Link tải luận văn miễn phí cho ae Kết nối
John Loughran, Mary Lynn Hamilton
Part III Teacher Educators
15 Personal Practical Knowledge of Teacher Educators.......................... 3
Vicki Ross and Elaine Chan
16 Beginning Teacher Educators: Working in Higher
Education and Schools............................................................................ 35
Jean Murray
17 Reflective Practice................................................................................... 71
Carol Rodgers and Vicki Kubler LaBoskey
18 Mentoring ................................................................................................ 105
Lily Orland-Barak
19 Exploring the Complex Concept of Quality
in Teacher Education .............................................................................. 143
Tom Russell and Andrea K. Martin
20 Intimate Scholarship: An Examination of Identity
and Inquiry in the Work of Teacher Educators ................................... 181
Mary Lynn Hamilton, Stefinee Pinnegar, and Ronnie Davey
21 Teacher Education for Educational and Social Transformation ........ 239
Lorena I. Guillén , Camila I. Gimenes , and Ken M. Zeichner
Part IV Students of Teaching
22 Factors Influencing Teaching Choice: Why Do Future
Teachers Choose the Career?................................................................. 275
Paul W. Richardson and Helen M. G. Watt
23 Being a Student of Teaching: Practitioner Research
and Study Groups ................................................................................... 305
Robert V. Bullough Jr. and Leigh K. Smith24 Becoming Teacher: Exploring the Transition
from Student to Teacher......................................................................... 353
Alan Ovens , Dawn Garbett , and Derek Hutchinson
25 Teacher Candidates as Researchers ...................................................... 379
Shawn Michael Bullock
26 Functions of Assessment in Teacher Education.................................... 405
Kari Smith
27 The Emotional Dimension in Becoming a Teacher .............................. 429
Geert Kelchtermans and Ann Deketelaere
28 Social Justice and Teacher Education: Context,
Theory, and Practice............................................................................... 463
Sharon M. Chubbuck and Michalinos Zembylas
29 Looking Beyond Borders: Scholarship of Teacher Education............ 503
Mary Lynn Hamilton and John Loughran
Author Biographies......................................................................................... 519
Index................................................................................................................. 531 Part I Organisation and Structure of Teacher Education
1 Developing an Understanding of Teacher Education .......................... 3
John Loughran and Mary Lynn Hamilton
2 The History of Initial Teacher Preparation
in International Contexts ....................................................................... 23
Peggy L. Placier , Moeketsi Letseka , Johannes Seroto ,
Jason Loh , Carmen Montecinos , Nelson Vásquez , and Kirsi Tirri
3 Structure of Teacher Education............................................................. 69
Cheryl J. Craig
4 Approaches to Teacher Education......................................................... 137
Julian Kitchen and Diana Petrarca
5 Teacher Education Curriculum............................................................. 187
Maria Assunção Flores
6 The Practicum: The Place of Experience?............................................ 231
Simone White and Rachel Forgasz
7 Reform Efforts in Teacher Education ................................................... 267
Clare Kosnik , Clive Beck , and A. Lin Goodwin
Part II Knowledge and Practice of Teacher Education
8 Pedagogy of Teacher Education............................................................. 311
Fred A. J. Korthagen
9 Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Teacher Education...................... 347
Amanda Berry , Fien Depaepe , and Jan van Driel
10 Pedagogical Reasoning in Teacher Education...................................... 387
John Loughran , Stephen Keast , and Rebecca Cooper 11 The Place of Subject Matter Knowledge in Teacher
Education................................................................................................. 423
Marissa Rollnick and Elizabeth Mavhunga
12 Professionalising Teacher Education: Evolution
of a Changing Knowledge and Policy Landscape ................................ 453
Diane Mayer and Jo-Anne Reid
13 Learning from Research on Beginning Teachers ................................. 487
Beatrice Avalos
14 Teacher Education as a Moral Endeavor.............................................. 523
Cees A. Klaassen , Richard D. Osguthorpe , and Matthew N. Sanger
Author Biographies......................................................................................... 559
Index................................................................................................................. 573 Volume 1 through Parts I and II of the Handbook of Teacher Education has illus
trated a progression from an exploration of the complexities of teaching and teacher
education to an examination of the knowledge and practice of teacher education. In
so doing, the focus has sharpened to create a strong and concentrated look at pos
sible understandings of teaching and teacher education. In this volume, Part III
opens up for consideration teacher educators, their many possible roles in the prepa
ration of teachers and their approaches to inquiry. The section continues to pursue
issues from an international perspective which is particularly important in challeng
ing notions that teacher educator identities are universal in nature. This section is
designed to engage the reader in a deep consideration of teaching and teacher edu
cation and support the uncovering of new ways to ponder and articulate such
understandings. Chapter 15
Personal Practical Knowledge of Teacher
Vicki Ross and Elaine Chan
Introductory Vignettes
Seated in the front row of a crowded auditorium, we, Elaine and Vicki, listen to Dr. Jean
Clandinin’s (2015) address as she receives a Legacy-Lifetime achievement award from
Division K of AERA. Jean recounts the early days of her academic career, sharing with us her
experience as a beginning doctoral student reading about research on teachers and teaching.
