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Luận văn tiếng Anh:Students' attitude about the role learning in vocabulary learning strategies at Nguyen Sieu Upper Secondary school = Thái độ của học sinh trường THPT Nguyễn Siêu về vai trò của học thuộc lòng trong chiến lược học từ vựng. M.A Thesis
M.A Thesis English teaching Methodology -- University of Foreign Languages and International Studies. Vietnam National University,
1. Rationale of the study
Vietnam is step by step reaching to the association and development of the world with
many open-door policies. Education which gets plenty of effects from outside belongs to
that flow. Learning and teaching English become a very important factor not only in
education itself but also in country’s development. English plays a role as the most
important foreign language in Vietnam. Both English and English learning appears in a
huge number of researches as a proof of this phenomenon.
When talking about Asian students, Robinson (2000) proposes, “many will agree they are
quiet, diligent, shy, attentive, and keen to learn and seldom cause problems in class. Do we
know and understand their learning styles and problems? What is known about Asian
learners?” A number of studies as Watkins & Biggs (1996) edited collection on “The
Chinese Learner: Cultural, Psychological and Contextual Influences” has especially
focused on understanding Chinese English learners. There is a widespread belief that
Chinese learners are oriented to Rote Learning (RL). The use of RL by Chinese learners
has been seen as simple repetition or memorization of vocabulary lists. Xiuping Li’s
research (2004) focused on a deep analysis of Chinese EFL learners’ beliefs about role of
rote learning in vocabulary learning strategies. This reflects the view that language
learning strategies are shaped by learner’s beliefs and that beliefs are probably shaped by
their cultural backgrounds (e.g. Horwitz, 1987; Wenden, 1987). It is generally accepted
that many aspects of EFL learners’ choices of strategies are explained by different cultural
beliefs (e.g. Biggs 1997). Traditionally, Vietnamese learners usually remember vocabulary
by heart and RL is one of the most popular ways to learn English vocabulary in all
strategies they can use. To understand the reason why Vietnamese EFL learners use RL, it
is vital to understand Vietnamese learner’s attitude about role of RL in learning. Actually,
learners’ perceptions about learning strategies should be carefully considered. This study
gives concern for students’ attitude about RL at an Upper Secondary School – Nguyen
Sieu, a school which always has a trend to change methods in learning and teaching
English. As a teacher of English at school I recognize that vocabulary learning is so
important to students that they always try to remember any word they think it is new.
However, to look into the ways students usually use when learning English, I would like to
focus on RL to find out whether it is available or not to students at present.
For all the above reasons, and motivated by the idea of finding relevant vocabulary
learning strategies, it is my strong desire to purpose a study on “Students’ attitude about
the role of Rote Learning in Vocabulary Learning Strategies at Nguyen Sieu Upper
Secondary School”.
2. Objectives of study
This paper is carried out with these following purposes:
1. to promote a positive understanding of the concept of RL in vocabulary learning
2. to test whether Nguyen Sieu students use more RL strategies than other memory
strategies and the reasons why they do so
3. to offer possible guidance to Vietnamese EFL teachers and students who are
interested in choosing and using RL in vocabulary learning strategies.
3. Research questions
To achieve the objectives of the study, the following research questions were proposed:
1. Do Nguyen Sieu students use more RL strategies than other memory strategies in
vocabulary learning?
2. Are RL strategies helpful and effective in vocabulary learning nowadays although it
is a traditional method?
3. Is RL given a positive appreciation because of its important role in vocabulary
4. Scope of the study
There is a wide range of methods that Giúp students to retain vocabulary. However, in this
minor thesis I would focus my research on RL, students’ attitude about RL and their
preference for RL when learning English vocabulary. Although RL is usually considered
as a traditional, out- of - date, boring and ineffective way in learning language, this study
hopes to give several positive opinions about it. Through gathering information about
learner’s attitude about learning and memorizing EFL vocabulary, the role of RL strategies
in vocabulary learning strategies will be made clearer. 5. Method of study
To find answers to the above - stated research questions, the study uses a combination of
qualitive and quantitive research approaches, which include data analysis and survey
questionnaire. In the study, data which is collected through questionnaire will be processed
and analyzed to investigate into learner’s vocabulary learning strategies.
6. Design of the study
The thesis consists of three parts as follows:
Part I – Introduction, which states the rationale, objectives, scope and research
questions, as well as the methods and design of the study
Part II - Development includes three chapters. Chapter I presents all the necessary
theoretical background of the research. Chapter II deals with the investigation into Nguyen
Sieu students’ attitude to RL and their preference for it through identifying the subjects, the
setting of the study and the instruments used questionnaires. Chapter III reports the results
of the study, provides the discussion of the findings in this study, addresses the limit of the
study, applications of the findings and gives recommendations for further study.
Part III – Conclusion gives the summary of the study, some limitations of the study and
implications for further study.
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Re: Thái độ của học sinh trường THPT Nguyễn Siêu về vai trò của học thuộc lòng trong chiến lược học từ vựng. M.A Thesis Linguistics: 60 14 10

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