Finance & credit Pledge Company (proposed)
Finance & consumer credit Company (proposed)
Enterprises & commercial banks dominated by VCB
Reinsurance Company
VCB Money Transfer (proposed)
VCB Card Company (Proposed)
16% Joint-stock VCB-Bonday
70% Joint-stock VCB Tower
52% Joint-stock VCB-Bonday-Ben Thanh
Real estate Investment Company
Fifth Road Joint-stock Company
Infrastructure investment Company
VCB Training center
VCB Institute – Academy
The Parent Company
Vietnam joint-stock bank for Foreign Trade (Vietcombank)
The VCB Staff shareholder
Foreign strategy investor
(in negotiation)
Domestic Investors
(Source: Introduction about Vietcombank on websitehttp//
By the VCB Restructure technical associated project, which was funded by WB and the Government of Netherlands through the management of SBV, VCB has developed their own model for organization and pattern management practices, in accordance with international best practices
The VCB operation model is divided into blocks of activities, subjects to the unified management from Head office to affiliates as follow:
Chart 2.2: VCB structure (Operation structure)
CEO & Senior Management
System of function dept in Head Office and branch network
Risk Committee
Other Committee
Congress Shareholders
bm & BOD
Internal audit
Controllers Committee
Risk Management Committee
Credit Committee
Internal Inspectorate
Other Committee
Treasury&Trading Group
Retail business Group
Risk Mngmt & Impaired Assets Mngmt Group
Operation Group
Supporting depts
Financial Group
Wholesale business Group
(Source: VCB Credit manual)
In fact, Vietcombank is gradually applying organizational models mentioned above as well as the pattern in corporate governance standards and international best practices today. And now, under the direction of Government, VCB is preparing the conditions for formation of corporation finance investment in VCB organization model and management in accordance with international best practices (model Corporation financial investment - Financial Holdings). It is expected that in the year 2020, VCB will officially switch to model of Financial Holdings
Vietcombank’s major performance indicators
Through 5 years from 2004-2008, Vietcombank has achieved many targets about the development in total assets, outstanding loans, funds mobilization, equity and profit... In December 31st, 2008, VCB has total outstanding debt of about 108.534 billion VND, total mobilized capital 221.950 billion USD and equity reach about 13,790 billion VND. With net income reached VND 2.536 billion in 2008, the ratio of profit after tax on equity of VCB was 18.03% (the highest ratio in comparison to the 4 biggest banks in Vietnam in 2008). From 2006 to 2008, VCB net income annual growth was 37.2% in average, total assets was 17.7% per year and raise capital from customers was 12.6% per year. VCB's growth strategy is also supported by a solid capital base with the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) reached 8.9% at December 31st, 2008, higher than the 8% minimum standards prescribed by the SBV to commercial banks.
For more details, we can also analysis the VCB business result in period of 2004-2008.
Table 2.1: VCB business result in period of 2004-2008.
Measurement (Unit)
Total assets
Outstanding loans
Total deposit from customers
Net Profit
Return on Assets (ROA)
Return on Equity (ROE)
Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR)
(Source: Balance sheet of Vietcombank)
By this table, we can see VCB had a great success in increase its financial indicators. VCB total assets has increased sharply (up to 84.95%) in the period of 5 years. Besides, the credit activities double the scale with over 108 VND bil in 2008 (account for 10% total outstanding loans of Vietnam Bank System). And as the certain, the VCB net profit, ROE, CAR are in good condition in comparison to all the other banks.
The profit increased each year, especially in 2006. One of the reasons is the development of security market in 2006 lead to revenue from investment and financial increase significantly. In 2007, after the Director 03/2007/CT-NHNN governing that securities backed lending ratio allowed to account for 3% of bank’s total outstanding loans lead to go down sharply of securities, investment and financial income. As a result, the profit of 2007 is lower than 2006, ROA and ROE also lower.
Chart 2.3: Total Assets of VCB in the period of 2004-2008
Chart 2.4: Vietcombank ROA & ROE in 2004-2008
Credit activities at Vietcombank
Overview of credit operation at Vietcombank
Organizational structure of credit activities at VCB
Credit organizations operating in the VCB are classified into two levels: Head office, branch
Head office
Risk management committee
Risk management committee was established to support the Board of Directors in the management of risk. Head of the committee is chairman of the Board. Members of the committee activity sell and often the leader representing the Board or who is assigned in charge of managing the office operations of large field such as Treasury department, Credit management department, Economic analysis department, Technology department... The main task of the committee issuing the policy or the regime set out measures to effectively manage the different types of risks in banking operations, which of course include the type of credit risk use
Central Council of Credit
Credit Central Council was established to support the Executive Board in the provision of credit products to customers. Chairman is Director-General. Vice-chairman is a deputy general director in charge of credit. Council members are the Chief Manager of credit, investment projects, general economic analysis, customer relationship and rule of law office. The main task of the Council is to consider and decide on the loan beyond the competence of the Director of the ruling branch.
Credit management Department
Credit management department perform three main duties: monitoring and managing credit risk, guidance and promulgate policies and regimes related to credit activities. Construction plans and credit-oriented activities in each period.
Investment projects department
Investment projects department implemented two basic tasks: re-evaluation of investment projects beyond the limit of the ruling branch director, direct lenders to consider the evaluation of major projects in Hanoi and the Northern provinces (except the province has branches VCB)
Due Department
This department is responsible for the debt management tracking all bad loans (over 180 days), the tracking computing deduction for a reserve fund and handle risks from bad debt reserve fund risk. Evaluate exemptions judgment interest in excess of the branch director
Credit Information Department
Responsible for monitoring and collecting information related to the prevention of ...


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