She tells us that she remembers feeling irate about how teachers were portrayed in the litera
ture. Teachers she encountered in the research literature were presented as not knowing very
much, and criticized for failing to fulfill their professional responsibilities of passing curricu
lum on to their students. This representation was at odds with her own experience working
with teachers in schools. These tensions, in turn, formed the seeds of her career-long inquiry
into the intersections of personal and professional experience in teaching.
For Vicki, a shift came as she read, in a ‘Foundations of Curriculum’ course, an article
in which Kathy Carter (1990) critiques the portrayal of teachers in the existing research.
Carter wrote of the kind and good, but hapless, teacher played off against the kind and
good, and researcher-approved, teacher in studies that dot the education research fi eld.
This article, for Vicki, awakened the sense of how teachers are storied by others in the fi eld
of education research. The teacher in her sees this as an insidious device, structuring much
of the reading she was doing in the fi eld of mathematics education reform at the time. This
kind of portrayal, she believes, dismisses the knowledge of teachers, and places researchers
in a position of judgment over those in the fi eld.
Elaine recalls feeling intimidated in doctoral classes as literature about the lives of
teachers – a life she had lived herself as a classroom teacher – was discussed. At the time,
Elaine did not feel adequately knowledgeable to contribute to discussions about the work
of teaching despite the body of knowledge she had acquired through her own experience
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John Loughran, Mary Lynn Hamilton
Part III Teacher Educators
15 Personal Practical Knowledge of Teacher Educators.......................... 3
Vicki Ross and Elaine Chan
16 Beginning Teacher Educators: Working in Higher
Education and Schools............................................................................ 35
Jean Murray
17 Reflective Practice................................................................................... 71
Carol Rodgers and Vicki Kubler LaBoskey
18 Mentoring ................................................................................................ 105
Lily Orland-Barak
19 Exploring the Complex Concept of Quality
in Teacher Education .............................................................................. 143
Tom Russell and Andrea K. Martin
20 Intimate Scholarship: An Examination of Identity
and Inquiry in the Work of Teacher Educators ................................... 181
Mary Lynn Hamilton, Stefinee Pinnegar, and Ronnie Davey
21 Teacher Education for Educational and Social Transformation ........ 239
Lorena I. Guillén , Camila I. Gimenes , and Ken M. Zeichner
Part IV Students of Teaching
22 Factors Influencing Teaching Choice: Why Do Future
Teachers Choose the Career?................................................................. 275
Paul W. Richardson and Helen M. G. Watt
23 Being a Student of Teaching: Practitioner Research
and Study Groups ................................................................................... 305
Robert V. Bullough Jr. and Leigh K. Smith24 Becoming Teacher: Exploring the Transition
from Student to Teacher......................................................................... 353
Alan Ovens , Dawn Garbett , and Derek Hutchinson
25 Teacher Candidates as Researchers ...................................................... 379
Shawn Michael Bullock
26 Functions of Assessment in Teacher Education.................................... 405
Kari Smith
27 The Emotional Dimension in Becoming a Teacher .............................. 429
Geert Kelchtermans and Ann Deketelaere
28 Social Justice and Teacher Education: Context,
Theory, and Practice............................................................................... 463
Sharon M. Chubbuck and Michalinos Zembylas
29 Looking Beyond Borders: Scholarship of Teacher Education............ 503
Mary Lynn Hamilton and John Loughran
Author Biographies......................................................................................... 519
Index................................................................................................................. 531 Part I Organisation and Structure of Teacher Education
1 Developing an Understanding of Teacher Education .......................... 3
John Loughran and Mary Lynn Hamilton
2 The History of Initial Teacher Preparation
in International Contexts ....................................................................... 23
Peggy L. Placier , Moeketsi Letseka , Johannes Seroto ,
Jason Loh , Carmen Montecinos , Nelson Vásquez , and Kirsi Tirri
3 Structure of Teacher Education............................................................. 69
Cheryl J. Craig
