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Absfrucf-The use of forward and backward Raman amplification in
an N-channel WDM optical fiber communication system is analyzed.
Analytical expressions for the signals, the pumps, and the amplified
spontaneous scattered power (ASSP) are presented. The crosstalk
among the signal channels is analyzed in terms of system parameters.
We find that the crosstalk is negligible while low pump power is used
and becomes significant if high pump power is employed. The signal-
to-ASSP ratio can be improved by increasing pump power, However,
the improvement is little when pump power is already high. Finally, a
300-km repeater spacing with more than 20-dB signal-to-ASSP ratio is
ONLINEAR effects in fibers can be used for fiber
N measurements and several useful device functions.
Among these, stimulated Raman scattering can be used
for optical frequency generation, optical frequency con-
version, and signal amplification [ 11, [2]. There are many
research efforts devoted to the study of direct optical am-
plification by using stimulated Raman scattering. Several
experimental measurements have demonstrated the pos-
sibility of using fiber Raman amplifiers to extend repeater
spacing in optical fiber communication systems [3]-[8].
With its high amplification gain [9], the fiber Raman am-
plifier is of special interest in long haul fiber systems. On
the other hand, the fast response time of fiber Raman am-
plifiers [ 101 makes the elimination of costly optical-elec-
trical-optical conversion circuits in the repeaters of high
speed systems possible. In particular, simultaneous am-
plification of multiple channel signals by a single pump
can be achieved by the use of a Raman amplifier in wave-
length-division-multiplexed (WDM) optical fiber com-
munication systems [ 1 11.
Analytical expressions for the use of fiber Raman am-
plifiers in a single wavelength channel system had been
carried out in the fiber low-loss region [12]-[15]. Theo-
retical investigation of a two-channel WDM system using
Raman amplification is presented in [ 161 where two-chan-
ne1 Raman amplification is considered with the pump op-
erating in the nondepletion region. However, general
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