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Luận văn tiếng Anh:Typical cultural features in English and Vietnamese fables about philosophy of life: a contrastive analysis = Phân tích đối chiếu các đặc điểm văn hóa điển hình trong các truyện ngụ ngôn tiếng Anh và tiếng Việt nói về triết lý cuộc sống.

M.A Thesis English Linguistics -- University of Foreign Languages and International Studies. Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2010

Certificate of originality of study project report
Table of contents
List of tables
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1. Rationale of the study
1.2. Aims and research questions
1.3. Significance of the study
1.4. Scope of the study
1.5. Organization of the study
Chapter 2: Literature View
2.1. Culture
2.2. Fables as a type of literature
2.2.1. Fable 2.2.2. Fables about philosophy of life.
Chapter 3: Methodology
3.1. Subjects
3.1.1. English fables
3.1.2. Vietnamese fables
3.3. Data collection and data analysis procedures
Chapter 4: Results and discussions
4.1. Typical cultural features of English fables about philosophy of life.
4.1.1. Features of the settings and objects.
4.1.2. Features of the characters.
.4.1.3. The features of the language used by the characters.
4.1.4. Features of the ways the philosophy of life is expressed
4.2. The TCFs in Vietnamese fables about philosophy of life
4.2.1. Features of the settings and objects.
4.2.2. Features of the characters Characters as humans Characters as animals
4.2.3. Features of the language
4.2.4. Features of the way the philosophies of life are expressed
4.3. The similarities and differences of the TCFs in English and Vietnamese fables about
philosophy of life
4.3.1. Similarities
4.3.2. Differences
Chapter 5: Conclusion
5.1. Major findings
5.2. Limitations and suggestions for further research
5.3. Pedagogical implications
APPENDIX Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1. Rationale of the study
The first thing to mention when it comes to choosing the topic of this thesis is that culture
itself is a broad and complicated subject matter. There are plenty of aspects in this field. As
usual, each of them is touched upon individually from different angles, depending on the
interests of certain authors. Therefore, it is not surprising that different authors give different
definitions of culture. In addition, it is agreed that getting a deep understanding about any
aspect of culture is a really hard job. This is because culture is not tangible, and it is only
perceptive to human sense. For different individuals, the perceptions are not the same. Thus,
there is a variety of presentations on the subject matter.
However complicated it is, culture is still an important factor in our life. It distinguishes
humans from animals. The way people behave and treat each other makes them different from
other living beings. It is also agreed that although the world is coming toward common
standards in many fields like science, technology and business, there are by no means a
uniform in culture among the regions or nations in the world. It is cultural identities that
distinguish groups of people. Nowadays, in the world of integration, humans are searching for
a common understanding of one another. Culture is really a bridge that brings people closer
together. The need to discover certain cultures has become more urgent than ever before.
Another reason that inspires the author to carry out this study is the attractiveness of fables,
in this case, fables in English and Vietnamese. Fables are one type of folk literature with
stories containing characters as either animals or humans. Stories of this type tell a variety of
subject matters like the explanations of phenomena in real life or the teasing of bad habits of
humans. Each story is a moral lesson and through the words and behaviors of characters, we
can draw certain philosophies of life. The readers become thoughtful after reading such a
Among fables of various themes, those about philosophies of life appear to be the most
remarkable. These are the most attractive of all types of fables. The world of animals or
humans - mostly in the past, speaks of the moral lessons which are still relevant in present life.
Apart from the moral lessons, another attraction in fables is the cultural features embedded in
each story. The settings, characters, language, and the way characters treat one another reveal
the cultural identities of certain nations, regions and these are the most attractive parts of
1.2. Aims and research questions
Conducting the study, the author sets several limited aims. First of all, the study is to find
out the typical cultural features (TCFs) in fables in English as well as in Vietnamese. As a
matter of fact, there are a number of cultural features in fables, but the author’s focus is only
on the typical ones. That is, only the most remarkable features are taken into account. The
second thing this study has to do is to contrast these typical cultural features in the fables in
the two languages, finding out the similarities and the differences. In order to do so, the study
will have to search for the answers to the following research questions:
1. What are the typical cultural features in English fables about philosophy of life?
2. What are the typical cultural features in Vietnamese fables about philosophy of life?
3. What are the similarities of the typical cultural features in English and Vietnamese
fables about philosophy of life?
4. What are the differences of the typical cultural features in English and Vietnamese
fables about philosophy of life?
1.3. Significance of the study
The study is of great significance to not only culture researchers but those whose interests
are in applied linguistics as well. To those who are interested in cultures, the findings of the
study will manifest the TCFs in the fables in two languages, namely English and Vietnamese.
The readers and the learners of English language will have a chance to perceive the TCFs in
each language. In addition, the study also presents a contrastive analysis between these

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