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Luận văn tiếng Anh:Factors affecting second-year students’ reading comprehension in English for Tourism at State Commercial No5 School = Những yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến việc đọc hiểu tiếng anh chuyên ngành du lịch của học sinh năm thứ hai Trường trung cấp Thương Mại TW5
First of all I would like to express my sincere and deep gratitude to my
supervisor, Dr. Nguyễn Thị Minh Tâm for her wholehearted guidance, invaluable
advice, constructive criticism and encouragement in the completion of my research
I am grateful to all lecturers and the staff of the Faculty of Post-Graduate
Studies at University of Languages and International Studies-VNU for their useful
lectures and guidance during my study.
My sincere thanks also go to my colleagues and students at State
Commercial No5 School, who provided me with inspiration for the research topic
and helped me with the research data.
Last but not least, I would like to thank my family and dear friends for their
support and encouragement.
In learning English for General Purposes (EGP) in general and English for
Specific Purposes (ESP) in particular, reading plays an important role. In
comparison with writing, speaking and listening, reading will be used most often in
the students‟ future work, especially reading ESP. However, learning reading is
really the greatest challenge in learning a foreign language because learning reading
involves a number of cognitive processes and it is affected by a number of factors.
The aims of this study are to identify the factors affecting second-year
students' reading comprehension in English for Tourism at State Commercial No5
School (SCS) and suggest possible solutions to Giúp students study ESP reading
more effectively.
The study was undertaken with 50 second-year students of Tourism and three
ESP teachers at SCS. The data show that the major factors affecting second-year
students' reading comprehension in English for Tourism are reading skills,
language, cultural background knowledge and reading habits and motivation. Some
solutions are suggested to deal with these factors including increasing students‟
interest and motivation in reading, training students to become readers with efficient
reading skill, encouraging students to develop extensive reading habit and
motivation, giving homework and checking the previous lessons frequently,
improving teachers‟ professional knowledge, helping students to improve their
cultural knowledge and developing the reading materials.
It is hoped that the result of this study will Giúp students and teachers at SCS
learn and teach ESP reading in general, reading English for Tourism in particular
more effectively.
1. Rationale
Learning English now is not only an interest but also a practical thing for
many people. Learning English means learning four related skills: listening,
speaking, reading and writing. In teaching and learning English as a foreign
language in Vietnam, reading has always received a great deal of attention. This is
understandable because English is taught and learnt in non-English environment, so
reading is not only the important means to get knowledge but also means of further
From the early 1960‟s, English for Specific Purpose (ESP) has grown to
become one of the most prominent areas of English as a Foreign Language (EFL)
teaching today. Hutchinson and Waters (1987) defines ESP as an approach to
language teaching in which all decisions as to content and method are based on the
learner‟s reason for learning. In ESP, it is a need analysis that determines which
language skills are most needed by the students and the syllabus is designed
accordingly. During the last few decades, ESP has been developing vigorously for
the reasons that there has been an increase in vocational training and learning
throughout the world and the spread of globalisation has resulted in the increasing
use of English as the language of international communication, more and more
people are using English in a growing number of occupational contexts. In teaching
and learning English as a foreign language in Vietnam, ESP has recently received a
great deal of attention.
In the context of State Commercial No5 School (SCS), English is a
compulsory subject to the students. They have to learn ESP at the beginning of the
second year. With limited knowledge of vocabulary and English grammar, it is
difficult for students to study ESP, especially ESP reading. The students often
complain that they do not know how to read the text effectively. Despite the efforts
of the teachers, students‟ reading proficiency is still low. With some years of
experience in teaching ESP, the researcher recognizes that there are many factors
that effect the teaching and learning process such as inappropriate teaching methods
and classroom techniques, inappropriate attitudes of teachers and the students
towards the subject, inappropriate teaching materials.
With an attempt to improve the students‟ reading proficiency, this study is
aimed at finding out the factors that most affect second-year students for Tourism at
SCS and the cause of those factors as the first step to the pedagogical solutions. I
believe that these solutions would be based on the understanding of what the
students find most challenging to them while reading English texts and why they
find it challenging.
2. Aim of the study
The study is aimed at finding out the factors affecting second-year students'
reading comprehension in English for Tourism at SCS. Once these factors have
been identified, solutions to Giúp students study ESP reading more effectively will
be suggested.
3. Research questions
The research is carried out with an attempt to find out answers to the following
research questions:
1. What are the factors that affect second-year students' reading comprehension
in English for Tourism at SCS?
2. To what extent do those factors influence second-year students' reading
comprehension in English for Tourism at SCS?
4. Scope of the study
Because of the limited time, the study merely focuses on ESP reading factors
that effect students of tourism at SCS. Then some solutions are made to improve the
quality of teaching and learning ESP reading.
5. Method of the study
In order to achieve the aims mentioned above, the major method used in the
study is the qualitative. Two data collecting instruments are survey questionnaire
and interview. The survey questionnaire with 10 questions (See Appendix 1) was

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