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Luận văn tiếng Anh:Developing writing skills for student at Kien Tho secondary school through fairy tales = Phát triển kỹ năng viết cho học sinh THCS Kiên Thọ qua các câu chuyện cổ tích. M.A Thesis Linguistics: 60 14 01 11
Chapter One

Nhà xuất bản:University of Languages and International Studies
First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to my supervisor Dr. Kieu Thi
Thu Huong, for her valuable advice, reliable comments, patient support and
encouragement in the completion of this M.A thesis.
My deep appreciation also gives to all staff, teachers and members at Faculty of
Post-Graduate Studies of University of Languages and International Studies -
Vietnam National University for their instruction and enthusiastic.
I especially thank many other writers who have shared their ideas or opinions in this
field. Their ideas have stimulated my thinking and have supported me to complete
this paper. My debt to the authors listed in the references is equally great.
My next sincere thanks are surely extended to all my students and my colleagues at
Kien Tho Secondary School. Without their enthusiastic contribution and
cooperation, certainly, this research would have hardly been completed.
Finally, I do not forget to send my special thanks to my parents, my husband and
my friends who have always been my great motivation and encouragement to do
this study successfully as possible as I can. ABSTRACT
This study has been conducted to display how effective fairy tales can assist to
consolidate students’ knowledge of the English language as grammar and
vocabulary and to promote their self-confidence and creative writing skills. Besides
that, the author also mentions stories as a good motivation to raise students’ interest
in writing tasks. The study has been conducted on 60 eighth-form students at Kien
Tho Secondary School. In order to obtain these students’ opinion concerning the use
of fairy tales and their effectiveness toward the writing instruction, a questionnaire
was designed as one of data collection tools. Some open questions were
implemented to interview three experienced colleagues of the researcher about their
attitudes and the results after they employ fairy tales into writing class. In addition,
the researcher has done three experimental tests (one pre-test and two post-tests)
with 30 among 60 students so as to measure how progress they are compared to the
tests with other common texts. The findings from data analysis has shown that most
of the students not only have positive attitudes toward fairy tales but realize their
feasible effects on creating a relaxed learning environment and on improving
students’ writing proficiency as well. Base on findings of the study, the researcher
also supplies some suggestions about the selection of appropriate stories, how to use
fairy tales in learning writing and the employment of a three-stage model of a
writing process with the aim at developing students’ writing skills. prominent. In contrast, all three elements above are beneficial things of fairy tales
according to the majority of respondents (see table 3.4). Therefore, it is true that
stories provide a useful and motivating source of input for the kind of writing. The
use of stories enables learners to be more aware of the use of English language and
to express their feelings, opinions and imagination more easily. All these
advantages of fairy tales Giúp students to master their writing skills effectively.
1.3. Students’ writing improvement
According to students’ reactions from the data of investigation, 52% of
students claim that their writing is better and more creative. And 68% of them admit
they feel effective after using fairy tales into writing lessons (see table 4.2).
Obviously, students have felt more confident while working with familiar texts like
fairy tales. That is the reason why they do not feel afraid of engaging in writing
tasks. Moreover, stories enable students to be free to show their imagination and
ideas while writing. Similarly, students’ progress has also been found in the results
of two post-tests. A large number of students have achieved higher scores than they
did in the pre-test. An observation from students’ writings in these tests has
indicated that students make less errors of ungrammatical words in the post-tests
than they made in the pre-test. Further, their creativity and idea generation in more
sentence writings in the post-tests are also more remarkable.
In general, students’ level has increased in using the words and creating new
ideas in their writings and in making fewer grammatical errors in their writing in
comparison to before being taught with fairy tales.
2. Limitations of the study
Despite the great efforts in performing the study, the researcher still realizes
that there have existed some limitations.
The limitation of time is the first fact factor influence the result of the study.
The researcher do not have enough time to carry out do experiment with all
participants. Only 30 of them are picked up randomly to do testing on three tests.
Therefore, to some extent, the results of these students in the tests cannot be
representative outcome for all.
Another problem lies in the limitation of students’ mastery to suggested
activities for the writing process that the researcher has given above. Because of

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