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Luận văn tiếng Anh:The effects of using internet-based materials in developing learner autonomy in learning English reading skill for students at My Hao High school, Hung Yen = Hiệu quả của việc sử dụng tư liệu trên Internet để phát huy tính tự chủ trong việc học kĩ năng đọc hiểu tiếng Anh của học sinh Trường THPT Mỹ Hào, tỉnh Hưng Yên.

M.A Thesis. English teaching methodology – University of Languages and International Studies. Vietnam National
1. Rationale
2. Aims of the study
3. Research questions
4. Methods of the study
5. Scope of the study
6. Organization of the Thesis
1.1 Reading
1.1.1 Definitions of reading
1.1.2 Extensive reading
1.2 Autonomy
1.2.1 Definition
1.2.2 Why develop learner autonomy ?
1.2.3 Characteristics of autonomous learners
1.2.4 The role of teachers in learner autonomy ?
1.3 Internet-based reading materials
1.3.1 Internet-based reading materials improve reading comprehension
1.3.2 Types of internet-based reading 1.3.3 Criteria for choosing Internet-based reading materials
1.3.4 Considerations in using Internet-based materials
1.4 Summary
2.1 Setting
2.2 The participants
2.3 Data collection instrumentation
2.3.1 Interview
2.3.2 Questionnaires Questionnaire 1 Questionnaire 2
3.1 Students‟ motivations, learning experiences and attitudes towards learning reading
before the experiment.
3.1.1 Interview
3.1.2 Questionnaire 1
3.2 Students‟ attitudes and ability after the experiment: Questionnaire 2
4.1 Major findings
4.2 Suggestions for the using of internet-based reading materials
1. Conclusions
2. Limitations and suggestions for further study
This part introduces the rationale, the aims, the research questions, the methods and the
scope of the study. It concludes with a presentation of the organization of the thesis.
1. Rationale for the study
In all of the educational contexts in Vietnam (including primary, secondary, and higher
education), no significant steps are being undertaken to promote autonomous language
learning within and beyond the classroom, and learning is mainly directed and evaluated by
the instructors. With the predominance of teacher-led English language instruction in
Vietnam, learners are seen as passive receivers of new information and are, therefore, unlikely
to develop the necessary skills to learn how to assess and control their own progress. In such
cases, learners do not sufficiently develop the skills to perform real-life communicative tasks
effectively. Consequently, although Vietnamese learners are more and more highly motivated
to learn English for socio-cultural and economic reasons, teacher feedback and classroom
observation at various institutions lead to the conclusion that their proficiency in English is
not at the desired level. In such a context, Vietnamese learners need to develop a critical
awareness of language learning and learning communication. These are the main
considerations of learner-centred language curricula which promote language learning
autonomy as proposed by Brindley (1990), Coleman (1988), the Council of Europe (2001),
Hutchinson and Waters (1988), Munby (1991), Nunan (1989), and Wilkins (1976). The
Common European Framework (CEF) (Council of Europe 2001) further elaborates upon the
concept of language learning autonomy, describing in a comprehensive way what language
learners have to learn to do in order to use a language for communication and what
knowledge and skills they have to develop to act effectively as autonomous learners.
Of the four language skills, reading seems to be the most important one because in the
learning process, it helps students develop other skills and provides knowledge on the target
language. Educational researchers have found that “there is a strong correlation between reading and academic success”. In other words, a student who is a good reader is more likely
to do well in school and pass exams than a student who is a weak reader.
Being aware of the importance of learning reading, authors of new English 11 have
chosen interesting topics for reading lessons with the aim to promote students in reading and
improve their reading comprehension. However, some of them are not familiar with students,
genres and contents of the readings in the textbooks only are not enough to enhance
students‟interest in reading and reading comprehension. From the researcher‟s teaching
experience, successful reading depends on many factors such as reading stratergies for
processing the text, background knowledge and linguistic competence. Thus, besides the
reading texts in the textbooks students need to read more outside the classroom to enrich their
vocabulary as well as their background knowledge. That means students must read
Through daily conversations with the teachers and students, the reseacher has found
that the main reasons why students are not interested in reading lessons are their lack of
background knowledge as well as vocabulary about the topics they are reading. Some topics
are unfamiliar, some others are boring so the students find it difficult to understand them.
Some students say that there are texts that they have read several times without understanding
anything. Moreover, time for reading lesson at high school is limited. There are 3 English
lessons every week. In five or six lessons, there is only one for reading, it means that there is
not much time for reading. In extra classes at school the teachers tend to pay more attention to
grammar exercises. The students have opportunities to practise vocabulary but in separated
sentences, not in reading texts. Because teaching reading is time consuming, the teachers
often neglect it. Large class size adds to the difficulties the students encounter in the reading
lessons. Another important reason is their lack of motivation. „Practice makes perfect‟, that is
the reason why teachers have to find ways to enhance students to read more so that they can
improve their reading ability.

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