4 Approaches to Teacher Education......................................................... 137
Julian Kitchen and Diana Petrarca
5 Teacher Education Curriculum............................................................. 187
Maria Assunção Flores
6 The Practicum: The Place of Experience?............................................ 231
Simone White and Rachel Forgasz
7 Reform Efforts in Teacher Education ................................................... 267
Clare Kosnik , Clive Beck , and A. Lin Goodwin
Part II Knowledge and Practice of Teacher Education
8 Pedagogy of Teacher Education............................................................. 311
Fred A. J. Korthagen
9 Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Teacher Education...................... 347
Amanda Berry , Fien Depaepe , and Jan van Driel
10 Pedagogical Reasoning in Teacher Education...................................... 387
John Loughran , Stephen Keast , and Rebecca Cooper 11 The Place of Subject Matter Knowledge in Teacher
Education................................................................................................. 423
Marissa Rollnick and Elizabeth Mavhunga
12 Professionalising Teacher Education: Evolution
of a Changing Knowledge and Policy Landscape ................................ 453
Diane Mayer and Jo-Anne Reid
13 Learning from Research on Beginning Teachers ................................. 487
Beatrice Avalos
14 Teacher Education as a Moral Endeavor.............................................. 523
Cees A. Klaassen , Richard D. Osguthorpe , and Matthew N. Sanger
Author Biographies......................................................................................... 559
Index................................................................................................................. 573 Volume 1 through Parts I and II of the Handbook of Teacher Education has illus
trated a progression from an exploration of the complexities of teaching and teacher
education to an examination of the knowledge and practice of teacher education. In
so doing, the focus has sharpened to create a strong and concentrated look at pos
sible understandings of teaching and teacher education. In this volume, Part III
opens up for consideration teacher educators, their many possible roles in the prepa
ration of teachers and their approaches to inquiry. The section continues to pursue
issues from an international perspective which is particularly important in challeng
ing notions that teacher educator identities are universal in nature. This section is
designed to engage the reader in a deep consideration of teaching and teacher edu
cation and support the uncovering of new ways to ponder and articulate such
understandings. Chapter 15
Personal Practical Knowledge of Teacher
Vicki Ross and Elaine Chan
Introductory Vignettes
Seated in the front row of a crowded auditorium, we, Elaine and Vicki, listen to Dr. Jean
Clandinin’s (2015) address as she receives a Legacy-Lifetime achievement award from
Division K of AERA. Jean recounts the early days of her academic career, sharing with us her
experience as a beginning doctoral student reading about research on teachers and teaching.
She tells us that she remembers feeling irate about how teachers were portrayed in the litera
ture. Teachers she encountered in the research literature were presented as not knowing very
much, and criticized for failing to fulfill their professional responsibilities of passing curricu
lum on to their students. This representation was at odds with her own experience working
with teachers in schools. These tensions, in turn, formed the seeds of her career-long inquiry
into the intersections of personal and professional experience in teaching.
For Vicki, a shift came as she read, in a ‘Foundations of Curriculum’ course, an article
in which Kathy Carter (1990) critiques the portrayal of teachers in the existing research.
Carter wrote of the kind and good, but hapless, teacher played off against the kind and
good, and researcher-approved, teacher in studies that dot the education research fi eld.
This article, for Vicki, awakened the sense of how teachers are storied by others in the fi eld
of education research. The teacher in her sees this as an insidious device, structuring much
of the reading she was doing in the fi eld of mathematics education reform at the time. This
kind of portrayal, she believes, dismisses the knowledge of teachers, and places researchers
in a position of judgment over those in the fi eld.
Elaine recalls feeling intimidated in doctoral classes as literature about the lives of
teachers – a life she had lived herself as a classroom teacher – was discussed. At the time,
Elaine did not feel adequately knowledgeable to contribute to discussions about the work
of teaching despite the body of knowledge she had acquired through her own experience

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