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Chapter I: Introduction
I.1.Rationale . .1
I.2.Aims . .2
I.3.Scope . .2
I.4.Object . .2
I.5.Method . .3
I.6.Design of the study . .3
Chapter II: Literature Review . .4
II.1. Literature . 4
II.1.1. Definition . 4
II.1.2. Genres . .5
II.1.3. What makes literature distinctive from other texts . 5
II.1.4. Literature and language teaching . .6
II.1.4.1. Why use literature in language classroom. . .6
II.1.4.2 Literature in the ESL classroom . . .9
II.1. 4.2.1.Poetry in the ESL classroom . .9
II.1. 4.2.2.Short story and its advantages in language classroom . .10
II.2. Reading comprehension . .11
II.2.1. Reading comprehension and its roles in language learning . 11
II.2.2. Reader and the text . 11
II.2.3. Students’ difficulties with reading . 12
II.3. Literature and Reading . .13
II.3.1. Some links between reading skills and literary skills . .13
II.3.2. Efferent reading and aesthetic reading . 14
Chapter III: Methodology 15
III.1.The setting .16
III.2.The subjects . 16
III.3.Data collection instruments . . 17
Chapter IV: Results and Discussion . 19
IV.1. Students’ attitude towards literary texts . 19
IV.2.The effects of short story and poem in teaching reading comprehension . 22
Chapter V. Conclusion and Recommendation . 30
V.1.Introduction . .30
V.2.Recommendation . 30
V.2.1.Selecting and evaluating the texts . 30
V.2.2. Suggested techniques for integrating short stories and poems in the teaching of reading comprehension skills . 31
V.2.2.1. Reading poems . 31
V.2.2.2. Reading short stories . .36
V.2.2.3. Overcoming cultural problems . .39
V.2.3. Keys for using literary texts in reading classes . .41
V.3. Conclusion . .43
V.4. Limitations of the study . 43
V.5. Suggestions for further research . .44

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Tóm tắt nội dung:

