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Luận văn tiếng Anh: An investigation into non-English major students' vocabulary learning strategies at the central vocational college of transport number 1 = Nghiên cứu việc sử dụng các chiến lược học từ vựng của sinh viên không chuyên tiếng Anh trường Cao đẳng Nghề Giao thông Vận tải Trung Ương 1. M.A Thesis Linguistics: 60 14 10

Eglish Teaching Methodology -- University of Languages and International Studies. Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2012
This study investigated vocationally-trained students’ awareness of using vocabulary learning strategies and strategies they often employ in their learning. A sample of 35 participants was drawn from a vocational college in the suburb of Hanoi. Participants were asked to complete a questionnaire designed to measure the frequency use of certain vocabulary learning strategies. Three (3) English teachers were interviewed to get additional information about the participants’ vocabulary learning processes. The results from the questionnaire and interviews indicated that not many students were aware of their vocabulary learning process and conscious of the strategies being used to achieve better results. Using English-Vietnamese dictionary, asking teachers or friends to translate new English words into Vietnamese, remembering parts of the speech, using new words in sentences, verbal repetition and written repetition are among the strategies frequently used by these participants. It can be seen that the most frequently used strategies are basic and popular ones which brings about few changes in the results. Moreover, none of these strategies belongs to MET group (Metacognitive strategies, as discussed in Section 1.4.3). Finally, implications, limitations, and suggestions for future research are addressed
1. Rationale
In language teaching, more emphasis was put on grammatical knowledge rather
than lexical knowledge for a considerable time, with the view that vocabulary was
merely to provide context for the learning of structures. However, as a result of the
development of communicative approaches to language teaching recently, the status of
vocabulary learning process has been considerably enhanced (Nunan, 1991). Applied
linguists believe that the development of a rich vocabulary is an important element in
the acquisition of a second language. Therefore, it is necessary that both teachers and
learners find out effective ways to enrich learners‟ vocabulary.
There is an old proverb which states: “Give a man a fish and he eats for a day.
Teach him how to fish and he eats for a lifetime”. Applied to the language teaching and
learning field, this proverb might be interpreted to mean that if students are provided
with answers, the immediate problem is solved. But if they are taught the
strategies to work out the answers for themselves, they are empowered to manage
their own learning. This point of view has been reflected in the literature of the field. In
the last decades, there has been a gradual but significant shift within the field of
language learning and teaching resulting in greater emphasis on language learners
and learning process rather than language teachers and teaching. As a result of this
shift on learners and the important role that they can play in the process of learning
new languages, a significant amount of research on language learning strategies has
been done in the last few decades. Several studies that have been carried out by Oxford
(1990), O‟Malley and Chamot (1990), Nunan (1991), Rubin and Thompson (1994),
and Cohen (1998) have shown that one of the most important factors that
distinguish successful learners from unsuccessful ones are their learning
In Vietnam, language learning strategies in general, and vocabulary learning
strategies in particular have received more and more attention. Some studies into this
field have been conducted with different types of learners to find out particular
strategies employed by effective and ineffective learners. However, of all the studies
mentioned, there is none in which the participants are vocationally-trained students. In
Vietnam, there exists a situation that vocational students have high working skills but
limited English competence. Therefore, to Giúp them have better job opportunities in
the environment of globalization, it is necessary to increase their English ability
through effective English teaching and learning activities.
From all the facts mentioned above, I decided to carry out this study to find out
how much awareness vocationally-trained students had of their learning process, and
what vocabulary learning strategies they were employing. My goal is that the
information that this study provides would enable English teachers in vocational
colleges to find out the best way to Giúp students achieve or exceed the expectation.
2. The Study Objectives
The major purposes of this study are:
- To find out if non-English major students at the Central Vocational College of
Transportation Number 1 are aware of their vocabulary learning processes;
- To find out the vocabulary learning strategies employed by these students;
- To provide implications for the teaching and learning of the English vocabulary.
3. Research Questions
The study would be conducted to answer the following questions:
Question 1: Are non-English major students at the Vocational College aware of
using strategies in their vocabulary learning processes?
Question 2: What vocabulary learning strategies are commonly used by the
4. Scope of the Study
The study was designed to investigate vocabulary learning strategies which were
employed by the students at the Central Vocation College of Transportation Number 1.
The findings obtained from this study would hopefully be used to Giúp improve the
teaching and learning of the English vocabulary at the Central Vocation College of
Transportation Number 1 in particular, and at other vocational schools in general.
5. Methods of the Study
In order to achieve the objectives of the study mentioned above, the quantitative
analysis is the main tool for analyzing the data, which was collected from the
The results from the survey questionnaires were then combined with interviews
and discussions with the teachers and students at the Central Vocation College of
Transportation Number 1 to provide the final recommendations.
6. Outline of the Study
The thesis is divided into three parts:
Part 1 – Introduction: This part includes the rationale, the objectives, the research
questions, the scope, the methods, and the outline of the study.
Part 2 Development: This part includes 3 chapters as follows:
 Chapter 1 reviews the basic concepts related to language learning strategies,
vocabulary learning, as well as research on vocabulary learning strategies. In
addition, learning strategy classifications are reviewed to set up the theoretical
framework for the investigation in the next chapter.
 In chapter 2, the questionnaire and interview study is presented. It includes the
setting of the study, the descriptions of the participants, the research questions,
the research method, and data procedure collection.
 Chapter 3 analyzes and discusses the data collected from the questionnaire and
interviews. It also includes the summary and discussion of the main findings.
Part 3 presents the conclusions of the study, implications and limitations of the
study as well as suggestions for further research.
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