Discussing about themes helps develop the skills of reading beyond the lines.
According to Brumfit (1986) “reading is the most autonomous and individualizable ability in language work, and literature is a rich and widely – appealing source of material for reading”. For him, if reading is to be viewed as an integrated process, the teaching of reading must do more than simply exercise reading in the target language. With literature, the students are not asked to translate the text exactly but in order to understand the text they are required to discuss questions which force them to see the text as a coherent piece of discourse. It in turn helps develop the interaction between the readers and the text.
II.3.2. Efferent reading and aesthetic reading
There is no one way to deal with a text in the reading classroom. This part focuses on differentiating the two methods: efferent reading and aesthetic reading. According to Rosenblatt (1978) efferent reading is reading in which the reader is concerned with what she will carry away whereas in aesthetic reading the reader’s primary concern is with what happens during the actual reading. The purpose of the former is using the text to gain information while that of the later is exploring the language usage through the relevance to the experience. Thus, to readers in aesthetic reading the enjoyment is attained by interacting with the text, they often relate their world of experience to the text. After reading they might be asked whether something similar have ever happened to them. As a result, they get involve in the text and interact with the text by sharing their feelings or experience. Furthermore, if a reader in efferent reading is supposed to carry the information away, he, in aesthetic reading often makes judgments about the characters or giving his opinion if he was the character. This activity helps him understand the text thoroughly or in other words, he can get to the bottom of the event.
It is true that literature to some extents is a key to motivate the students to read. Besides providing an ideal vehicle for illustrating language use, it also offers a mean of introducing cultural assumptions. But with the desire to promote truly aesthetic reading, the using of literature should be approached not efferently, but in a manner which establishes a personal and aesthetic interaction between a reader and a text.
Chapter III: Methodology.
The study aims at measuring the hypothesis that how effective the integration of short story and poem into reading comprehension class is, so the quantitative research method is used. Theoretically, this method includes using questionnaires and interviews to collect data; however, the author, after considering the specific situation of the university decided to choose questionnaires as:
Questionnaires often seem a logical and easy option as a way of collecting information from people (Wisker, 2001). They gather information directly by asking people questions and using them as data for analysis.
Questionnaires are often used to gather information about attitudes, behaviors, activities, and responses to events whereas the study aims at investigating the students’ attitude toward the use of short story and poem in developing reading skills and their responses to certain activities carried out in class. So, it is appropriate to use questionnaires.
According to Wallace (1998) using questionnaires is more economical and time saving than interviews. There is often a list of questions and respondents can complete questionnaires in timed circumstances and it is a method of gathering large numbers of responses.
Furthermore, in the English Department, Hai Phong University both students and teachers do not have the habit of teaching and learning with literary texts, thus if using interviews the answers may be passive and of little use.
In order to get reliable responses from students, the author has taken advice from an experienced supervisor and pilot questions thoroughly before carrying out. Following is the description of the university, students and the data collection instruments.
III.1.The setting
The study was conducted at the English Department, Hai Phong University where the author is teaching. English is only one of the many subjects taught such as Maths, Literature, Physic, Music and Arts, etc. The students have to go through four years learning both background and specialized knowledge.
In the English Department, students spend the first two years studying general English which focuses on the four language skills. At this stage, most of students’ time is for practicing the language skills in class under the guidance of teachers. If they pass the tests at the end of this stage, they will spend the last two years on subjects like Semantic, Grammar, Phonetic, Methodology, Translation, and so on. At this second stage, students have to use the language skills they have mastered to read a lot of materials and most of class time devotes to discussion and presentation.
III.2.The subjects
This study was carried out with the participation of 40 full time students who are learning at the English Dept. of Hai Phong University.
As mentioned in the premise, although literature is very interesting and literary texts are really helpful when integrated to develop language skills, they are still not popularly used in Viet Nam, especially in Hai Phong University where the translation approach still dominates the teaching methodology. Except one teacher in the staff who is teaching English literature, others have almost no idea about using literature in language teaching especially the four skills. That is the reason why the author does not include the teachers in this study and she really wants to make a new path way in language teaching in general and in reading comprehension teaching in particular.
The students under investigation were in their second term of the second year. They are between 19 and 22 including both male and female students whose background knowledge is almost of the same level. They had all passed the test of the first term and their language level is between the upper-intermediate and advance.
Students have English class every weekday and they have five hours for reading skills per week. Within each class, normally 45 minutes long, they learn and practice reading skills such as skimming, scanning, reading for main ideas or for specific information, etc. The reading materials mostly are taken from course books like: Think First Certificate, Reading 2, IELT Reading, Insight and Ideas, etc. Some are downloaded from the Internet or taken from newspapers.
III.3.Data collection instruments
There are two questionnaires; one investigates the attitude of students toward the literary texts in general and the other aims at finding out the effects of using short stories and poems in teaching and learning reading in particular. In the first questionnaire three questions are given, of which Q1 is to get the rank of different types of literature according to students’ preference. Q2 focuses on the aspects that cause difficulties in reading literary texts and the purpose of Q3 is to investigate the topics that students are interested in.
The second questionnaire is a little more complicated, it focuses on activities students do in the reading class. The emphasis of most questions is on the reaction of students toward different activities using short stories and poems in class reading. The questions are for stages in teaching reading like pre-reading (Q1), while-reading (Q2, Q3) and post-reading (Q4). Q3 is specially divided into six smaller ones which aim at finding the effects of activities used with short stories and poems from the first stage to the last stage of a reading lesson. To get extra information, question (Q5) is designed for suggestions and feedbacks from the students. While the first four questions are designed with multiple choices which students can choose more than one, the last question is for open answers with suggestions like : The teacher should…. and : The students should… Thus, the teacher will know what his/ her students think and those suggestions will Giúp teachers adjust the activities more effectively.
To prepare for the study, reading comprehension lessons integrating short stories and poems were conducted at the beginning of the term but the data were collected just two weeks before the final exam. By doing so, it was hoped that enough time was given to introduce the new teaching method to the students and they could be confident when they did the questionnaires and knew what to do and how to answer.
Chapter IV: Results and Discussion
In this chapter, data collected is described and analyzed. Separate findings come after the discussion of each question.
IV.1.Students’ attitude t...


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